Author Index C-F
- Caird, G. B. (George Bradford) (1917-1984) [Wiki bio]
- The Truth of the Gospel, London: Oxford University Press, 1950— 2/13/20
- Calvin, John (1509-1564) (observance: May 27) [CCEL bio] [Cath bio] [Wiki bio] [JEK bio] [CHI bio] [1911 bio] [Bart bio] [bio] [bio]
- in a letter, Calvin: his life, his labours, and his writings, Laurence Louis Felix Bungener, Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1863— 10/19/17
- Commentaries on the Catholic Epistles [1551], with tr. J. Owen, Edinburgh: Calvin Translation Society, 1855— 10/3/20, 12/12/24
- Commentaries on the Epistles of Paul the Apostle to the Philippians, Colossians, and Thessalonians, Edinburgh: Calvin Translation Society, 1851— 1/25/25
- Commentary on the Book of Psalms, v. IV, Ediburgh: Calvin Translation Society, 1847— 11/8/21
- Commentary on the Epistles of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians, v. I, W. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 1948— 7/16/16
- [1539] The Epistles of Paul the Apostle to the Romans and to the Thessalonians, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 1995— 5/27/25
- The Institutes of the Christian Religion, v. I [1559], with tr. John Allen, Presbyterian Board of Publication and Sabbath-School Work, 1921— 2/17/05, 2/2/16, 3/16/16, 9/4/16, 11/25/16, 8/14/17, 12/4/17, 4/3/19, 5/27/19, 7/10/19, 7/17/20, 11/26/20, 1/5/21, 4/14/21, 5/27/21, 7/22/21, 12/29/21, 3/6/22, 4/18/22, 5/27/22, 8/18/22, 11/25/22, 1/4/23, 2/13/23, 5/27/23, 8/1/23, 8/12/23, 11/10/23, 2/2/24, 5/27/24, 8/21/24, 3/16/25, 7/21/25, 9/5/25, 10/25/25
- The Institutes of the Christian Religion, v. II, with tr. John Allen, Presbyterian Board of Publication and Sabbath-School Work, 1921— 11/12/05, 3/5/07, 5/27/16, 10/16/16, 2/3/17, 3/28/17, 3/29/17, 5/27/17, 2/13/18, 5/27/18, 2/18/19, 12/5/19, 5/27/20, 7/6/22, 10/7/22, 9/21/23
- The Letter to the Romans, Emil Brunner, Philadelphia: Westminister Press, 1959— 10/24/19
- in a letter to Philip Melanchthon, March 5, 1555, Letters of John Calvin, v. III, with Jules Bonnet, ed., New York: B. Franklin, 1972— 9/14/19
- Campbell, Reginald John (1867-1956) [Wiki bio]
- The Call of Christ, London: Skeffington & Son, n.d. (before 1932)— 4/13/12, 9/23/20, 6/12/24
- City Temple Sermons, New York: F. H. Revell company, 1903— 1/10/22, 3/7/22
- Capon, Robert Farrar (1925-2013) [Wiki bio] [bio]
- The Door Interviews, Mike Yaconelli, Zondervan, 1989— 4/11/24
- The Foolishness of Preaching, Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 1997— 1/9/25, 3/2/25, 4/18/25
- The Supper of the Lamb, New York: Doubleday, 1969— 8/12/20, 3/1/24
- Carey, George (Leonard) (b. 1935) [Wiki bio] [bio]
- “Christian Beginning”, in The Lord Christ [1980], John Stott, ed., vol. 1 of Obeying Christ in a Changing World, John Stott, gen. ed., 3 vol., London: Fountain, 1977— 3/16/18
- Carlyle, Thomas (1795-1881) [Wiki bio] [1911 bio] [Bart bio] [bio] [bio]— 2/14/18
- On Heroes, Hero-worship and the Heroic in History, New York: Wiley, 1859— 10/31/21
- Past and Present, London: Chapman and Hall, 1843— 1/10/16
- Sartor Resartus, 2nd ed., Philadelphia: Munroe & Co., 1837— 4/7/20
- Carmichael, Amy (1867-1951) (observance: January 18) [Wiki bio] [bio]— 7/15/10, 1/18/17
- Edges of His Ways [1955], London: SPCK, 1957— 2/28/17, 4/19/17, 8/26/17, 1/18/18, 10/24/22, 6/12/23
- written in India, 1912, Gold Cord: the story of a fellowship, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1952— 1/18/16
- If [1938], London: SPCK, 1961— 9/9/18, 10/25/18, 12/9/18, 1/18/19, 3/20/19, 5/1/19, 7/21/19, 2/28/20, 9/7/20, 1/18/23, 1/18/24, 1/18/25, 7/11/25
- Rose from Brier [1933], London: SPCK, 1950— 1/18/20, 4/19/20, 1/18/21, 1/18/22
- Thou Givest...They Gather: Truths Gleaned from the Word of God, CLC Publications, 2010— 11/21/25
- Carnell, Edward John (1919-1967) [Wiki bio]
- The Case for Orthodox Theology, Philadelphia: Westminister, 1959— 3/5/17, 10/10/17, 7/13/24
- Carrel, Alexis (1873-1944) [Wiki bio] [bio]
- “Prayer is Power”, from The Reader’s Digest, March, 1941, included in The Questing Spirit, Halford E. Luccock & Frances Brentano, New York: Coward-McCann, 1947— 3/17/07, 2/20/12, 2/21/12
- Carson, D. A. (Donald Arthur) (b. 1946) [Wiki bio] [bio] [bio]
- The Cross and Christian Ministry: An Exposition of Passages from 1 Corinthians, Baker Book, 2004— 11/11/25
- For the Love of God: A Daily Companion for Discovering the Riches of God’s Word, v. II [1999], reprint, Good News Publishers, 2006— 5/7/21
- The Gagging of God: Christianity Confronts Pluralism [1996], Zondervan, 2002— 12/27/21
- Carver, William Owen (1868-1954) [bio] [bio]
- The Course of Christian Missions, New York, Chicago: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1932— 5/13/20
- Cary, (Arthur) Joyce (Lunel) (1888-1957) [Wiki bio] [bio]
- Except the Lord, London: Michael Joseph, 1953, reprint, New Directions Publishing, 1985— 2/14/16
- Cassell, Paulus (Stephanus) (1821-1892) [Wiki bio] [bio]
- from The Book of Judges, tr. P. H. Steenstra, in A Commentary on the Holy Scriptures, vol. IV, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, John Peter Lange, New York: C. Scribner & Co., 1871— 1/14/20
- Cassels, Louis (1922-1974) [bio]
- Christian Primer, Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1964— 8/12/17, 11/24/24
- Your Bible, Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1967— 12/5/17, 8/4/23, 6/5/24
- Casteel, John L. (Laurence) (1903-1993/5)
- Spiritual Renewal through Personal Groups, NY: Association Press, 1957— 11/2/20, 3/23/23
- Caswall, Edward (1814-1878) [Cath bio] [Wiki bio] [bio]
- Lyra Catholica, New York: E. Dunigan and Brother, 1851— 8/20/19
- Cate, Curtis (Wilson) (1924-2006)
- “God and Success”, in The Atlantic Monthly, January/June 1957— 2/7/20
- Catherine of Genoa, St. (1447-1510) [CCEL bio] [Cath bio] [Wiki bio]
- in The Life and Sayings of Saint Catherine of Genoa, Alba House, 1964— 11/12/18
- Catherine of Siena, St. (1347-1380) (observance: April 29) [CCEL bio] [Cath bio] [Wiki bio] [JEK bio] [CHI bio] [Bart bio]
- Dialog of Catherine of Siena [1378]— 4/29/17, 4/29/18, 4/29/22, 4/29/23
- Saint Catherine of Siena as seen in her letters, J. M. Dent, 1906— 4/29/20, 4/3/21
- Caussade, Jean Pierre de (1675-1751) [CCEL bio] [Wiki bio]
- Abandonment to Divine Providence— 2/21/16, 6/6/18, 2/25/21, 1/26/23, 6/16/24, 10/15/25
- The Sacrament of the Present Moment, Harper & Row, 1982— 2/10/18
- Cecil, Richard (1748-1810) [Wiki bio] [bio]
- The Works of the Rev. Richard Cecil, v. III, Boston: Crocker and Brewster, 1825— 1/16/16, 3/20/23, 11/9/24
- Chadwick, George Alexander, Bp. (1840-1923) [CCEL bio] [Wiki bio]
- The Gospel According to St. Mark, London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1891— 11/10/10, 3/9/16, 9/30/16, 1/5/17, 6/16/19, 8/18/23, 10/8/23
- Chadwick, Samuel (1860-1932) [Wiki bio]
- Humanity and God, Hodder and Stoughton, 1904— 3/28/23, 9/9/25
- The Way to Pentecost, Hodder and Stoughton, 1932— 11/7/22, 9/7/23, 5/21/24, 6/7/25, 11/1/25
- Chambers, Oswald (1874-1917) [CCEL bio] [Wiki bio] [CHI bio] [bio]— 3/31/18, 10/10/18
- My Utmost for His Highest, Leicester: F.A. Thorpe, 1927— 4/13/16, 5/29/25
- Champion, Max
- “The Religious Crisis of Western Civilisation”— 2/2/04
- Chantal, Jeanne Françoise, St. (1572-1641) [Cath bio] [Wiki bio] [bio]— 3/21/17
- Chapin, Edwin Hubbel (1814-1880) [Wiki bio] [Bart bio]
- paraphrased from Duties of Young Men, Boston: Phillips, Sampson, 1853— 5/3/19
- Chapman, J. Arundel (1885-1934)
- The Theology of Karl Barth, London: Epworth Press, 1931— 4/5/24
- Chapman, Raymond (1924-2013) [bio]
- The Ruined Tower, London: G. Bles, 1961— 11/8/17, 10/20/19, 9/2/21
- Cherry, Edith Gilling (1872-1897) [bio] [bio]— 8/21/17
- Chesterton, Gilbert Keith (1874-1936) (observance: June 13) [CCEL bio] [Wiki bio] [JEK bio] [CHI bio] [1911 bio] [Bart bio] [bio]
- [1907] The Collected Works of G. K. Chesterton, v. X, Ignatius Press, 1994— 11/8/16, 12/22/25
- in the Illustrated London News (1907), The Collected Works of G. K. Chesterton, v. XXVII, Ignatius Press, 1986— 2/4/19
- The Everlasting Man, London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1925, Wilder Publications, 2008— 8/24/04, 2/9/16, 3/7/20, 6/13/21, 4/10/22
- Heretics [1905], New York: John Lane Co., 1909— 6/13/22
- Orthodoxy, London, New York: John Lane Company, 1909— 6/13/16, 1/26/17, 6/13/19, 1/11/20, 6/13/20, 6/13/23, 1/29/24, 3/22/24, 6/13/25
- Robert Browning, Macmillan, 1908— 6/13/18
- What I Saw in America, New York: Dodd, Mead and Company, 1922— 2/21/22
- What’s Wrong with the World, New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1912— 10/28/20, 6/13/24
- Wisdom and Innocence: A Life of G. K. Chesterton, Joseph Pearce, Ignatius Press, 1997— 6/13/17
- Cholmondeley, Hester H. (19th century)
- included in Masterpieces of Religious Verse, James Dalton Morrison, ed., New York: Harper & Bros., 1948— 4/15/19
- Christlieb, Theodor (1833-1889) [Wiki bio] [bio]
- Modern Doubt and Christian Belief, Ediburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1879— 6/2/18
- Church, R. W. (Richard William) (1815-1890) [Wiki bio] [1911 bio]
- Village Sermons, New York: Macmillan Company, 1897— 1/7/17, 3/14/17, 12/29/22
- Clark, F. E. (Francis Edward) (1851-1927) [Wiki bio] [1911 bio]
- included in Leaves of Gold, Evan S. Coslett & Clyde Francis Lytle, ed. [1948], Honesdale, Pa.: Coslett Publishing Company, 1938— 4/29/16
- Clark, Howard Hewlett, Bp., Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada (1903-1983) [Wiki bio]
- “The Church’s Mission to the World, on the Political Frontier (Theme Address),” included in Anglican Congress 1963: Report of Proceedings, Eugene Rathbone Fairweather, ed., Editorial Committee, Anglican Congress, 1963— 3/2/16, 4/28/24, 8/10/24
- Clarke, O. (Oliver) Fielding (1898-1987)— 7/23/10
- For Christ’s Sake, New York: Moorehouse-Barlow, 1963— 7/15/18, 11/15/18
- Clarkson, David (1622-1686) [CCEL bio] [Wiki bio] [bio]
- The Practical Works of David Clarkson, v. 1, Edinburgh: James Nichol, 1864— 8/14/22
- Clement of Alexandria (Titus Flavius Clemens) (150?-220?) (observance: December 5) [CCEL bio] [Cath bio] [Wiki bio] [JEK bio] [1911 bio]
- The Ante-Nicene Fathers, v. II, Alexander Roberts, James Donaldson, trs., Buffalo: Christian Literature Publishing Co., 1885— 11/2/18, 7/2/20
- Clerk, N. W., penname of C. S. Lewis (q.v.)
- A Grief Observed, penname of C. S. Lewis, Seabury Press, 1963— 9/12/18
- Clifford, John (1836-1923) [Wiki bio] [1911 bio]
- Social Worship, London: James Clarke & Co., 1899— 6/6/16
- Clough, Arthur Hugh (1819-1861) [Wiki bio] [1911 bio] [Bart bio]
- Arthur Hugh Clough: Selected Poems, New York: Routledge, 2003— 4/30/18
- Clowney, Edmund P. (Prosper) (1917-2005) [Wiki bio] [bio]— 6/28/19
- The Church, Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1995— 6/3/18
- Cogdell, John R. [bio]
- “The humanity of Jesus Christ, as revealed in certain Psalms”— 10/18/16, 4/22/17, 3/29/18, 5/1/21, 7/12/22
- Coleridge, (David) Hartley (1796-1849) [Wiki bio] [1911 bio] [Bart bio] [bio]
- Poems, v. I, London: Moxon, 1851— 8/30/17
- Coleridge, Mary Elizabeth (1861-1907) [Wiki bio] [bio] [bio]
- Poems, London: Elkin Mathews, 1908— 3/24/16, 6/6/17, 12/24/17
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor (1772-1834) [CCEL bio] [Wiki bio] [1911 bio] [Bart bio] [bio] [bio]
- Aids to Reflection [1825], London: W. Pickering, 1839— 6/30/19, 8/16/25
- The Friend: a series of essays, London: Gale & Curtis, 1812— 11/30/23
- The Poetical Works of S. T. Coleridge, v. II, London: W. Pickering, 1835— 10/24/16
- Table Talk, 2nd ed., London: John Murray, 1836— 4/1/18, 5/31/18, 8/29/20, 2/7/22
- Collyer, William Bengo (1782-1854) [CCEL bio] [bio] [bio]
- Hymns, partly collected and partly original, London: Longman, Hunt, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1812— 3/26/16
- Colson, Charles W. (Wendell) (1931-2012) [Wiki bio] [bio] [bio]
- The Body, Waco: Word, 1992— 5/7/23
- Kingdoms in Conflict, HarperCollins Canada, Limited, 1990— 1/14/24
- Loving God, Zondervan, 2011 reprint— 3/15/23
- Colton, Charles C. (Caleb) (1780-1832) [Wiki bio] [Bart bio]
- Lacon: or, Many things in few words: addressed to those who think, London: Longman, Orme, Brown, Green, & Longmans, 1837— 2/11/05
- Coslett, Evan S. (1830-1939)
- included in Leaves of Gold, with Clyde Francis Lytle, ed. [1948], Honesdale, Pa.: Coslett Publishing Company, 1938— 10/5/16, 6/2/21
- Cotterill, Thomas (1779-1823) [CCEL bio] [bio]
- Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs, Isaac Watts & ed. Samuel Melanchthon Worcester, Boston: Crocker & Brewster, 1834— 3/2/17
- Coverdale, Miles (ca.1488-1568) [Wiki bio] [1911 bio] [bio]
- Ancient English Christmas Carols, 1400-1700, Edith Rickert, New York: Duffield & Co., 1915— 12/8/21
- Cowan, Godfrey— 11/27/24
- Cowper, William (1731-1800) [CCEL bio] [Wiki bio] [1911 bio] [Bart bio] [bio] [bio]
- Olney Hymns [1779], with John Newton, Edinburgh: Murray & Cochrane, 1797, fifth edition— 9/28/25
- The Works of William Cowper: his life, letters, and poems, New York: R. Carter & Brothers, 1851— 5/14/20, 8/25/20, 9/19/21, 7/17/23, 2/22/24, 6/1/25
- Cox, Harvey Gallagher, Jr. (b. 1929) [Wiki bio] [bio]
- The Secular City, New York: MacMillan Company, 1965— 8/14/19
- Cox, Lilian
- included in Masterpieces of Religious Verse, James Dalton Morrison, ed., New York: Harper & Bros., 1948— 12/24/19
- Cranfield, C. E. B. (Charles Ernest Burland) (1915-2015) [bio]
- I & II Peter and Jude, London: SCM Press, 1960— 2/20/19, 4/2/19
- Cranmer, Thomas, Abp. (1489-1556) (observance: September 13) [Wiki bio] [JEK bio] [CHI bio] [1911 bio] [bio] [bio]
- “Preface to the Bible”, The Works of Thomas Cranmer, Cambridge: The University Press, 1846— 10/16/22
- Crashaw, Richard (1613-1649) [Cath bio] [Wiki bio] [1911 bio] [Bart bio] [bio] [bio]
- from “A Hymn of the Nativity, sung by the Shepherds”, in The Complete Works of Richard Crashaw, London: J. R. Smith, 1858— 12/23/17, 2/2/21, 4/4/21, 9/21/21, 4/14/22, 6/11/25
- Crosby, Howard (1826-1891) [Wiki bio] [1911 bio] [Bart bio]— 1/16/06
- Croucher, Rowland (b. 1937) [Wiki bio] [bio]
- Sunrise, Sunset, San Francisco: Harper, 1997— 9/27/24
- Cumming, John (1807-1881) [Wiki bio] [bio]
- [Often ascribed to Thomas Chalmers] Voices of the Dead, Boston: John P. Jewett & Co., 1854— 4/7/17
- Cundy, Ian P. M., Bishop (1945-2009) [Wiki bio]
- “The Church as Community”, in The People of God, Ian Cundy, ed., vol. 2 of Obeying Christ in a Changing World, John Stott, gen. ed., 3 vol., London: Fountain, 1977— 3/18/18, 12/28/18, 3/30/22, 8/14/23, 8/15/23
- Cyprian, St. (?-258) (observance: September 13) [CCEL bio] [Cath bio] [Wiki bio] [JEK bio] [CHI bio] [1911 bio] [bio]
- The Ante-Nicene Fathers, v. V, Alexander Roberts, James Donaldson, trs., Buffalo: Christian Literature Company, 1886— 9/16/18, 9/16/21, 9/16/23, 9/16/25
- The Institutes of the Christian Religion, v. II, John Calvin & tr. John Allen, Presbyterian Board of Publication and Sabbath-School Work, 1921— 9/16/24
- included in A Treasury of Sermon Illustrations, Charles Langworthy Wallis, ed., Abingdon-Cokesbury Press, 1950— 8/24/19
- Treatise IV. On the Lord’s Prayer [252], in The Ante-Nicene Fathers, v. V, Alexander Roberts, James Donaldson, trs., Buffalo: Christian Literature Company, 1886— 9/16/18, 9/16/25
- Treatise IX. On the Advantage of Patience, in The Ante-Nicene Fathers, v. V, Alexander Roberts, James Donaldson, trs., Buffalo: Christian Literature Company, 1886— 9/16/21
- Dale, Robert W. (William) (1829-1895) [Wiki bio] [1911 bio]
- parapharsed from The Atonement, London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1875— 9/6/16
- Week-day Sermons [1876], London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1888— 1/22/17
- Daniélou, Jean, Cardinal (1905-1974) [Wiki bio] [bio] [bio]
- The Salvation of the Nations, London: Sheed & Ward, 1949— 4/13/18
- Darby, John Nelson (1800-1882) [Wiki bio] [bio]
- The Collected Writings of J. N. Darby, v. I, London: G. Morrish, 1867-1900?— 5/20/10
- D’Arcy, Martin C. (Cyril) (1888-1976) [Wiki bio] [bio] [bio]
- Mirage and Truth, The Centenary Press, 1935— 11/29/23
- Davidman, Joy (1915-1960) [Wiki bio] [CHI bio] [bio]
- Smoke on the Mountain, London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1955, reprint, Westminster John Knox Press, 1985— 8/7/16, 10/6/16, 11/21/16, 5/28/17, 12/12/17, 9/22/18, 12/2/21, 3/9/22, 7/25/22, 2/6/24, 4/16/24, 5/28/24, 8/12/24
- Davis, Stephen T. [bio] [bio]
- Risen Indeed, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 1993— 4/20/25
- Dawn, Marva J. (b. 1948) [Wiki bio] [bio]
- A Royal “Waste” of Time: The Splendor of Worshiping God and Being Church For The World, Eerdmans Publishing, 1999— 2/15/25
- Dawson, J. W. (John William) (1820-1899) [Wiki bio] [1911 bio] [Bart bio] [bio]
- The Origin of the World, Harper, 1877— 11/29/17
- Day, Dorothy (1897-1980) [Wiki bio] [CHI bio] [bio]
- Meditations—Dorothy Day, Paulist Press, 1970— 1/31/25
- Dekker, Thomas (ca. 1572-1632) [Wiki bio] [Bart bio] [bio] [bio]
- from Foure Birdes of Noah’s Arke, “The Dove”, The Non-dramatic Works of Thomas Dekker, v. V, private circulation only, 1886— 5/13/24
- DeKoster, Lester (1916-2009)— 12/4/19
- Demant, V. A. (Vigo Auguste) (1893-1983) [Wiki bio]
- The Religious Prospect, London: F. Muller, 1941— 3/9/20
- Denney, James (1856-1917) [CCEL bio] [Wiki bio]
- The Atonement and the Modern Mind, London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1903— 4/20/17, 6/26/17, 10/20/17, 4/17/18, 3/27/19, 7/26/19, 2/5/20, 6/5/20, 10/29/21, 6/10/23
- quoted in The Gospel of Matthew, v. 2, William Barclay, Edinburgh: Saint Andrew, 1958— 2/19/16
- Jesus and the Gospel: Christianity justified in the mind of Christ, New York: Hodder & Stoughton, 1908— 11/11/19, 5/14/21, 1/11/22
- The Way Everlasting: Sermons, London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1911— 8/3/20
- Dibelius, (Frederick Karl) Otto (1880-1967) [Wiki bio]— 1/19/16
- Diétrich, Suzanne de (1891-1981) [Wiki bio] [bio]
- Discovering the Bible [1953], Coonoor, Nilgiris [India]: India Sunday School Union, 1952— 11/25/23
- Dixon, John W., Jr. (1919-2004)
- in Christian Faith and the Contemporary Arts, ed. Finley Eversole, New York: Abingdon Press, 1962— 4/15/18
- Dod, John (c.1549-1645) [Wiki bio] [bio]
- as quoted in The Lives of the Puritans, v. III, Benjamin Brook, London: J. Black, 1813— 9/14/20, 7/23/21
- Dodd, C. H. (Charles Harold) (1884-1973) [Wiki bio] [bio] [bio]
- The Meaning of Paul for Today, London: Swarthmore, 1920, reprint, Fount Paperbacks, 1978— 12/16/06, 1/1/07, 1/2/07, 1/3/07, 5/31/07, 7/26/16, 2/15/17, 2/16/17, 2/17/17, 2/18/17, 5/6/17, 9/23/17, 9/24/17, 1/16/18, 5/15/18, 8/3/18, 8/4/18, 4/28/19, 4/29/19, 1/31/20, 6/1/22, 6/3/25
- New Testament Studies, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1953— 6/24/18, 3/18/19
- Donne, John (1573-1631) (observance: March 31) [CCEL bio] [Wiki bio] [JEK bio] [CHI bio] [1911 bio] [Bart bio] [bio] [bio]— 11/30/16
- Works of John Donne, vol. I, London: John W. Parker, 1839— 9/6/17, 6/24/19, 12/22/19, 11/1/20, 5/10/21, 6/26/22
- Works of John Donne, vol. II, London: John W. Parker, 1839— 6/26/18
- Works of John Donne, vol. III, London: John W. Parker, 1839— 10/13/10, 3/31/16, 3/31/17, 5/10/19, 3/31/20, 9/22/20, 7/5/23, 8/24/23, 3/31/25
- Works of John Donne, vol. IV, London: John W. Parker, 1839— 7/23/16, 3/31/23
- Works of John Donne, vol. V, London: John W. Parker, 1839— 10/11/16, 1/4/18, 10/24/18, 3/31/19, 7/13/20, 2/18/22, 3/31/22
- Works of John Donne, vol. VI, London: John W. Parker, 1839— 4/18/18, 3/31/21, 6/4/24, 12/24/25
- Dorotheus of Gaza (505-565) [Wiki bio] [bio]
- quoted in Early Fathers from the Philokalia, Saint Makarios (Metropolitan of Corinth), comp. & E. Kadloubovsky, Gerald Eustace Howell Palmer, trs., Faber and Faber, 1959— 3/30/17
- Dougall, Lily (1858-1923) [Wiki bio] [bio]
- The Undiscovered Country, in Immortality: an essay in discovery, co-ordinating scientific, psychical, and Biblical research, Burnett Hillman Streeter, Arthur Clutton-Brock, Cyril William Emmet, James Arthur Hadfield, & Lily Dougall, Macmillan, 1917— 1/18/04, 3/7/04
- D’Oyly, George (1778-1846) [Wiki bio]
- Holy Bible According to the Authorized Version, Introduction to, with Richard Mant, London: SPCK, 1839— 11/20/19, 3/21/25
- Driver, Christopher P. (Prout) (1932-1997) [bio]
- A Future for the Free Churches?, London: SCM Press, 1962— 3/6/06, 10/22/17, 3/3/18, 9/24/19, 8/1/20, 8/2/20
- Drummond, Henry (1851-1897) [CCEL bio] [Wiki bio] [1911 bio] [Bart bio] [bio] [bio]— 3/6/04
- Addresses, H. Altemus, 1891— 3/1/05, 7/19/16, 1/20/17, 3/18/20, 6/1/23
- “The Greatest Thing in the World”, in Addresses, H. Altemus, 1891— 3/1/05, 7/19/16, 1/20/17, 3/18/20
- “Pax Vobiscum”, in Addresses, H. Altemus, 1891— 6/1/23
- The Programme of Christianity, New York: J. Potts, 1891— 1/28/20
- Drummond, William (1585-1649) [Wiki bio] [1911 bio] [Bart bio] [bio]
- The Poems of William Drummond of Hawthornden, v. II, London: Lawrence and Bullen, 1894— 9/11/21, 12/23/21, 12/15/23
- Drury, Samuel Smith (1878-1938) [bio] [bio]
- included in Leaves of Gold, Evan S. Coslett & Clyde Francis Lytle, ed. [1948], Honesdale, Pa.: Coslett Publishing Company, 1938— 11/27/20
- Dryden, John (1631-1700) [CCEL bio] [Wiki bio] [1911 bio] [Bart bio] [bio]
- The Poetical Works of John Dryden, v. II, Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1909— 3/7/16
- Dudley-Smith, Timothy, Bp. (b. 1926) [Wiki bio] [bio] [bio]
- Someone Who Beckons: readings and prayers for 60 days, InterVarsity Press, 1978— 5/7/20
- Duggan, George H. (1912-2012) [Wiki bio]
- Hans Küng and Reunion, Westminster, Md., Newman Press, 1964— 8/14/20
- Dunn, James D. G. (1939-2020) [Wiki bio] [bio] [bio]
- from “According to the Spirit of Jesus” in Theological Renewal, Bramcote, Nottingham [England] : Grove Books, 1975-1983— 10/24/21
- Dunstan, G. R.— 3/4/17
- Dürer, Albrecht (1471-1528) (observance: April 6) [Cath bio] [Wiki bio] [JEK bio] [CHI bio] [1911 bio] [bio]
- from his journal [1521], quoted in The Triumph of the Cross: the Passion of Christ in theology and the arts, Richard Viladesau, Oxford University Press US, 2008— 4/6/17
- Dyke, Henry Jackson Van (1852-1933) [CCEL bio] [Wiki bio] [Bart bio] [bio]
- Little Rivers: a book of essays in profitable idleness, New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1908— 4/17/24
- The Poems of Henry Van Dyke, New York: C. Scribner’s Sons, 1920— 8/23/17, 10/23/18, 8/3/19, 6/7/21
- The Spirit of Christmas, New York: C. Scribner’s Sons, 1905— 12/26/23
- Earle, Nick (John Nicholas Francis), Rev. (1926-2014) [bio] [bio]
- What’s Wrong with the Church?, Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1961— 7/31/17, 7/26/18
- Eckhart, Meister (Johannes), for Eckhart von Hochheim (1260?-1327?) [CCEL bio] [Cath bio] [Wiki bio] [1911 bio] [bio]
- quoted from Talks of Instruction, in A Journey Through Christian Theology, William P. Anderson, ed., Fortress Press, 2000— 8/10/25
- quoted in Light, Life and Love: Selections from the German Mystics of the Middle Ages, William R. Inge, ed.— 10/4/23
- from Counsels on Discernment, Counsel 9, Meister Eckhart: The Essential Writings, HarperCollins, 1957— 6/7/24
- Meister Eckhart’s Sermons, with tr., Claud Field, H. R. Allenson, London, 1909— 6/17/16, 1/29/18, 7/15/19, 8/6/20, 8/5/24
- quoted in The Perennial Philosophy [1945], Aldous Huxley, New York: HarperCollins, 2004— 8/26/16
- Treatises and Sermons, Harper, 1958— 9/20/10, 2/23/16, 3/10/25
- Works of Meister Eckhart, London: J. M. Watkins, 1924— 5/23/04, 2/6/07, 11/10/16, 2/9/17, 9/29/18, 1/1/19, 3/2/19, 11/7/19, 12/21/19, 5/31/21, 5/31/22, 1/5/24
- Edersheim, Alfred (1825-1889) [CCEL bio] [Wiki bio] [Bart bio] [bio]
- Elisha the Prophet: the lessons of his history and times, Religious Tract Society, 1882— 5/1/18
- The Golden Diary of Heart Converse with Jesus in the Book of Psalms, London: J. Nisbet & Company, 1866— 7/9/24
- Edge, Findley Bartow (1916-2002) [bio] [bio]
- The Greening of the Church, Waco, Tex.: Word Books, 1971— 5/4/04, 5/25/17
- Edwards, David L. (1929-2018) [Wiki bio]
- “A New Stirring in English Christianity”, in The Honest to God Debate, David L. Edwards, ed., London, SCM Press, 1963— 9/13/10
- Edwards, Jonathon (1703-1758) (observance: March 24) [CCEL bio] [Wiki bio] [JEK bio] [CHI bio] [1911 bio] [Bart bio]
- Treatise concerning Religious Affections [1746], in The Works of Jonathan Edwards, A.M., v. I, London: William Ball., 1839— 2/5/16
- The Works of Jonathan Edwards, A.M., v. I, London: William Ball., 1839— 2/5/16, 8/17/18, 9/17/23, 3/24/25
- The Works of President Edwards, v. II, Worcester: Isaiah Thomas, Jun., 1808— 1/4/21
- The Works of President Edwards, v. IV, Worcester: Isaiah Thomas, Jun., 1808— 8/17/19
- Edwards, K. Morgan (1912-2003) [bio]
- Hoping to be Somebody, K. Morgan Edwards, Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1959— 2/14/19
- Eliot, Thomas Stearns (1888-1965) [Wiki bio] [bio] [bio]— 7/29/17
- Chorus VI from The Rock [1934], The Complete Poems and Plays, 1909-1950, Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 1952— 1/26/16, 10/21/22, 5/28/23
- from a letter to The Times printed October 5, 1938, quoted in The Idea of a Christian Society, London: Faber, 1939, reprint, Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 1960— 2/5/21
- Elliot, Jim (Philip James) (1927-1956) (observance: January 8) [Wiki bio] [JEK bio]
- The Journals of Jim Elliot, with ed. Elisabeth Elliot, Revell, 1990— 1/8/18, 1/8/19, 1/8/20, 1/8/21, 1/8/22, 1/8/24
- Shadow of the Almighty: the life & testament of Jim Elliot, Elisabeth Elliot, Harper, 1958— 1/8/17, 2/25/20, 1/8/25
- Ellul, Jacques (1912-1994) [Wiki bio] [bio]
- Anarchy and Christianity, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 1991— 6/20/22, 9/7/22
- The Ethics of Freedom, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1976— 11/30/25
- The Judgment of Jonah, with tr. Geoffrey W. Bromiley, Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 1971— 8/9/21, 1/14/22, 4/20/22, 11/17/22, 12/30/23, 2/8/24, 4/3/24, 6/23/24
- Prayer and Modern Man, New York: The Seabury Press, 1973— 5/13/18, 7/21/23, 5/30/25, 7/9/25
- The Presence of the Kingdom, with tr. Olive Wyon, Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1951— 11/25/17, 7/19/20, 9/2/20, 2/17/21
- The Subversion of Christianity, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 1986— 12/12/20, 6/20/21, 10/26/21
- Emans, Elaine V.— 4/5/19
- Emmons, Nathanael (1745-1840) [Wiki bio] [1911 bio]— 11/1/23
- Emrich, Richard Stanley Merrill, Bp. (1910-1997) [Wiki bio]
- “The Church’s Mission to the World, on the Political Frontier (Theme Address),” included in Anglican Congress 1963: Report of Proceedings, Eugene Rathbone Fairweather, ed., Editorial Committee, Anglican Congress, 1963— 7/18/16
- Engstrom, Ted W., president, World Vision (1916-2006) [Wiki bio] [bio] [bio]— 7/17/21, 10/14/21, 12/3/21
- Erasmus, Desiderius (of Rotterdam) (1466?-1536) [CCEL bio] [Cath bio] [Wiki bio] [1911 bio] [Bart bio] [bio]
- The Colloquies of Erasmus, v. I, with tr. N. Bailey & ed. E. Johnson, London: Reeves & Turner, 1878— 4/14/16, 2/8/20
- The Colloquies of Erasmus, v. II, London: Reeves & Turner, 1878— 7/12/16, 10/19/20, 9/12/23
- preface to the first edition of his Greek New Testament [1516], quoted in Erasmus: a study of his life, ideals and place in history, Preserved Smith, Harper & Brothers, 1923— 6/10/18
- The Essential Erasmus, with J. P. Dolan, ed., New York: New American Library, 1964— 2/4/25, 5/2/25
- quoted from the introduction to his Greek New Testament, in “The Reformers of 1498”, ch. VI, by Frederic Seebohm, The Fortnightly Review, v. VI, George Henry Lewes, ed., London: Chapman and Hall, 1866— 11/9/21
- A History of Christian Thought, v. II [1932], A. C. McGiffert, New York, London: C. Scribner’s sons, 1960— 7/25/18
- Faber, Frederick W. (William) (1814-1863) [CCEL bio] [Cath bio] [Wiki bio] [1911 bio]
- All for Jesus, London: Richardson & Son, 1854— 5/30/19
- Growth in Holiness, London: Thomas Richardson & Son, 1860, third edition— 2/26/23, 5/16/23
- Hymns, New York: E. P. Dutton, 1877— 6/17/21, 2/15/22, 6/2/23
- Hymns Selected from Frederick William Faber, Part 4, Northampton, Mass.: Bridgman and Childs, 1867— 1/1/24
- “All men have a special vocation” in Spiritual Conferences, London: Thomas Richardson & Son, 1860— 12/17/17, 9/17/21, 6/21/22
- Thoughts on Great Mysteries, London: Suttaby and Co., 1884— 10/2/25
- Farjeon, Eleanor (1881-1965) [Wiki bio] [bio]
- The New Book of Days, H. Z. Walck, 1961— 12/26/19
- Feather, William (1889-1981) [Wiki bio] [bio]— 10/29/18
- Fénelon, François, Bp. (1651-1715) [CCEL bio] [Cath bio] [Wiki bio] [CHI bio] [Bart bio] [bio]— 4/19/06
- A Guide to True Peace [1813], with Mme. Guyon, ed. William Backhouse & ed. James Janson, Pendle Hill by Harper & Brothers, 1946— 6/30/05, 10/9/05, 12/8/16, 5/11/24
- Letters to Men and Women, P. Owen, 1957— 5/25/23
- Pious Reflections for Every Day in the Month, London: H. D. Symonds, 1800— 4/22/05, 6/4/16, 9/17/16, 5/25/18, 1/4/19, 10/18/20, 9/22/23
- Selections from Fénelon, with ed. Mary Wilder Tileston, Boston: Roberts Bros., 1879— 9/30/07, 7/22/16, 10/27/16, 3/15/17, 4/3/17, 7/16/20, 11/29/20, 6/9/21, 6/3/22, 1/21/23, 8/17/25
- paraphrased, Selections from the Writings of Fenelon, Boston: Hilliard, Gray, Little, and Wilkins, 1829— 11/7/21
- Spiritual Letters of Archbishop Fénelon. Letters to men, London: Rivingtons, 1877— 4/2/16, 9/15/21, 10/6/22, 3/21/23, 10/2/24
- Spiritual Progress: or, Instructions in the Divine Life of the Soul, New York: M. W. Dodd, 1853— 3/9/24, 11/12/24, 6/26/25
- Ferguson, John (1921-1989) [bio]
- The Enthronement of Love: Christ the Peacemaker, London: Fellowship of Reconciliation, 1951— 4/30/24
- Ferré, Nels Fredrick Solomon (1908-1971) [Wiki bio]
- The Christian Understanding of God, New York: Harper, 1951— 11/24/06
- Figgis, John Neville (1866-1919) [Wiki bio]
- The Gospel and Human Needs, London: Longman’s, Green & Co., 1911— 2/11/21, 5/13/22, 12/27/23, 10/3/24
- Finney, Charles G. (Grandison) (1792-1875) [CCEL bio] [Wiki bio] [bio]
- Lectures on Revivals of Religion, New York: Leavitt, Lord & Co., 1835— 2/12/05, 2/13/05, 7/19/24
- Fisher, Dorothy Canfield (1879-1958) [Wiki bio]— 9/16/20
- Flandreau, Alexander (1919-2015) [bio]— 12/24/23
- Flavel, John (1628-1691) [CCEL bio] [Wiki bio] [bio]
- Divine Conduct [1677], in The Whole Works of the Reverend Mr. John Flavel, v. IV, London: J. Mathews, 1799— 1/3/22, 6/8/24
- Serm. XIV from The Fountain of Life [1671], in The Whole Works of the Reverend Mr. John Flavel, v. I, Paisley: A. Weir and A. McLean, 1770— 8/26/18, 5/22/22, 5/5/25
- Serm. XXX from The Method of Grace, in The Whole Works of the Reverend Mr. John Flavel, v. II, London: J. Mathews, 1799— 4/28/21, 3/4/22
- A Saint Indeed [1667], in The Whole Works of the Reverend Mr. John Flavel, v. V, London: J. Mathews, 1799— 8/3/21
- Serm. XIV from The Whole Works of the Reverend Mr. John Flavel, v. I, Paisley: A. Weir and A. McLean, 1770— 8/26/18, 5/22/22, 5/5/25, 7/13/25
- Serm. XXX from The Whole Works of the Reverend Mr. John Flavel, v. II, London: J. Mathews, 1799— 4/28/21, 3/4/22
- The Whole Works of the Reverend Mr. John Flavel, v. IV, London: J. Mathews, 1799— 1/3/22, 6/8/24
- The Whole Works of the Reverend Mr. John Flavel, v. V, London: J. Mathews, 1799— 8/3/21
- Fletcher, Phineas (1582-1650) [Wiki bio] [1911 bio] [bio]
- The Spenser of his Age, J. R. Totin, 1905— 10/25/21
- Forest, Jim (b. 1941) [Wiki bio] [bio]
- Loving Our Enemies, Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2014— 8/24/25
- Forsyth, Frederick (b. 1938) [Wiki bio] [bio]
- The Shepherd, Viking Press, 1976— 9/9/20
- Forsyth, P. T. (Peter Taylor) (1848-1921) [Wiki bio] [1911 bio]
- The Holy Father and the Living Christ, Dodd, Mead and Co., 1898— 12/16/22
- from “God as Holy Father,” in Homiletic Review, v. XXXIII, I. K. Funk & D. S. Gregory, eds., New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1897— 1/26/22
- The Justification of God, Duckworth, 1916, London: Independent Press, 1957— 6/11/22
- Positive Preaching and Modern Mind, New York: A. C. Armstrong & Son, 1907— 11/21/21, 5/1/23
- The Soul of Prayer [1916], Regent College Publishing, 2002— 9/12/22, 3/9/23, 7/8/23, 10/25/24
- This Life and the Next, New York: MacMillan, 1918— 3/10/16
- Fosdick, Harry Emerson (1878-1969) [Wiki bio] [CHI bio] [bio]
- As I see Religion, New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1932— 7/21/10
- Foster, John (1898-1973)
- Five Minutes a Saint, Richmond: John Knox Press, 1963— 1/13/20
- Foster, Richard J. (b. 1942) [Wiki bio] [bio]
- Celebration of Discipline: the path to spiritual growth [1978], San Francisco: Harper, 2003— 10/14/18
- Freedom of Simplicity, HarperCollins, 1989— 3/19/21, 10/7/25
- Prayer: Finding the Heart’s True Home, HarperCollins, 1992— 8/15/22, 2/1/23, 4/23/23, 6/11/23, 10/7/23
- Streams of Living Water, Harper San Francisco, 1998— 1/31/21, 11/27/25
- Fox, George (1624-1691) [CCEL bio] [Wiki bio] [CHI bio] [1911 bio] [Bart bio]
- Journal, v. I, Philadelphia: B. & T. Kite, 1808— 10/10/16, 2/6/25
- Journal, v. II, Philadelphia: B. & T. Kite, 1808— 8/21/16, 11/12/17
- Foxe, John (1516-1587) [Cath bio] [Wiki bio] [1911 bio] [Bart bio] [bio]
- The Book of Martyrs, v. III, London: George Virtue, 1844— 6/12/21
- Francis of Assisi, St. (1182-1226) (observance: October 4) [Cath bio] [Wiki bio] [JEK bio] [CHI bio] [1911 bio] [Bart bio] [bio]
- quoting St. Francis, The Little Flowers of St. Francis, Ugolino of Montegiorgio, London: J.M. Dent & Sons, Ltd., 1912— 10/4/25
- The Mirror of Perfection [c. 1280], with tr. Robert Steele, London: J.M. Dent, 1903— 10/4/16, 10/4/21
- in Saint Francis of Assisi: a biography, Johannes Jørgensen, London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1912— 10/4/19
- The Works of the Seraphic Father St. Francis of Assisi, London: R. Washbourne, 1882— 10/4/18
- The Writings of Saint Francis of Assisi, with Paschal Robinson, tr., Dolphin Press, 1906— 10/4/22
- Franck, Johann (1618-1677) [Wiki bio] [1911 bio] [bio] [bio]
- Christian Singers of Germany, Catherine Winkworth, New York: Macmillan & Co., 1869— 7/28/24
- François de Sales (1567-1622) (observance: January 24) [Cath bio] [Wiki bio] [JEK bio] [1911 bio] [Bart bio] [bio]— 8/12/16
- The Beauties of St. Francis de Sales, London: Cowing, 1829— 4/26/19
- Introduction to the Devout Life [1609], London: Rivingtons, 1876— 5/7/16, 6/22/16, 3/19/17, 9/20/17, 1/24/18, 1/24/19, 3/5/19, 10/8/20, 1/24/21, 4/20/21, 10/19/21, 1/24/22, 12/5/22, 5/14/23, 6/24/23, 10/22/23, 1/24/24, 3/4/24, 8/15/25
- Maxims and Counsels of St. Francis de Sales, New York: Benziger, 1883— 1/24/17
- Practical Piety, Louisville: Webb & Levering, 1853— 1/24/23
- A Selection from the Spiritual Letters of St. Francis de Sales [1622], New York: E. P. Dutton, 1876— 6/21/05, 1/24/16, 3/15/16, 10/8/24
- in The Spirit of S. Francis de Sales, with Jean Pierre Camus, London: Rivingtons, 1880— 12/11/18
- Spiritual Maxims, Longmans, Green, 1954— 1/24/20, 1/24/25
- Treatise on the Love of God, Newman Press, 1953— 4/24/18
- Fraser of Brea, James (1639-1698) [bio] [bio]
- Select Biographies, v. II, W. K. Tweedie, ed., Ediburgh: The Wodrow Society, 1847— 11/9/04
- Fray, Harold R., Jr. (d. 2009) [bio] [bio]
- “The Spirit Making New”, in Spiritual Renewal through Personal Groups, John L. Casteel, ed., NY: Association Press, 1957— 6/2/17
- Freeman, Hobart E. (1920-1984) [Wiki bio]
- An Introduction to the O. T. Prophets, Chicago: Moody Press, 1968— 4/20/08, 3/11/10
- Froude, James A. (Anthony) (1818-1894) [Wiki bio] [1911 bio] [Bart bio] [bio] [bio]
- Life of Carlyle [1884], New York: Scribner, 1904— 3/22/21
- Fulbert of Chartres, Bp. (d. 1028) [Cath bio] [Wiki bio] [bio] [bio]
- [1929] Songs of Praise, enl. ed., Ralph Vaughan Williams, et al., ed., Oxford University Press, 1931— 4/12/20
- Fuller, Daniel P. (Payton) (b. 1925) [Wiki bio] [bio]
- Gospel and law: contrast or continuum? : The hermeneutics of dispensationalism and covenant theology, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1980— 11/16/17
- Fuller, Edmund (1914/15-2001) [Wiki bio]
- Books with Men Behind Them, New York: Random House, 1959— 1/3/20
- “Thornton Wilder: the Notation of the Heart”, originally in American Scholar, September, 1959, pp 210-217, included in Books with Men Behind Them, New York: Random House, 1959— 1/3/20
- Fuller, Reginald H. (Horace) (1915-2007) [Wiki bio] [bio]
- The Book of the Acts of God, with George Ernest Wright, London: Doubleday, 1957— 6/30/18, 7/1/18, 5/9/19
- Fuller, Thomas (1608-1661) [CCEL bio] [Wiki bio] [1911 bio] [Bart bio] [bio]
- The Church History of Britain, v. I, London: Thomas Tegg and Son, 1837— 12/31/22
- Gnomologia, London: B. Barker, 1732— 7/28/18
- Good Thoughts in Bad Times [1645], Chicago: United Society of Christian Endeavor, Boston, 1898— 3/3/05, 6/12/18, 2/22/19, 6/22/19, 10/27/20, 6/24/22, 10/2/23
- The Cause and Cure of a Wounded Conscience [1655]— 6/25/16, 4/24/19, 2/24/24, 7/12/25

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