Title Index Q-S
- Quaint Sermons of Samuel Rutherford: hitherto unpublished [Text], Samuel Rutherford, London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1885— 11/2/21, 5/10/23
- Quarles’ Emblems [Text], Francis Quarles, London: James Nisbet and Co., 1861— 12/28/17, 10/9/21
- Questing Spirit: Religion in the Literature of Our Time, The [Text], Halford E. Luccock & Frances Brentano, New York: Coward-McCann, 1947— 3/17/07, 4/2/08, 2/20/12, 2/21/12, 5/7/18, 5/10/18, 12/8/18, 4/6/19, 5/31/23
- Quiet Talks on Prayer [Text], Samuel Dickey Gordon, Fleming H. Revell Co., 1904— 8/16/23, 10/14/23, 1/10/24
- Quotable Billy Graham, The [Text], Billy Graham, Droke House, 1966— 4/10/20
- Quotations from Chairman Jesus [WCat], David Kirk, Springfield, Ill.: Templegate Publishers, 1969— 7/25/17, 9/30/17, 3/25/18, 7/17/18, 6/10/22, 7/22/22, 3/2/23
- Reaching Out [Text], Henri J. M. Nouwen, Zondervan, 1998— 9/14/23
- Readings in St. John’s Gospel (first and second series) [Text], William Temple, London: Macmillan, 1939, 1952— 1/25/16, 11/6/17, 5/13/21
- Readings in St. John’s Gospel, v. II [Text], William Temple, London: Macmillan, 1940— 11/6/19
- Real Christianity [Text], William Wilberforce & ed. James Houston, Colorado Springs, CO: David C. Cook, 2005— 7/30/23, 4/4/24, 9/22/24
- Reality and Religion: meditations on God, man, and nature [Text], Sadhu Sundar Singh, London: Macmillan, 1924— 3/3/21, 6/19/21
- Reality of Prayer, The [Text], E. M. Bounds, Racine: Treasres Media, Inc. 2007— 8/19/21
- Reason Enough [Text] [WCat], Clark H. Pinnock, Exeter: Paternoster, 1980— 1/27/16, 2/20/17, 7/8/17, 1/6/18, 5/6/19, 10/11/19, 8/27/22, 8/29/23, 12/18/25
- “Receiving One Another” [Text], Robert MacColl Adams— 5/19/19, 5/19/23
- Records of the General Conference of the Protestant Missionaries of China [Text], Shanghai: Presbyterian Mission Press, 1878— 6/24/20, 6/6/25
- Recovery of Belief, The [WCat], C. E. M. Joad, London: Faber and Faber, 1952— 3/13/16, 9/29/17, 1/5/22
- Recovery of Confidence, The [WCat], E. H. Robertson, London: S. C. M. Press, 1960— 6/30/16
- Red poppies in the wheat [Text], John Richard Moreland, New York: J. T. White & Co., 1921— 12/30/17
- Redemption, Accomplished and Applied [Text], John Murray, Grand Rapids: W. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 1955— 12/20/19
- Reflections on the Psalms [Text], C. S. Lewis, Edinburgh: James Thin, 1958; G. Bles, 1958— 7/21/18, 8/30/18, 3/15/20
- Reformed Pastor, The [1655] [Text], in The Practical Works of Richard Baxter, v. IV, Richard Baxter, G. Virtue, 1838— 11/29/22
- Rehabilitations and other essays [Text], C. S. Lewis, Oxford University Press, 1939— 12/29/05
- Religio Medici [1643] [Text], Sir Thomas Browne & W. Murison, ed., Cambridge University Press, 1922— 9/12/16, 7/12/17, 8/22/22
- “Religion and Coming of Age”, Daniel Jenkins, in The Honest to God Debate, David L. Edwards, ed., London, SCM Press, 1963— 11/16/04
- Religion and the Modern Mind [Text], W. T. Stace, Lippincott, 1952— 5/29/18
- “Religion and the National Church” [Text], Alec R. Vidler, in Soundings, Alec R. Vidler, ed., Cambridge University Press, 1966— 1/22/18
- Religions of Authority and the Religion of the Spirit, The [Text], Auguste Sabatier, London: Williams & Norgate, 1904— 10/30/17, 12/28/20
- “Religious Crisis of Western Civilisation, The”, Max Champion— 2/2/04
- Religious Prospect, The [Text] [WCat], V. A. Demant, London: F. Muller, 1941— 3/9/20
- “Renewal in the Church”, Thomas M. Steen, in Spiritual Renewal through Personal Groups, John L. Casteel, ed., NY: Association Press, 1957— 11/27/22
- Renewal of Man: a twentieth century essay on justification by faith, The [Text], Alexander Miller, New York: Doubleday, 1955— 4/11/18
- Renovation of the Heart, The [Text] [WCat], Dallas Willard, Colorado Springs, Colo.: Navpress, 2002— 5/8/20, 8/26/23, 5/8/24
- Reply to Faustus the Manichaean (Contra Faustum) [Text], St. Augustine of Hippo & tr., R. Stothert, in A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, v. IV, Philip Schaff, ed., Buffalo: Christian Literature Company, 1887— 10/18/23
- Republic of God, The [1897] [Text] [WCat], Elisha Mulford, Boston, New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1893— 6/3/19
- Resurrection of the Son of God, The [Text], N. T. Wright, Fortress Press, 2003— 5/17/25
- Reunion of the Church, The [Text] [WCat], Leslie Newbigin, London: SCM Press, 1960— 1/30/16
- Revelation of John, The, v. I [Text] [WCat], William Barclay, Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1961, reprint, Saint Andrew Press, 1965— 3/20/09, 12/16/20
- Revelation of John, The, v. II [Text], William Barclay, Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1961— 7/27/07, 11/24/07, 5/9/16, 7/12/18
- Revelation of the Risen Lord, The [Text], Brooke Foss Westcott, London: Macmillan, 1881— 4/30/20
- Revelations of Divine Love [Text], Juliana of Norwich & Grace Harriet Warrack, ed., Methuen, 1901— 5/8/16, 3/27/17, 5/8/17, 5/8/18, 5/8/19, 5/8/21, 5/8/22, 5/8/23, 5/23/25
- Revelations of Mechthild of Magdeburg, The [Text], Mechthild of Magdeburg, Longmans, Green, 1953— 11/19/18
- “Righteousness” [Text], in Unspoken Sermons, Third Series, George MacDonald, London: Longmans, Green, 1889— 8/6/21, 9/18/21, 3/12/24
- Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth [1930] [Text], C. I. Scofield— 7/19/18
- Ring of Truth [WCat], J. B. Phillips, London: Hodder & Stoughton; New York: The Macmillan Company, 1967— 2/8/16, 8/23/16, 11/19/17, 9/20/20, 9/24/22
- Risen Indeed [Text], Stephen T. Davis, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 1993— 4/20/25
- Robert Browning [Text], Gilbert Keith Chesterton, Macmillan, 1908— 6/13/18
- Robert Falconer, v. III [Text], George MacDonald, London: Hurst and Blackett, 1868— 4/7/21
- Rod, the Root, and the Flower, The [1895] [Text], Coventry Patmore, London: G. Bell and Sons, 1907— 11/17/16, 2/26/17, 11/17/19, 5/6/22, 9/30/23
- Roger Williams: his contribution to the American tradition [Text], Perry Miller, Atheneum, 1970— 7/26/20
- Romans: God’s Good News for the World [WCat], John R. W. Stott, Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1994— 1/12/18
- Room Called Remember: Uncollected Pieces, A [Text], Frederick Buechner, HarperCollins, 2009— 8/23/24
- Root of the Righteous, The [Text], A. W. Tozer, Christian Publications, 1955— 2/26/16, 5/12/23, 12/8/23, 3/7/24
- Rose from Brier [1933] [WCat], Amy Carmichael, London: SPCK, 1950— 1/18/20, 4/19/20, 1/18/21, 1/18/22, 9/24/23
- Royal Truths [Text], Henry Ward Beecher, Edinburgh: Alexander Strahan and Co., 1862— 1/19/23
- Royal “Waste” of Time, A: The Splendor of Worshiping God and Being Church For The World [Text], Marva J. Dawn, Eerdmans Publishing, 1999— 2/15/25
- Ruined Tower, The [Text] [WCat], Raymond Chapman, London: G. Bles, 1961— 11/8/17, 10/20/19, 9/2/21
- Rule of Conscience, The, bk. 2 [Text], in The Whole Works of the Right Rev. Jeremy Taylor, D.D., v. XII, Jeremy Taylor, London: Ogle, Duncan & Co., 1822— 12/1/22
- Rule of St Basil in Latin and English: A Revised Critical Edition, The [Text], St. Basil the Great & Anna Silvas, tr., Liturgical Press, 2013— 1/2/25
- Ryrie Study Bible [WCat], Charles C. Ryrie, Moody Publishers, 1986— 1/25/24
- Sacrament of the Present Moment, The [Text], Jean-Pierre de Caussade, Harper & Row, 1982— 2/10/18
- Sacred Journey, The [Text], Fredrick Buechner, San Fransisco: Harper & Row, 1982— 9/1/19
- Sádhu Sundar Singh, Called of God [Text], Rebecca Jane Parker, New York: Fleming H. Revell Co. 1920— 6/19/19
- Saint Basil the Great [Text], Richard T. Smith, London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1879— 1/2/18, 1/2/20, 1/2/24
- Saint Basil, the Letters [Text], St. Basil the Great & tr. Roy Joseph Deferrari, Martin Rawson, Patrick McGuire, London: William Heinemann, 1950— 1/2/16, 1/2/17, 1/2/19
- Saint Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux, Selections from His Letters, Meditations, Sermons, Hymns and Other Writngs [Text], Bernard of Clairvaux & tr. Horatio Grimley, CUP Archive, n.d.— 1/31/17, 8/20/20, 11/7/20
- Saint Catherine of Siena as seen in her letters [Text], Catherine of Siena, J. M. Dent, 1906— 4/29/20, 4/3/21
- Saint Francis of Assisi: a biography [Text], Johannes Jørgensen, London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1912— 10/4/19
- Saint Indeed, A [1667] [Text], in The Whole Works of the Reverend Mr. John Flavel, v. V, John Flavel, London: J. Mathews, 1799— 8/3/21
- Saint John the Baptist, and the Desert Tradition [Text], Jean Steinmann, New York: Harper, 1958— 4/17/16, 3/6/17
- St. Paul, the Man and His Work [Text], Heinrich Weinel, New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1906— 11/16/16, 1/27/25
- Saint’s Everlasting Rest, The [Text], in The Practical Works of Richard Baxter, v. XXII, Richard Baxter & ed. William Orme, London: J. Duncan, 1830— 6/14/16, 3/22/22
- Salvation of the Nations, The [WCat], Jean Daniélou, London: Sheed & Ward, 1949— 4/13/18
- Santa Teresa, an Appreciation: with some of the best passages of the saint’s writings [Text], Teresa of Avila & Alexander Whyte, ed., London: Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier, 1897— 10/15/16, 10/15/23
- Sartor Resartus [Text], Thomas Carlyle, 2nd ed., Philadelphia: Munroe & Co., 1837— 4/7/20
- Saved and Kept: Counsels to Young Believers [Text], Frederick Brotherton Meyer, New York: Fleming H. Revell, 1897— 10/9/24
- Saviour of the World, The [1914] [Text], Benjamin B. Warfield, Cherry Hill, N.J.: Mack Publishing, 1972— 5/15/24
- Scale of Perfection, The [early 15th century] [Text], Walter Hilton & ed. Serenus Cressy— 6/5/19, 7/16/21, 11/12/23
- Scandal of Christianity, The [Text], Emil Brunner, London: SCM Press, 1951, reprint, John Knox Press, 1965— 4/24/16, 10/26/16, 6/24/21, 11/15/22, 2/25/25
- Scepsis Scientifica: or, Confest ignorance, the way to science [Text], Joseph Glanvill, London: Kegan Paul, Trench & Co., 1885— 9/12/17
- School of Charity, The [Text] [WCat], Evelyn Underhill, New York: Longmans, Green, 1934, reprinted, Morehouse Publishing, 1991— 1/3/16, 6/15/16, 6/15/17, 10/2/18, 6/15/19, 5/4/22, 6/15/23, 10/20/23
- Science and the Modern World [Text], Alfred North Whitehead, Macmillan Company, 1925— 3/19/18
- Screwtape Letters, The [Text], C. S. Lewis, Macmillan, 1944— 2/26/10, 10/12/17, 6/11/19, 5/21/21, 4/5/22, 9/17/24
- Scribner’s Monthly, v. II [Text], J. G. Holland, New York: Scribner & Co., 1871— 4/19/16
- Seaboard Parish, The [1868] [Text], George Macdonald, London: Strahan, 1873— 11/2/16
- Search for Solitude: pursuing the monk’s true life, A, Vol. III of Journals of Thomas Merton [Text], Thomas Merton, HarperSanFrancisco, 1996— 2/11/17
- Secret of Guidance, The [Text], Frederick Brotherton Meyer, New York: Fleming H. Revell Co., 1896— 8/5/21, 9/10/25
- Secrets in the Dark: A Life in Sermons [Text], Fredrick Buechner, Zondervan, 2007— 3/3/25, 12/9/25
- Secular City: secularization and urbanization in theological perspective, The [WCat], Harvey Cox, New York: MacMillan Company, 1965— 8/14/19
- Secularization of Christianity, The [Text], E. L. Mascall, London: Darton, Longman & Todd, 1966— 10/25/16, 4/27/17, 7/7/17, 7/9/17, 7/10/17, 9/1/20, 9/15/23, 12/21/24, 4/30/25
- Seeds of Contemplation [Text], Thomas Merton, London: Hollis & Carter, 1949, New Directions. 1949— 2/20/20, 12/10/21, 4/24/24, 12/10/24
- Select Biographies, v. II [Text], W. K. Tweedie, ed., Ediburgh: The Wodrow Society, 1847— 11/9/04
- Select English Works of John Wyclif, v. 1 [Text], John Wycliffe, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1869— 12/31/20, 12/31/21
- Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, A, v. IV [Text], Philip Schaff, ed., Buffalo: Christian Literature Company, 1887— 10/18/23
- Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, A, v. VI [Text], Philip Schaff, ed., New York: Christian Literature Company, 1888— 8/28/16, 2/10/23
- Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, A, v. IX [Text], St. John Chrysostom, New York: Christian Literature Company, 1889— 9/13/23, 9/13/24
- Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, A, v. XII [Text], St. John Chrysostom & ed. Philip Schaff, New York: Christian Literature Company, 1889— 9/13/22, 9/13/25
- Select Library of Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, A, second series, v. III [Text], Philip Schaff & Henry Wace, ed., New York: Christian Literature Company, 1892— 7/12/21
- Select Library of Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, A, second series, v. V [Text], Philip Schaff, ed., New York: Christian Literature Company, 1893— 7/24/21
- Select Library of Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, A, second series, v. VII [Text], Philip Schaff & Henry Wace, ed., Christian literature Company, 1894— 11/4/24
- Select Library of Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, A, second series, v. VIII [Text], Philip Schaff & Henry Wace, ed., New York: Christian Literature Company, 1895— 3/16/22, 5/11/23
- Select Library of Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, A, second series, v. IX [Text], Philip Schaff & Henry Wace, ed., New York: Christian Literature Company, 1902— 1/13/17, 1/14/17, 1/13/21, 1/13/22
- Select Library of Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, A, second series, v. X [Text], Philip Schaff & Henry Wace, ed., New York: Christian Literature Company, 1896— 12/7/16, 8/23/21, 12/7/22
- Selected Letters, 1896-1924 [Text], Friedrich von Hügel, J.M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1928— 11/10/18
- Selected Poems of Robert Nathan [Text], Robert Nathan, A. A. Knopf, 1935— 4/12/16
- Selected Shorter Writings of Benjamin B. Warfield, v. 1 [Text], Benjamin B. Warfield, Presbyterian and Reformed Pub. Co., 1970— 9/23/25
- Selection from the Spiritual Letters of St. Francis de Sales, A [1622] [Text], François de Sales, New York: E. P. Dutton, 1876— 6/21/05, 1/24/16, 3/15/16, 10/8/24
- Selections from Fénelon [Text], François Fénelon & ed. Mary Wilder Tileston, Boston: Roberts Bros., 1879— 9/30/07, 7/22/16, 10/27/16, 3/15/17, 4/3/17, 7/16/20, 11/29/20, 6/9/21, 6/3/22, 1/21/23, 8/17/25
- Selections from the Writings of Fenelon [Text], François Fénelon, Boston: Hilliard, Gray, Little, and Wilkins, 1829— 11/7/21
- Selections from the Writings of George MacDonald [Text], George MacDonald, F.L. Dusenberry, 1889— 11/7/24
- Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life, A [1728] [Text], William Law, London: Methuen, 1899— 2/9/04, 11/24/04, 12/17/04, 3/25/05, 5/25/05, 6/5/05, 2/17/06, 2/2/07, 7/24/10, 6/10/14, 8/22/16, 10/1/16, 8/1/17, 8/2/17, 10/3/17, 8/29/18, 10/8/18, 12/27/19, 3/11/20, 8/18/20, 9/29/20, 2/1/21, 4/10/21, 5/29/21, 7/15/21, 9/28/21, 12/6/21, 11/28/22, 2/16/23, 7/19/23, 9/10/23, 11/4/23, 1/3/24, 4/10/24, 5/29/24, 7/22/24, 10/11/24, 11/20/24, 12/30/24, 2/20/25, 7/23/25, 10/21/25, 12/27/25
- “Sermon on Good Friday” [Text], in Ninety-six Sermons, v. II, Lancelot Andrewes, Oxford: John Henry Parker, 1841— 9/25/16
- Sermon on the Mount, originally, Christian Counter-Culture [1978] [Text], John R. W. Stott, InterVarsity Press, 2000— 4/15/23, 7/27/25
- Sermon on the Mount, The [1910] [Text], Charles Gore, London: John Murray, 1905— 1/17/17, 4/1/20, 1/17/22, 1/17/23, 1/17/25
- “Sermon on the Work of the Holy Spirit, preached on Sunday, July 3, 1859”, Appendix [Text], in The Evidences of the Work of the Holy Spirit, George Salmon, Dublin: Hodges, Smith, 1859— 5/28/25
- Sermons, v. III [Text], St. Augustine of Hippo, Brooklyn, New York: New City Press, 1991— 11/20/16
- Sermons [Text], Phillips Brooks, New York: E. P. Dutton, 1878— 3/12/04, 4/18/06, 5/28/06, 5/4/16, 5/4/18, 1/23/21
- Sermons, v. III [Text], Phillips Brooks, New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., 1883— 6/27/22
- Sermons, v. I [Text], Frederick W. Robertson, Leipzig: Tauchnitz, 1861— 2/1/04, 11/16/20
- Sermons, v. II [Text], Frederick W. Robertson, Leipzig: Tauchnitz, 1861— 2/14/04, 5/13/19
- Sermons, v. IV [Text], Frederick W. Robertson, Leipzig: Tauchnitz, 1866— 3/21/22, 4/29/25
- Sermons, Bearing on Subjects of the Day [Text], John Henry Cardinal Newman, London: J. G. F. & J. Rivington, 1844— 8/11/22, 10/10/22
- Sermons during the season from Advent to Whitsuntide [Text], Edward B. Pusey, Oxford: John Henry Parker, 1848— 9/16/17, 12/22/23, 10/23/25
- Sermons for the Christian Year, v. XI [Text], John Keble, Oxford: James Parker, 1880— 7/14/17
- Sermons of Henry Ward Beecher in Plymouth Church, Brooklyn, The, second series [Text], Henry Ward Beecher, New York: J. B. Ford, 1873— 2/17/19
- Sermons of Henry Ward Beecher in Plymouth Church, Brooklyn, The, eighth series [Text], Henry Ward Beecher, New York: J. B. Ford, 1873— 2/19/20
- Sermons of the Rev. C. H. Spurgeon of London, third series [Text], Charles Haddon Spurgeon, New York: Sheldon, Blakeman and Co., 1857— 3/5/24
- Sermons of the Rev. C. H. Spurgeon of London, seventh series [Text], Charles Haddon Spurgeon, New York: Sheldon and Co., 1864— 8/10/23
- Sermons on Faith and Doctrine [Text], Benjamin Jowett, London: John Murray, 1901— 5/29/06, 9/23/16
- Sermons on Selected Lessons of the New Testament, v. I [Text], St. Augustine of Hippo, Oxford: John Henry Parker, 1844— 8/28/22, 5/4/25
- Sermons on Several Occasions, v. II [Text], John Wesley, New York: Carlton & Phillips, 1855— 5/24/19, 5/24/20
- Sermons on the Liturgical Seasons [Text], St. Augustine of Hippo & Sr. Mary Sarah Muldowney, tr., CUA Press, 2008— 12/24/24
- Sermons preached in Manchester: Second series [Text], Alexander Maclaren, New York: Funk and Wagnalls, 1902— 1/22/25
- Sermons Preached at Trinity Chapel, Brighton, v. I [Text], Frederick W. Robertson, Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1857— 11/14/22, 8/6/23
- Sermons Preached at Trinity Chapel, Brighton, v. II [Text], Frederick W. Robertson, Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1859— 11/29/24
- Sermons Preached at Trinity Chapel, Brighton, v. III [Text], Frederick W. Robertson, Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1859— 10/12/21, 2/19/23, 4/22/23, 2/28/24
- Sermons Preached in Westminster Abbey [Text], Richard Chenevix Trench, New York: W. J. Widdleton, 1860— 6/29/16
- Sermons Preached on Various Occasions [Text], John Henry Cardinal Newman, London, Longmans, Green, 1898— 5/4/24
- Sermons to the Spiritual Man [Text], W. G. T. Shedd, New York: C. Scribner’s Sons, 1884— 3/2/21, 10/2/21
- Set Forth Your Case [WCat], Clark H. Pinnock, Chicago: Moody Press, 1971— 3/26/19, 6/29/19
- Seventh Seal, The [Text], Ingmar Bergman, Lorrimer, 1984— 7/28/16
- “Several Practical Cases of Conscience Resolved” [1721] [Text], in Works of John Owen, v. IX, John Owen, New York: R. Carter, 1851— 12/15/04
- Shadow of the Almighty: the life & testament of Jim Elliot [Text], Elisabeth Elliot, Harper, 1958— 1/8/17, 2/25/20, 1/8/25
- Sheba’s Buried City, originally titled, Qataban and Sheba: exploring the ancient kingdoms on the Biblical spice routes of Arabia [Text] [WCat], Wendell Phillips, London: Pan Books, 1958— 11/6/03
- Shepherd, The [Text], Frederick Forsyth, Viking Press, 1976— 9/9/20
- “Short Studies Upon Great Themes” [Text], A. J. F. Behrends, printed in Christian work: illustrated family newspaper, v.64— 5/20/20
- Shorter Life of D. L. Moody, The, v. 1 [Text], Paul Dwight Moody & Arthur Percy Fit, Chicago: The Bible Institute Colportage Association, 1900— 5/29/20
- Shout for Joy [WCat], David Head, New York: MacMillan Co., 1962— 4/28/17, 10/27/18, 9/1/23, 11/17/25
- Simone Weil: Utopian Pessimist [Text], David McLellan, Macmillan, 1989— 12/24/21
- Sir Gibbie, v. I [1879] [Text], George Macdonald, Leipzig: Bernhard Tauchnitz, 1880— 11/8/23
- Sir Thomas More: a selection from his works [Text], Sir Thomas More & ed. William Joseph Walter, Baltimore: F. Lucas, 1841— 7/6/19
- Sir William M. Ramsay: Archaeologist and New Testament Scholar [Text] [WCat], W. Ward Gasque, Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1966— 10/28/24
- Six makers of English Religion, 1500-1700 [1957] [Text], Gordon Rupp, Ayer Publishing, 1974— 9/1/16
- Sketch of the Life and Times of the Rev. Sydney Smith, A [Text], Stuart Johnson Reid, London: Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington, 1884— 6/5/11
- Smoke on the Mountain: an interpretation of the Ten Commandments [Text], Joy Davidman, London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1955, reprint, Westminster John Knox Press, 1985— 8/7/16, 10/6/16, 11/21/16, 5/28/17, 12/12/17, 9/22/18, 12/2/21, 3/9/22, 7/25/22, 2/6/24, 4/16/24, 5/28/24, 8/12/24
- Social Aspects of Christianity [Text], Brooke Foss Westcott, Macmillan, 1887— 4/25/25
- Social Conscience of the Evangelical, The [Text], Sherwood Eliot Wirt, New York: Harper & Row, 1968— 9/26/17, 7/2/18, 12/19/18, 9/26/25
- Social Principles of Jesus, The [Text], Walter Rauschenbusch, New York: Association Press, 1916— 2/23/05, 2/15/19
- Social Sources of Denominationalism, The [Text], H. Richard Niebuhr, Hamden, Conn.: Holt, 1929, reprint, Meridian Books, 1960— 9/10/16
- Social Teaching of the Christian Churches, The [Text], Ernst Troeltsch, New York: Harper, 1960— 2/24/16
- Social Worship: an everlasting necessity [Text], John Clifford, London: James Clarke & Co., 1899— 6/6/16
- “Sola Scriptura: Crucial To Evangelicalism”, R. C. Sproul, in Foundation of Biblical Authority, ed. James Montgomery Boice, Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1978— 8/10/18
- Someone Who Beckons: readings and prayers for 60 days [Text], Timothy Dudley-Smith, InterVarsity Press, 1978— 5/7/20
- Something Beautiful for God: Mother Teresa of Calcutta [Text], Malcolm Muggeridge, London: Collins, 1971— 11/15/16, 11/28/17, 9/1/18
- Songs of Praise, enl. ed. [WCat], Ralph Vaughan Williams, et al., ed., Oxford University Press, 1931— 3/26/05, 12/24/16, 4/12/20, 11/12/21, 12/22/22
- Soul of Prayer, The [1916] [Text], P. T. Forsyth, Regent College Publishing, 2002— 9/12/22, 3/9/23, 7/8/23, 10/25/24
- Soul Survivor [WCat], Philip Yancey, New York: Doubleday, 2001— 10/21/23, 12/6/23, 3/28/24, 2/11/25
- Soundings [Text], Alec R. Vidler, ed., Cambridge University Press, 1966— 1/22/18
- Sovereign Grace [Text], Dwight Lyman Moody, Chicago, Ill.: Bible Institute Colportage Association, 1891, reprint, Echo Library, 2010— 7/12/23
- Sovereignty of God, The [1918] [Text], A. W. Pink, CCEL, 1972— 4/21/24, 10/1/24
- Speaker: a quarterly magazine, The v. IV, n. 13-16 [Text], Pearson Brothers, 1910— 11/23/17
- Speculum Sacerdotum or the Divine Model of the Priestly Life [Text], W. C. E. Newbolt, London: Longmans, Green, 1894— 3/17/21, 11/19/21
- Spenser of his Age: being selected poetry from the works of Phineas Fletcher [Text], Phineas Fletcher, J. R. Totin, 1905— 10/25/21
- “Spirit Making New, The”, Harold R. Fray, Jr., in Spiritual Renewal through Personal Groups, John L. Casteel, ed., NY: Association Press, 1957— 6/2/17
- Spirit of Christmas, The [Text], Henry Van Dyke, New York: C. Scribner’s Sons, 1905— 12/26/23
- Spirit of Love, The [1752-4] [Text], in Works of Rev. William Law, v. VIII, William Law, London: G. Moreton, 1893— 1/4/05, 6/5/06, 7/2/07, 11/14/07, 7/11/16, 1/11/17, 4/10/17, 6/1/19, 5/31/20, 12/23/20, 4/10/23
- Spirit of Prayer, The [1749] [Text] [WCat], William Law, London: E. Justins for Ogles, Duncan, and Cochran, 1816— 4/14/04, 4/15/04, 4/16/04, 4/17/04, 4/18/04, 2/24/05, 8/4/05, 5/30/16, 11/13/16, 3/1/17, 2/24/19, 2/25/19, 10/19/22, 4/10/25
- Spirit of S. Francis de Sales, The [Text], François de Sales & Jean Pierre Camus, London: Rivingtons, 1880— 12/11/18
- Spiritual Canticle, The [Text], St. John of the Cross— 3/3/20, 3/4/20, 12/14/24
- Spiritual Conferences [Text], Frederick William Faber, London: Thomas Richardson & Son, 1860— 12/17/17, 9/17/21, 6/21/22
- Spiritual Direction: Wisdom for the Long Walk of Faith [Text], Henri J. M. Nouwen, Forward Movement, 1981— 3/1/23
- Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, The [Text], St. Ignatius of Loyola, New York: P. J. Kennedy & Sons, 1914— 7/31/21, 7/31/22, 7/31/25
- Spiritual Letters of Archbishop Fénelon. Letters to men [Text], François Fénelon, London: Rivingtons, 1877— 4/2/16, 9/15/21, 10/6/22, 3/21/23, 10/2/24
- Spiritual Letters of Edward Bouverie Pusey [Text], Edward B. Pusey, London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1898— 9/16/22
- Spiritual Life, The [Text], Evelyn Underhill, London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1937, reprinted, Morehouse Publishing, 1985— 12/2/11, 12/8/14, 2/2/22, 1/29/23, 3/30/23, 12/11/23
- Spiritual Maxims [WCat], François de Sales, Longmans, Green, 1954— 1/24/20, 1/24/25
- Spiritual Progress: or, Instructions in the Divine Life of the Soul [Text], François Fénelon, New York: M. W. Dodd, 1853— 3/9/24, 11/12/24, 6/26/25
- Spiritual Renewal through Personal Groups [Text], John L. Casteel, ed., NY: Association Press, 1957— 3/19/05, 6/2/17, 12/3/19, 11/2/20, 11/20/20, 5/28/21, 11/27/22, 2/3/23, 3/23/23, 9/6/23, 1/31/24, 1/12/25
- Spontaneous Expansion of the Church and the Causes Which Hinder It, The [Text], Roland Allen, London: World Dominion Press, 1949, reprint, Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock Publishers, 1997— 1/29/20, 6/8/20, 6/9/20, 10/26/20, 6/8/21
- Springs in the Valley [Text], ed. Mrs. Charles E. Cowman, Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1997— 2/17/20
- Spurgeon’s Sermons Volume 1: 1855 [Text], Charles Haddon Spurgeon, CCEL— 10/31/22, 9/19/23
- Spurgeon’s Sermons Volume 9: 1863 [Text], CCEL— 7/26/24
- Steadfast Faith [WCat], Todd H. Wetzel, Dallas, Texas: Latimer Press, 1997— 5/29/16, 9/3/17
- Still Shine the Stars [Text] [WCat], Bernard Iddings Bell, New York, London: Harper & Brothers, 1941— 7/13/17, 7/5/18, 7/4/19
- Stir, Change, Create [Text], Kenneth L. Pike— 11/18/20
- Story of the “Imitatio Christi”, The [Text], Leonard Abercrombie Wheatley, London: Elliot Stock, 1891— 7/24/20, 9/3/20
- Streams of Living Water: celebrating the great traditions of the Christian faith [Text], Richard J. Foster, Harper San Francisco, 1998— 1/31/21, 11/27/25
- Struggle of Prayer, The [Text], Donald G. Bloesch, Harper & Row, 1980— 8/15/21, 7/15/22, 10/20/22, 3/10/23, 7/9/23, 7/17/25, 10/9/25
- Studies in the Scriptures, volume 5 [Text], A. W. Pink— 9/6/21
- Studies in the Scriptures, volume 9 [Text], A. W. Pink— 12/29/19
- Studies in the Spirit and Truth of Christianity [Text], William Temple, Macmillan and Co.,Limited, 1914— 11/6/18
- Suburban Captivity of the Churches, The [Text], Gibson Winter, Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1961— 1/16/21
- Subversion of Christianity, The [Text], Jacques Ellul, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 1986— 12/12/20, 6/20/21, 10/26/21
- Summa Contra Gentiles [1264] [Text], Thomas Aquinas, Burns, Oates & Washbourne, Ltd., 1923— 1/28/21, 1/28/23
- Summa Theologica [1274] [Text], Thomas Aquinas & Benziger Bros. edition, 1947— 1/28/18, 1/28/25
- Summer in the Soul, or Views and Experiences [Text], Henry Ward Beecher, Edinburgh: A. Strahan & Co., 1859— 6/4/21, 8/27/21
- Sunrise, Sunset: Prayers and Meditations for Every Day of the Year [WCat], Rowland Croucher, San Francisco: Harper, 1997— 9/27/24
- Supper of the Lamb: a culinary reflection, The [Text] [WCat], Robert Farrar Capon, New York: Doubleday, 1969— 8/12/20, 3/1/24
- Sweet Singers of Wales [Text], Howell Elvet Lewis, London: Religious Tract Society, 1889— 2/22/23, 4/19/25, 9/12/25
- Systematic Theology [Text], Charles Hodge, Londom, Edinurgh: Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1872— 6/21/21
- Systematic Theology, v. I [WCat], Rousas J. Rushdoony, Ross House Books, 2003— 6/15/25

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Notes on the bio and book links:
- “CCEL bio” is the Christian Classics Ethereal Library, operated by Calvin College.
- “Cath bio” is the Catholic Encyclopedia, maintained at the New Advent site.
- “Wiki bio” is, of course, the Wikipedia. Some of the material in Wikipedia, particularly concerning controversial subjects, is not necessarily reliable. So, use with caution.
- “JEK bio” is James Kiefer's Christian Biographies site.
- “CEn bio” is Columbia Encyclopedia, part of the vast Bartleby site (extensively commercialized).
- Other bio's are taken from what I judge to be high-quality sites likely to remain URL-stationary. One in particular that deserves mention is the Luminarium, a literary site with tremendous resources, and I have used it wherever possible.
- “Text” is a link to the full (or partial) text online.
- “WCat” is a link to the WorldCat site.