CQOD Poetry Index of First Lines
- A
- A fish in water does not drown—Mechthild of Magdeburg 11/19/20
- A God must have a God for company—MacDonald 12/24/18
- A happy, happy Christmas—Havergal 12/28/21
- A Rose Plant in Jericho—Rossetti 4/27/23
- All encompassing in all places—Messiaen 9/2/25
- All night had shouts of men and cry—Meynell 3/25/16
- Am I a stone, and not a sheep—Rossetti 4/14/17
- And have the bright immensities—Robbins 10/2/14
- And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year—Haskins 11/8/04
- And thus we rust Life’s iron chain—Wilde 3/12/16
- And what am I, to know—Dudley-Smith 5/7/20
- Art thou not life of them that live?—Thompson 12/3/25
- Art thou weary, art thou languid—Stephen the Sabaite 8/7/20
- Awake, glad heart! get up, and sing!—Vaughan 12/1/23
- B
- Batter my heart, three-person’d God, for you—Donne 6/4/24
- Be not afraid to pray—to pray is right—Coleridge 8/30/17
- Be Thou my Vision, O Lord of my heart—Anonymous 5/16/16
- Be triumphant, be triumphant—Carmichael 1/18/21
- Because upon the first glad Easter day—Munson 7/17/22
- Blessed night, when first that plain—Bonar 12/22/18
- Blow out your foolish lamps; here are two honest men—Madeleva 3/30/21
- Break Thou the bread of life—Lathbury 8/5/19
- Bright portals of the sky—Drummond 12/23/21
- But lo’ the snare is broke, the captive’s freed—Wesley 2/22/22
- By fruit, the ancient Foe’s device—Germanus 8/7/24
- C
- Christ claims our help in many a strange disguise—Anonymous 3/4/05
- Christ is come to be thy Light—Havergal 12/24/20
- Christmas Eve, and twelve of the clock—Hardy 12/24/03
- Come down, O Christ, and help me! reach Thy hand—Wilde 12/29/18
- Come, Holy Ghost (for moved by thee—Wesley 3/11/19
- Come into me, my Beloved!—Rolle 1/20/24
- Come let us join our cheerful songs—Watts 12/25/21
- Come Love, come Lord, and that long day—Crashaw 6/11/25
- Come, my Way, my Truth, my Life—Herbert 2/27/16
- Come worship the King—Studdert Kennedy 12/15/16
- Consecrated brethren, we who keep our confidence—Adams 5/19/22
- D
- Dear Jesus! ’tis Thy Holy Face—Thérèse of Lisieux 4/23/19
- Death, be not proud, though some have called thee—Donne 4/18/18
- Deep unto deep, O Lord—Carmichael 5/1/19
- Drop, drop, slow tears, and bathe those beauteous feet—Fletcher 10/25/21
- E
- Earth breaks up, time drops away—Browning 3/11/22
- Eternal God! O thou that only art—Quarles 10/9/21
- Eternal Lord! eased of a cumbrous load—Buonarrotti 4/6/25
- Eternal Lord, how faint and small—Adams 5/19/16
- F
- Father eternal, Ruler of creation—Housman 12/22/22
- For the Christ-child who comes is the Master of all—Brooks 12/24/22
- For the flowers are great blessings—Smart 6/23/21
- For the power Thou hast given me to lay hold of things unseen—Baillie 6/26/24
- For the preacher’s merit or demerit—Browning 6/22/18
- Four things a man must learn to do—Dyke 8/23/17
- From subtle love of softening things—Carmichael 1/18/16
- From Thee all skill and science flow—Kingsley 8/4/19
- From thine, as then, the healing virtue goes—MacDonald 8/9/18
- G
- Gather my broken fragments to a whole—MacDonald 11/1/21
- Give me the lowest place: not that I dare—Rossetti 4/27/25
- Given, not lent—Meynell 12/18/21
- God appears, and God is Light—Blake 8/17/24
- God moves in a mysterious way, —Cowper 9/28/25
- God of pity and love, return to this earth—Nathan 4/12/16
- God’s child in Christ adopted—Christ my all—Coleridge 10/24/16
- God’s Road is all uphill—Guiterman 10/10/08
- Good Friday in my heart! Fear and affright!—Coleridge 3/24/16
- Good when He gives, supremely good—Lawrence 11/14/20
- H
- Had I the tongues of Greeks and Jews—Watts 11/26/22
- Hard it is, very hard—Sayers 12/17/21
- Hard were the nails and cruel—Williams 2/22/23
- Have you no words? ah! think again—Cowper 9/19/21
- He died for me: what can I offer Him?—Rossetti 4/27/22
- He has come! the Christ of God—Bonar 12/25/16
- He has gone away, the Well-Beloved—Messiaen 5/18/19
- He is my Altar, I His holy place—Quarles 12/28/17
- He might have reared a palace at a word—Trench 9/30/25
- He was the Word that spake it—Donne 11/30/16
- Heaven overarches earth and sea—Rossetti 4/27/19
- Here is the Truth in a little creed—Markham 12/21/20
- Here, where our Lord once laid his Head—Crashaw 4/4/21
- High o’er the lonely hills black turns to gray—Struther 12/24/16
- Hosanna to the King—Watts 11/26/19
- Hosanna to the royal Son—Watts 4/5/20
- How shall I praise th’ eternal God—Watts 11/26/21
- I
- I bind my heart, this tide—Watt 3/23/16
- I cannot think that God would be content—Harkness 12/8/18
- I come in the little things—Underhill 5/10/18
- I greet Thy sepulchre, salute Thy grave—Vaughan 4/16/17
- I had no God but these—Tabb 6/21/20
- I have no wit, no words, no tears—Rossetti 4/27/21
- I Heard the voice of Jesus say—Bonar 9/30/21
- I know the road to Jericho—Poteat 5/7/18
- I know Thee, Saviour, Who Thou art—Wesley 5/24/16
- I love, my God, but with no love of mine—Guyon 2/3/24
- I need not shout my faith. Thrice eloquent—Towne 5/7/04
- I saw a stable, low and very bare—Coleridge 12/24/17
- I see the wrong that round me lies—Whittier 4/16/16
- I sought Him where my logic led—Hay 8/5/16
- I thirst, but not as once I did—Cowper 6/1/25
- I thirst, Thou wounded Lamb of God—Zinzendorf 11/15/25
- If I lay waste and wither up with doubt—Howells 9/19/04
- If it be all for naught, for nothingness—Anonymous 4/16/19
- If on our daily course our mind—Keble 7/14/22
- If that in sight of God is great—Trench 7/11/22
- If there had anywhere appeared in space—Trench 4/15/17
- If we with earnest effort could succeed—Trench 2/7/17
- Immensity cloistered in thy dear womb, —Donne 12/24/25
- Immortal Love, author of this great frame—Herbert 2/27/17
- “In pastures green?” Not always; sometimes He—Barry 4/4/17
- In the Law the types lay shaded—Adam of Saint Victor 8/7/25
- In the pure soul, although it sing or pray—Phelps 12/26/20
- Incarnate Word! Thou Word of God alone!—Thérèse of Lisieux 2/5/18
- It fortifies my soul to know—Clough 4/30/18
- It’s true we cannot reach Christ’s forti’th day—Herbert 2/27/19
- J
- Jesu, be endless praise to Thee—Zinzendorf 7/5/20
- Jesu, priceless treasure—Franck 7/28/24
- Jesus, as a mother you gather your people to you—Anselm of Canterbury 4/21/05
- Jesus came!—and came for me—Havergal 10/4/24
- Jesus invites His saints—Watts 4/18/19
- Jesus is God! The solid earth—Faber 6/17/21
- Jesus shall reign where’er the sun—Watts 11/26/17
- JESUS, the infinite I AM—Wesley 12/26/17
- Jesus, thou joy of loving hearts—Bernard of Clairvaux 4/12/22
- Jesus! where’er thy people meet—Cowper 7/17/23
- Jesus! why dost Thou love me so?—Faber 6/2/23
- Joy to the world, the Lord is come!—Watts 12/20/17
- Justice and Judgment are thy throne—Watts 9/14/24
- K
- Kind souls, you wonder why, love you—Patmore 12/2/23
- L
- Let songs of praises fill the sky!—Cotterill 3/2/17
- Let us not mock God with metaphor—Updike 4/17/22
- Let us rise in early morning—John of Damascus 8/7/22
- “Little one, who straight hast come—MacDonald 12/25/20
- Lo, God, our God has come!—Bonar 12/25/19
- Long did I toil, and knew no earthly rest—Quarles 6/21/19
- Lord, come away—Taylor 5/17/20
- Lord, forgive—Schroy 11/10/17
- Lord, I am glad for the great gift of living—Towne 11/23/17
- Lord, I have shut the door, speak now the word—Runyan 3/1/20
- Lord, it belongs not to my care—Baxter 6/14/25
- Lord of all hopefulness, Lord of all joy—Struther 11/12/21
- Lord of all pots and pans and things, since I’ve no time to be—Hallack 12/26/04
- Lord, what a change within us one short hour—Trench 12/27/17
- Lord, when the sense of Thy sweet grace—Crashaw 2/2/21
- LORD, who hast taught to us on earth—Massie 6/1/20
- Love came down at Christmas—Rossetti 12/22/20
- Love is strong as death—Rossetti 4/27/16
- Love is that liquour sweet and most divine—Herbert 2/27/18
- Love’s as hard as nails—Lewis 4/1/21
- Loving looks the large-eyed cow—MacDonald 12/21/22
- M
- Make no mistake: if He rose at all—Updike 4/9/23
- Mighty Nothing! unto thee—Crashaw 4/14/22
- More things are wrought by prayer—Tennyson 11/17/04
- Morning breaks upon the tomb—Collyer 3/26/16
- Morning has broken like the first morning—Farjeon 12/26/19
- Must I face the stormy river?—Griffiths 9/12/25
- My God, how endless is Thy love!—Watts 11/26/16
- My God, I love Thee—not because—Anonymous 11/25/19
- My shoulders ache beneath my pack—Kilmer 4/13/22
- My windows open to the autumn night—Johnson 8/18/19
- N
- Never was fount so clear, undimm’d and bright—John of the Cross 12/14/18
- No mortal object did these eyes behold—Buonarrotti 4/6/24
- Now hath my life across a stormy sea—Buonarrotti 4/6/16
- O
- O Christ, my life, possess me utterly—MacDonald 5/14/18
- O Christ, our joy, to Whom is giv’n—Housman 5/15/22
- O come, O come, Emmanuel—Anonymous 12/11/25
- O drink and bread—Vaughan 11/14/21
- O for a closer walk with God—Cowper 2/22/24
- O for a heart to praise my God—Wesley 5/24/25
- O for a thousand tongues to sing—Wesley 2/7/18
- O God, grant that today—Barclay 10/15/06
- O God of earth and altar—Chesterton 11/8/16
- O Jesus Christ, babe, man, eternal son—MacDonald 12/11/21
- O Jesus, King most wonderful!—Bernard of Clairvaux 8/20/19
- O little town of Bethlehem—Brooks 12/3/17
- O Lord! how happy should we be—Anstice 11/1/18
- O Lord our God—Alcuin 3/28/19
- O radiant luminary of light interminable—Skelton 8/16/24
- O sacred Head, now wounded, with grief and shame weighed down—Bernard of Clairvaux 3/29/24
- O the mystery, passing wonder—Andrew of Crete 8/7/21
- Once more the Church is seized with sudden fear—Wordsworth 12/31/23
- One takes a risk when one invites the Lord—Holloway 12/29/23
- Our God, our help in ages past—Watts 11/26/24
- Our Saviour Christ was born—Havergal 12/19/22
- P
- Peace does not mean the end of all our striving—Studdert Kennedy 3/8/05
- Prayer, the Church’s banquet, Angel’s age—Herbert 2/27/21
- Q
- R
- Rejoice in God, O ye tongues; give the glory to the Lord, and the Lamb—Smart 9/24/20
- Run, shepherds, run where Bethlem blest appears—Drummond 12/15/23
- S
- Search while thou wilt, and let thy reason go—Browne 8/22/22
- Sing, men and angels, sing, for God our Life and King—Masefield 3/26/05
- Some wish to live within the sound—Studd 7/14/18
- Spirit divine, attend our prayers—Reed 3/21/18
- Spring bursts today—Rossetti 4/27/20
- Still as of old—Cholmondeley 4/15/19
- ... stooping very low, He engraves with care—St. John 3/13/20
- Such music (as ‘tis said)—Milton 7/28/25
- Sun of my soul! Thou Saviour dear—Keble 7/14/25
- Sunshine let it be, or frost—Coleridge 6/6/17
- T
- Teach us, good Lord, to serve Thee as Thou deservest—Ignatius of Loyola 7/31/20
- Thanks be to thee—Richard of Chichester 6/16/23
- The blessed son of God only—Coverdale 12/8/21
- The blood of Jesu’s cross—Williams 4/19/25
- The deaf may hear the Saviour’s voice—Keble 7/14/24
- The dove descending breaks the air—Eliot 5/28/23
- The eve His life of love drew near its end—Thérèse of Lisieux 4/9/20
- The fear of Hell, or aiming to be blest—Waller 12/20/18
- The God of love my shepherd is—Herbert 2/27/22
- The grief was common, common were the cries—Drummond 9/11/21
- “The hungry sheep look up, and are not fed.”—Adams 5/19/20
- The King of glory sends his Son—Watts 12/23/16
- The King of love my Shepherd is—Baker 7/29/21
- The Kings of the earth are men of might—Kilmer 8/21/22
- The Lord can clear the darkest skies—Watts 8/5/20
- The Mother sits by the rough-hewn byre—Flandreau 12/24/23
- The prayers I make will then be sweet indeed—Buonarrotti 4/6/22
- The shepherds sing; and shall I silent be?—Herbert 12/19/23
- The soft light from a stable door—Cox 12/24/19
- The trivial round, the common task—Keble 7/14/21
- The Work, which his Goodness began—Toplady 1/10/25
- The world grows terrible and white—Chesterton 12/22/25
- The world is charged with the grandeur of God—Hopkins 7/14/20
- Thee, Lord, before the close of day—Ambrose 10/16/18
- There are three lessons I would write—Schiller 9/7/17
- There is a stream, whose gentle flow—Watts 11/26/18
- “There is no God,” the foolish saith—Browning 9/4/22
- There’s a wideness in God’s mercy—Faber 1/1/24
- They cast their nets in Galilee, just off the hills of brown—Percy 9/28/16
- They haled him trembling to the Judgment Seat—Porter 4/22/19
- They were all looking for a king—MacDonald 12/23/23
- This is my Father’s world, and to my listening ears—Babcock 7/10/25
- This is the irrational season—L’Engle 12/23/18
- This is the month, and this the happy morn—Milton 12/25/17
- This outer world is but the pictured scroll—Noyes