Christ, our Light

Title Index D-G

Daily Thoughts: Selected from the Writings of Charles Kingsley by His Wife [Text], Charles Kingsley, London: Macmillan and Company, 1888— 11/25/25
Dangerous Wonder: the Adventure of Childlike Faith [Text] [WCat], Mike Yaconelli, Colorado Springs, Colo.: NavPress, 1998— 3/27/21, 5/17/22, 5/13/25, 5/14/25, 5/15/25, 5/16/25
David Elginbrod, vol. 1 [Text], George MacDonald, Bernhard Tauchnitz, 1871— 8/9/23
David Elginbrod, vol. 2 [1863] [Text], George Macdonald, Bernhard Tauchnitz, 1871— 3/15/10, 10/28/18, 4/11/19
Day is at Hand, The [WCat], Arthur Lichtenberger, New York: Seabury Press, 1964— 8/24/06, 7/29/22
Days of Blessing in Inland China [Text], J. Hudson Taylor & Montagu Harry Proctor Beauchamp, London: Morgan & Scott, 1887— 11/17/18
De Nabuthe Jezraelite [ca.395], St. Ambrose of Milan, in Journal of the History of Ideas, v. III, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1942— 12/7/05, 12/7/18, 12/7/23
De Paradiso, Ambrose5/11/19
De Virginitate [ca. 401] [Text], St. Augustine of Hippo12/25/25
Death in the City [Text], Francis Schaeffer, London: Inter-Varsity Press, 1969, Good News Publishers, 2002— 4/12/17, 4/20/18, 6/28/18
Death of Death in the Death of Christ, The [1647], in Works of John Owen, v. X, John Owen, New York: R. Carter, 1852— 9/4/23
Deliverance to the Captives: Sermons [Text], Karl Barth, Harper, 1961— 6/21/16, 12/1/20
Demonstration of the Apostolic Preaching, The [2nd c.] [Text], Irenaeus6/28/21, 6/28/22
Descent of the Dove: a history of the Holy Spirit in the church, The [Text], Charles Williams, Meridian Books, 1956— 5/15/17, 5/15/20
Desiring God [Text], John S. Piper, Portland: Multnomah Press, 1986, reprint, Random House Digital, Inc., 2011— 6/18/24
Destiny of Man, The [Text], Nicholas Berdyaev, London: Geoffrey Bles, 1937, Hyperion Press, 1979— 3/21/16
Devil to Pay: being the famous history of John Faustus, The [Text], Dorothy Leigh Sayers, V. Gollancz, ltd., 1939— 12/17/21
Dialogues of Saint Gregory, The [Text], St. Gregory the Great, P. L. Warner, 1911; Arx Publishing, LLC, 2010— 9/3/16, 9/3/22, 9/3/24
Diary of an Old Soul, full title, A book of strife in the form of the diary of an old soul [Text], George Macdonald, London: by the author, 1880— 5/14/18, 8/9/18, 12/24/18, 12/25/18, 11/1/21, 5/21/23
Diary of Private Prayer, A [Text], John Baillie & Donald M. Baillie, New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1939— 1/11/16, 8/4/16, 8/10/17, 7/9/19, 5/14/22, 5/6/24, 6/26/24
Dictionary of the Bible, v. I [Text], James Hastings, New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1911— 10/5/24
Dietrich Bonhoeffer: a biography [Text], Eberhard Bethge, Fortress Press, 2000— 9/9/21
Difference in Being a Christian, The [WCat], Stephen Neill, New York: Association Press, 1955— 12/8/20
Dining with the Devil: the Megachurch Movement Flirts with Modernity [WCat], Os Guinness, Grand Rapids, Mich. Hourglass Books, 1993— 1/7/21
Directions and Persuasions to a Sound Conversion [Text], in The Practical Works of Richard Baxter, v. VIII, Richard Baxter, London: J. Duncan, 1830— 6/14/20, 6/14/21
Disappointment with God: Three Questions No One Asks Aloud [Text], Philip Yancey11/18/22, 2/2/23, 12/6/24
Discipleship [Text], G. Campbell Morgan, New York: Fleming H. Revell, 1897— 2/22/25
Discipleship: living for Christ in the daily grind [Text], J. Heinrich Arnold, Farmington, PA: Plough Pub. House, 1994— 5/18/20
Discipline and Culture of the Spiritual Life, The [WCat], A. E. Whitham, London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1938— 5/6/04
Discourse Concerning Evangelical Love, A, full title, A Discourse Concerning Evangelical Love, Church Peace, and Unity [1672] [Text], in Works of John Owen, v. XV, John Owen, London: Johnson & Hunter, 1851— 3/29/25
Discourse Concerning Holy Spirit, A, bk. I-V, full title, Pneumatologia, or a Discourse Concerning Holy Spirit [1674] [Text], in Works of John Owen, v. III, John Owen, London: Johnson & Hunter, 1852— 1/11/05, 6/12/16, 9/7/16, 4/26/17, 10/18/17, 2/23/19, 4/13/19, 7/5/19, 6/3/21, 8/10/22, 9/30/22, 3/16/23, 6/25/23, 10/20/24
Discourse Concerning Holy Spirit, A, bk. VI-IX, full title, Pneumatologia, or a Discourse Concerning Holy Spirit [1674], in Works of John Owen, v. IV, John Owen, London: Johnson & Hunter, 1852— 11/3/04, 11/27/16, 3/17/17, 12/26/21, 10/26/25
Discourse on the Existence of God, full title, Proslogium, or Discourse on the Existence of God, tr. Sidney N. Deane [Text], St. Anselm, Chicago: The Opencourt Publishing Co, 1903— 4/21/18, 4/21/20, 4/21/23
Discourses Addressed to Mixed Congregations [Text], John Henry Cardinal Newman, Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1849— 8/11/23
Discourses on Important and Interesting Subjects [Text], Thomas Watson, Blackie, Fullarton, 1829— 4/4/25
Discoveries: Made from Living My New Life [Text], Eugenia Price, Zondervan, 1979— 5/22/24, 1/3/25
Discovering the Bible: a practical handbook for Bible study [1953] [WCat], Suzanne de Diétrich, Coonoor, Nilgiris [India]: India Sunday School Union, 1952— 11/25/23
“Disorder of Man in the Church of God, The”, H. Richard Niebuhr, included in Man’s Disorder and God’s Design, v. I, Willem Adolph Visser ’t Hooft, ed., New York: Harper, 1949— 6/11/05
“Displeasure of Jesus, The” [Text], in Unspoken Sermons, Third Series, George MacDonald, London: Longmans, Green, 1889— 5/2/20, 6/29/20
Divine Conduct [1677] [Text], in The Whole Works of the Reverend Mr. John Flavel, v. IV, John Flavel, London: J. Mathews, 1799— 1/3/22, 6/8/24
Divine Conquest, The [Text], A. W. Tozer, Harrisburg, Penn.: Christian Publications, Inc., 1950, Revell, 1950— 6/24/05, 3/20/17
Divine Conspiracy, The [Text], Dallas Willard, HarperCollins, 1997— 10/27/24, 6/25/25
Divine Cordial, A [1657] [Text], Thomas Watson, Religious Tract Society, 1848— 10/15/24, 10/14/25
Divine Inspiration: the life of Jesus in world poetry [Text], Robert Atwan, George Dardess, Peggy Rosenthal, eds., Oxford University Press US, 1998— 12/29/23
Divine Inspiration of the Bible, The [Text], A. W. Pink, Swengel, Pa.: Bible Truth Depot, 1917— 3/2/24
Divine Life: in three treatises, The [1664], in The Practical Works of Richard Baxter, v. III, Richard Baxter, G. Virtue, 1838— 6/14/18
Doctrinal treatises and introductions to different portions of the Holy Scriptures [Text], William Tyndale, Cambridge: The University Press, 1848— 10/6/18, 10/6/20, 10/6/23, 10/6/25
Doctrine of Justification, The [1867] [Text] [WCat], James Buchanan, London: Banner of Truth Trust, 1961— 3/12/17
Doctrine of Justification by Faith, The [Text], in Works of John Owen, v. V, John Owen, London: Johnson & Hunter, 1851— 9/6/18
Doctrine of the Saints’ Perseverance Explained and Confirmed, The [1654] [Text], in Works of John Owen, v. XI, John Owen, London: Johnson & Hunter, 1853— 3/11/16, 5/1/24
Doctrines of Grace, The [Text], G. S. Bishop, Gospel Publishing House, 1910— 3/17/22
Donal Grant [Text], George Macdonald, London: George Routledge and Sons, 1883— 2/25/16
Door, The, Issues 139-150 [Text], Mike Yaconelli, ed., Youth Specialties, 1995— 12/9/24
Door Interviews, The [Text], Mike Yaconelli, Zondervan, 1989— 4/11/24
Dr. Paley’s Works: A Lecture Delivered by Richard Whately [Text], Richard Whately, London: John W. Parker and Son, 1859— 10/10/25
Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare, The [Text], William Shakespeare, London: Jones, 1823— 8/27/23
Dust of Death, The [Text] [WCat], Os Guinness, Leicester: Inter-Varsity Press, 1973— 3/17/08, 4/7/10, 7/17/17, 1/31/18, 6/16/18, 9/21/18, 10/31/18, 10/12/19
Duties of Young Men [Text], Edwin Hubbel Chapin, Boston: Phillips, Sampson, 1853— 5/3/19
“Dying Thoughts upon Philippians 1:23” [Text], in The Practical Works of Richard Baxter, v. XVIII, Richard Baxter, London: J. Duncan, 1830— 6/14/24
Early Christian Fathers, The [Text], Henry Scowcroft Bettenson, London: Oxford University Press, 1969— 6/28/20, 2/17/22, 5/2/22
Early Church History to A.D. 312, v. I [Text], Henry M. Gwatkin, London: Macmillan, 1912— 1/13/16, 3/9/17, 4/17/21, 11/12/25
Early Fathers from the Philokalia [Text], Saint Makarios (Metropolitan of Corinth), comp. & E. Kadloubovsky, Gerald Eustace Howell Palmer, trs., Faber and Faber, 1959— 3/30/17, 4/15/21
Early History of the Church of the United Brethren (Unitas Fratrum) Commonly Called Moravians in North America, A. D. 1734-1748, The, as v. III of Transactions of the Moravian Historical Society [Text], Levin Theodore Reichel, Nazareth, PA: The Moravian Historical Society, 1888— 1/25/19
Ecclesiastical History, full title, Lectures on the ecclesiastical history of the first and second centuries [Text], Frederick Denison Maurice, London: Macmillan, 1854— 9/7/19
Ecclesiastical Polity and Other Works of Richard Hooker, The, v. II [Text], Richard Hooker, London: Holdsworth & Ball, 1830— 11/3/16
Edges of His Ways: Selections for Daily Reading [1955] [WCat], Amy Carmichael, London: SPCK, 1957— 2/28/17, 4/19/17, 8/26/17, 1/18/18, 10/24/22, 6/12/23
Efficacy of Prayer, The [Text], John Hewitt Jellett, London: Macmillan, 1878— 4/7/25
Efficacy of Prayer, The [1958] [Text], C. S. Lewis, Cincinnati: Forward Movement, 2003— 3/24/05, 8/5/17, 4/30/19
Eighteen Upbuilding Discourses [Text], Søren Kierkegaard & tr. H. V. Hong, Princeton University Press, 1992— 3/29/23
Elisha the Prophet: the lessons of his history and times [Text], Alfred Edersheim, Religious Tract Society, 1882— 5/1/18
Elizabethan World Picture, The [1943] [Text], E. M. W. Tillyard, 9th ed., Vintage Books, 1960— 8/10/20
Emil Brunner’s Concept of Revelation [WCat], Paul K. Jewett, London: J. Clarke, 1954— 9/5/23
Emile, or, On education [Text], Jean-Jacques Rousseau, UPNE, 2009— 2/3/22
Enchiridion On Faith, Hope, and Love [Text], St. Augustine of Hippo8/28/24
Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics [Text], James Hastings, New York: Scribners, 1908— 8/20/18
End of Christendom, The [Text], Malcolm Muggeridge, W. B. Eerdmans, 1980— 1/3/21
End of the Spear [Text], Nate Saint & by Steve Saint, Tyndale House, 2010— 1/8/16
English Spirituality in the Age of Wyclif [Text], David Lyle Jeffrey, tr., Regent College Publishing, 1988— 1/20/20, 1/20/21
Enthronement of Love: Christ the Peacemaker, The [WCat], John Ferguson, London: Fellowship of Reconciliation, 1951— 4/30/24
Enzio’s Kingdom: and other poems [Text], William Alexander Percy, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1924— 9/28/16
Ephesians Studies: expository readings on the Epistle of Saint Paul to the Ephesians [Text], Handley C. G. Moule, New York: A. C. Armstrong, 1900— 12/3/16
Epistle to the Romans, The [Text] [WCat], Karl Barth, translated from the 6th edition by Edwyn C. Hoskyns, London: Oxford University Press, H. Milford, 1933, 6th ed., Oxford University Press US, 1968— 3/20/18, 7/20/20, 8/30/20, 1/6/21, 6/11/21, 9/24/21
Epistles of Paul the Apostle to the Romans and to the Thessalonians, The [Text], John Calvin, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 1995— 5/27/25
“Equality” [Text], C. S. Lewis, in The Spectator, v. 171— 6/24/08
Erasmus: a study of his life, ideals and place in history [Text], Preserved Smith, Harper & Brothers, 1923— 6/10/18
Eriu, Journal of the School of Irish Learning, v. 2-3 [Text], Kuno Meyer, John Strachan, Dublin: School of Irish Learning, 1905— 5/16/16
Essays in Liberality [Text], Alexander R. Vidler, SCM Press, 1957— 7/10/23
Essays of Elia, The [Text], Charles Lamb, E. Moxon, 1840— 1/1/17
Essence of Religion, The [Text], Borden Parker Bowne, Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1910— 10/31/20
Essential Bible Companion to the Psalms, The [Text], Brian L. Webster & David R. Beach, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 2010— 9/23/23
Essential Erasmus, The [WCat], Desiderius Erasmus & J. P. Dolan, ed., New York: New American Library, 1964— 2/4/25, 5/2/25
Essentials of Evangelical Theology [Text], Donald G. Bloesch, Harper & Row, 1978— 5/25/22
Eternal Punishment [Text], A. W. Pink, Swengel, Pa. : Bible Truth Depot, 1951— 10/29/20
Ethics [Text], Dietrich Bonhoeffer & tr. Reinhard Krauss, Charles C. West, Douglas W. Stott, Fortress Press, 2005, reprint, Simon and Schuster, 2012— 2/1/16, 7/25/25
Ethics in a Permissive Society [Text], William Barclay, New York: Harper & Row, 1971, Fontana, 1971— 2/19/06, 2/3/18, 9/10/18, 10/20/18
Ethics of Freedom, The [Text], Jacques Ellul, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1976— 11/30/25
Evangelical Theology: An Introduction [Text], Karl Barth, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 1979— 1/16/24
“Evangelicals and the Doctrine of Inerrancy” [1963], Kenneth S. Kantzer, in Foundation of Biblical Authority, ed. James Montgomery Boice, Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1978— 7/11/18
Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God [1961] [Text] [WCat], J. I. Packer, Downers Grove, IL: Inter-Varsity Fellowship, 1991— 3/9/19, 10/17/19
Evangelism Inc. [WCat], G. W. Target, London: Penguin Press, 1968— 12/6/16
Evangelism: Some principles and experiments [WCat], C. Gordon Bridge, London: SPCK, 1937— 11/23/20
Evangelism that Works [Text] [WCat], George Barna, Gospel Light Pubns., 1995, Regal Books, 1995— 3/6/25
Evangelization of the World in this Generation, The [Text], John R. Mott, New York: Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions, 1905— 2/6/20
Evelyn Underhill: Essential Writings [Text], Evelyn Underhill, Orbis Books, 2003— 10/12/25
Evening by Evening [Text], Charles Haddon Spurgeon, New York: Sheldon and Company, 1869— 4/19/23
Everlasting Man, The [Text], G. K. Chesterton, London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1925, Wilder Publications, 2008— 8/24/04, 2/9/16, 3/7/20, 6/13/21, 4/10/22
Everlasting Righteousness, The; or, How shall man be just with God? [Text], Horatius Bonar, London: James Nisbet and Co., 1873— 2/15/18, 3/30/18, 9/25/22
Everyday Faith, Karl Rahner, Herder and Herder, 1968— 4/4/23
Every-day Religion [Text], Hannah Whitall Smith, New York: Fleming H. Revell, 1893— 9/24/25
Excellency of Theology, The [1674] [WCat], Robert Boyle9/27/18
Except the Lord [Text], Joyce Cary, London: Michael Joseph, 1953, reprint, New Directions Publishing, 1985— 2/14/16
Exercitations on the Epistle to the Hebrews, pt. IV ff [Text], in Works of John Owen, v. XIX, John Owen, London: Johnson & Hunter, 1854— 7/5/05, 11/1/05, 8/16/17
Experience Worketh Hope; being some thoughts for a troubled day. [Text] [WCat], A. J. Gossip, Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1945— 1/15/07, 7/20/07, 9/9/16, 5/26/17, 9/15/17, 5/26/18, 4/7/19, 9/4/19, 9/5/19, 8/22/20, 1/15/24, 12/2/24
“Experiment in Suburbia” [Text], Carl R. Smith & Robert W. Lynn, in Spiritual Renewal through Personal Groups, John L. Casteel, ed., NY: Association Press, 1957— 3/19/05, 5/28/21
Experiment of Faith, The [WCat], Samuel M. Shoemaker, New York: Harper, 1957— 5/17/16, 8/2/16, 7/3/20, 7/16/25
Experiments of Spiritual Life & Health, and their Preservatives [1652] [Text], Roger Williams, reprinted, Sidney S. Rider, Providence, 1863— 12/6/19, 6/6/21, 3/3/23
Explanatory Notes upon the New Testament, v. II [Text], John Wesley, London: Thomas Cordeux, 1813— 8/2/25
Exposition of the Christian Faith [Text], St. Ambrose of Milan & tr. H. de Romestin, in A Select Library of Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, second series, v. X, Philip Schaff & Henry Wace, ed., New York: Christian Literature Company, 1896— 8/23/21, 12/7/22
Exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews, An, ch. III-V [Text], in Works of John Owen, v. XXI, John Owen, London: Johnson & Hunter, 1854— 3/5/05, 7/11/24, 2/17/25
Exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews, An, ch. VI-VII [Text], in Works of John Owen, v. XXII, John Owen, London: Johnson & Hunter, 1855— 4/24/21
Exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews, An, ch. VIII-X [Text], in Works of John Owen, v. XXIII, John Owen, London: Johnson & Hunter, 1855— 12/15/20
Exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews, An, ch. XI ff [Text], in Works of John Owen, v. XXIV, John Owen, London: Johnson & Hunter, 1855— 1/21/20
Exposition of the First Epistle to the Corinthians, An [1857] [Text], Charles Hodge, New York: Robert Carter & Bros., 1860— 1/17/18, 3/20/21
Exposition of the Old and New Testaments, An [1828] [Text], Matthew Henry5/20/16, 10/16/17, 12/1/25
Exposition upon Psalm CXXX, An, full title, A Practical Exposition upon Psalm CXXX [1668] [Text], in Works of John Owen, v. VI, John Owen, New York: R. Carter & Bros., 1851— 9/30/04, 8/12/09, 1/6/17, 3/17/18, 12/12/19, 4/23/20, 11/4/20, 10/28/23, 9/15/25
Expositions on the Book of Psalms, v. I [Text], St. Augustine of Hippo, Oxford: Parker, 1847— 10/7/20
Expositions on the Book of Psalms, v. II [Text], St. Augustine of Hippo, Oxford: Parker, 1848— 6/28/16
Expositions on the Book of Psalms, v. VI [Text], St. Augustine of Hippo, Oxford: Parker, 1857— 8/28/18
Expository Lectures on St. Paul’s Epistles to the Corinthians [Text], Frederick W. Robertson, London: Smith, Elder, 1860— 7/13/16
Expository thoughts on the Gospels, with the text complete, St. John, v. I [Text], J. C. Ryle, Robert Carter and brothers, 1874— 5/6/25
Expository thoughts on the Gospels, with the text complete, St. John, v. III [Text], J. C. Ryle, London: William Hunt, 1873— 9/28/20
Expository thoughts on the Gospels, with the text complete, St. Luke, v. I [Text], J. C. Ryle, Ipswitch: William Hunt, 1858— 2/16/22
Expository thoughts on the Gospels, with the text complete, St. Mark [Text], J. C. Ryle, Ipswitch: William Hunt, 1857— 2/12/21, 2/13/21
Expository thoughts on the Gospels, with the text complete, St. Matthew [Text], J. C. Ryle, Ipswitch: William Hunt, 1856— 8/14/21, 11/28/23
Extraordinary Living for Ordinary Men [WCat], Samuel M. Shoemaker, Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1965— 1/15/17
Eyes and Ears [Text], Henry Ward Beecher, Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1862— 9/2/22
Facing up to Modernity [Text], Peter L. Berger, Basic Books, 1977— 7/9/22
Facts and men, pages from English Church history, between 1553 and 1683 [Text], J. C. Ryle, London: William Hunt, 1882— 11/24/17
Faith and its Psychology [Text], William R. Inge, Scribner, 1910— 10/13/24, 7/19/25
Faith of a Heretic, The [Text], Walter Kaufmann, Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1961— 4/30/05
Faith of Edward Wilson, The [WCat], George Seaver, London: J. Murray, 1948, quoted in A Treasury of the Kingdom: an anthology, Emmeline Alethea Blackburn, ed., Oxford University Press, 1954— 11/18/23
Faith to Proclaim, A [Text], James S. Stewart, New York: Scribner, 1953— 8/19/22
Faith’s Title Deeds [WCat], David M. M’Intyre, London: Morgan & Scott, 1924— 11/4/16
Far and Near, Massey H. Shepherd, Jr.10/21/17, 2/20/24
Farewell Sermons of Some of the Most Eminent of the Nonconformist Ministers [Text], London: Gale and Fenner, 1816— 5/10/24
Father of Women: and other poems, A [Text], Alice Meynell, Burns & Oates, 1917— 3/25/16
“Fear of God, The” [Text], in Unspoken Sermons, Second Series, George MacDonald, London: Longmans, Green, 1886— 7/11/17
“Fellowship Groups: ‘Intercessory Love’” [Text], Howard B. Haines, in Spiritual Renewal through Personal Groups, John L. Casteel, ed., NY: Association Press, 1957— 11/20/20, 1/12/25
Ferment in the Church, The [WCat], Roger Lloyd, London: SCM Press, 1964— 12/26/16, 6/16/17
Fern-seed and Elephants [Text], C. S. Lewis & Walter Hooper, Fontana, 1975— 4/5/16, 8/24/16
Fifty Reasons Why Jesus Came to Die [Text], John S. Piper, Crossway, 2006— 11/14/24
“Final Unmasking, The” [Text], in Unspoken Sermons, Third Series, George MacDonald, London: Longmans, Green, 1889— 2/6/21
Fire of Love [1343] [Text], Richard Rolle & tr. Richard Misyn— 1/20/18, 1/20/23, 1/20/24, 1/20/25
Five Minutes a Saint [WCat], John Foster, Richmond: John Knox Press, 1963— 1/13/20
Florilegium Amantis [Text], Coventry Patmore, London: G. Bell, 1879— 12/2/23
Flowing Light of the Godhead, The [Text], Mechthild of Magdeburg & Frank J. Tobin, tr., Paulist Press, 1998— 11/19/20
Foolishness of Preaching, The [Text], Robert Farrar Capon, Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 1997— 1/9/25, 3/2/25, 4/18/25
Foolishness to the Greeks: the Gospel and Western culture [Text], Lesslie Newbigin, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 1986— 6/25/21, 1/30/23, 6/18/23, 10/1/23, 11/15/23, 1/30/24, 4/20/24
Footing on this Earth: Poems, A [Text], Sara Henderson Hay, Doubleday, 1966— 8/5/16
For All the Saints?: Remembering The Christian Departed [Text], N. T. Wright, Church Publishing, Inc., 2004— 5/18/24
For Christ’s Sake: a reply to the Bishop of Woolwich’s book “Honest to God” and a positive continuation of the discussion [WCat], O. Fielding Clarke, New York: Moorehouse-Barlow, 1963— 7/15/18, 11/15/18
For Self-examination [1851] [Text], Søren Kierkegaard, Oxford University Press, 1941— 2/4/24
For the Love of God: A Daily Companion for Discovering the Riches of God’s Word, v. II [1999] [Text], D. A. Carson, reprint, Good News Publishers, 2006— 5/7/21
“For the Spirit’s Hunger,” part 2, “In the Beginning: the Need Felt“, Bonaro W. Overstreet, in The PTA Magazine, v. XLVI, n. 2 (October, 1951), Chicago: National Parent-Teacher, Inc., 1951— 1/7/16
For This Day [Text], J. B. Phillips & Denis Duncan, ed., Word Books, 1978— 8/25/23
Fortnightly Review, The, v. VI [Text], George Henry Lewes, ed., London: Chapman and Hall, 1866— 11/9/21
Foundation of Biblical Authority [Text] [WCat], ed. James Montgomery Boice, Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1978— 8/9/17, 3/14/18, 7/11/18, 8/10/18, 5/10/20
Foundation of the Christian Faith [Text], James Montgomery Boice, InterVarsity Press, 1986— 2/3/21
Foundations for Reconstruction [Text], Elton Trueblood, New York: Harper & Brothers, 1946— 7/4/16
Fountain of Life, The [1671] [Text], in The Whole Works of the Reverend Mr. John Flavel, v. I, John Flavel, Paisley: A. Weir and A. McLean, 1770— 8/26/18, 5/22/22, 5/5/25
Four Gospels, The [Text], E. V. Rieu, London: Penguin Books, 1952— 12/30/21
Four Loves, The [Text], C. S. Lewis, London: Geoffrey Bles, 1960, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 1960— 11/22/17, 1/12/24, 11/22/24, 2/14/25, 7/2/25, 8/19/25
Fragments of a Diary: 1881-1934, Alexander Yelchaninov, in A Treasury of Russian Spirituality, Georgii Petrovich Fedotov, ed., Nordland, 1975— 9/29/23, 4/18/24, 9/29/24, 11/25/24
Francis A. Schaeffer Trilogy, The (The God Who is There, Escape from Reason, He is There and He is not Silent) [Text], Francis A. Schaeffer, Good News Publishers, 1990— 2/24/17, 2/25/17, 6/1/17, 1/25/18, 1/26/18, 11/24/18, 1/3/19, 7/13/22, 8/4/25
Francis of Assisi, full title, Life of St. Francis of Assisi [1894] [Text], Paul Sabatier & tr. Louise Seymour Houghton, New York: C. Scribner’s sons, 1922— 10/4/17
Frank C. Laubach, Teacher of Millions, David E. Mason, Minneapolis: T. S. Denison & Co., 1967— 10/22/18
“Freedom” [Text], in Unspoken Sermons, Third Series, George MacDonald, London: Longmans, Green, 1889— 11/11/22
Freedom and the Spirit [Text], Nicholas Berdyeev, London: Geoffrey Bles, 1935, 1944— 4/19/05, 9/2/16
Freedom from Tyranny of the Urgent [Text], Charles E. Hummel, InterVarsity Press, 2009— 12/2/25
Freedom of Simplicity [Text], Richard J. Foster, HarperCollins, 1989— 3/19/21, 10/7/25
French Confession of Faith, The [1559] [Text], in Bibliotheca Symbolica Ecclesiae Universalis: The evangelical Protestant creeds, vol. 3, Philip Schaff, New York: Harper, 1919— 3/10/18
Friend: a series of essays, The [Text], Samuel Taylor Coleridge, London: Gale & Curtis, 1812— 11/30/23
From a Christian Ghetto [WCat], Geddes MacGregor, London: Longmans, Green, 1954— 12/11/17
From God to Us: How we got our Bible [WCat], Norman L. Geisler & William E. Nix, Chicago: Moody Press, 1974— 9/11/18
From State Church to Pluralism [Text], Franklin H. Littell, Chicago: Aldine Publishers, 1962, reprinted by Transaction Publishers, 2007— 2/25/04, 8/15/06
From the Edge of the Crowd [Text] [WCat], A. J. Gossip, Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1924— 4/20/07, 7/9/16, 12/2/16, 11/23/18, 5/26/19, 11/29/19, 2/4/21, 7/18/21, 10/22/21, 2/10/22, 5/26/22, 7/16/22, 7/25/24, 10/8/25
“Fruitful exhortation to the reading of holy Scripture, A” [1562] [Text], from Certain sermons, or, Homilies appointed to be read in churches, Church of England, London: Prayer-Book and Homily Society, 1852— 3/12/18, 3/13/18
Fundamentals: The Famous Sourcebook of Foundational Biblical Truths, The [Text], ed. R. A. Torrey, Kregel Academic, 1990— 2/28/25
Future for the Free Churches, A? [WCat], Christopher Driver, London: SCM Press, 1962— 3/6/06, 10/22/17, 3/3/18, 9/24/19, 8/1/20, 8/2/20
Future of the Christian, The [WCat], Elton Trueblood, Harper & Row, 1971— 10/11/21, 1/21/24, 4/12/24, 7/15/24
Gagging of God, The [WCat], Gavin Reid, London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1969— 7/7/16, 9/29/16, 6/3/24
Gagging of God: Christianity Confronts Pluralism, The [1996] [Text], D. A. Carson, Zondervan, 2002— 12/27/21
Galilean Accent, The [Text] [WCat], A. J. Gossip, Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1926— 9/6/04, 2/4/07, 8/21/07, 5/26/16, 10/21/16, 7/20/17, 9/27/17, 11/13/17, 1/12/20, 5/26/21, 10/27/22, 12/30/22, 2/8/23, 4/5/23, 6/4/23, 8/17/23, 2/26/24, 5/26/24, 5/26/25
Gates and other Poems [WCat], Sister Mary Madeleva, New York: Macmillan, 1938— 3/30/21
Genuinely Human Existence: Towards a Christian Psychology, A [WCat], Stephen Neill, Garden City, N.Y. : Doubleday, 1959— 3/13/21, 3/5/22
George MacDonald and His Wife [Text], Greville MacDonald, G. Allen & Unwin, 1924— 9/18/24
George Macdonald, an Anthology [Text], George MacDonald & ed. C. S. Lewis, Macmillan, 1947— 8/22/04
Gift for God: prayers and meditations, A [Text], Mother Teresa of Calcutta, HarperCollins, 1996— 5/25/19
Give Me Liberty: the Uncompromising Statesmanship of Patrick Henry [Text], David J. Vaughan, Cumberland House Publishing, 1996— 7/4/21
Glad Tidings [Text], Dwight Lyman Moody, New York: E. B. Treat, 1876— 9/2/18, 11/2/24
Gleanings Among the Sheaves [Text], Charles Haddon Spurgeon, New York: Sheldon, 1869— 8/3/17, 5/11/18, 3/30/19
Glory and Honor: the musical and artistic legacy of Johann Sebastian Bach [Text], Gregory Wilbur & David Vaughan, Cumberland House Publishing, 2005— 7/28/20
Glory of Christ, The, full title, Meditations and Discourses on the Glory of Christ, in His Person, Office, and Grace [1684, 1691] [Text], in Works of John Owen, v. I, John Owen, London: Johnson & Hunter, 1850— 9/4/06, 7/21/21, 8/30/24, 8/3/25, 12/15/25
Gnomologia, full title, Gnomologia: Adagies and Proverbs, Wise Sentences and Witty Sayings, Ancient and Modern, Foreign and British [Text], Thomas Fuller, London: B. Barker, 1732— 7/28/18
God and Evil [Text], C. E. M. Joad, New York: Harper, 1943— 3/21/20, 6/16/20
“God and Success” [Text], Curtis Cate, in The Atlantic Monthly, January/June 1957— 2/7/20
God has Spoken: revelation and the Bible [WCat], James I. Packer, London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1965, Grand Rapids: Baker, 1979— 5/4/19, 7/18/20
God in the Dock: Essays on Theology and Ethics [1970] [Text], C. S. Lewis & ed. Walter Hooper, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 1994— 7/20/04, 9/29/21, 10/2/22, 10/3/22, 4/1/24
God is Not Dead [Text], Bernard Iddings Bell, New York: Harper & Brothers, 1945— 5/18/16, 2/21/17, 7/4/25
God of All Comfort [Text], Hannah Whitall Smith6/21/25
God of the Bible: an Introduction to the Doctrine of God, The [1973] [Text] [WCat], Robert P. Lightner, Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1978, formerly published as The First Fundamental: God9/1/17, 4/22/18, 10/21/18, 3/24/19
God Our Contemporary [Text] [WCat], J. B. Phillips, New York: Macmillan, 1960— 1/5/23, 7/6/23
God Tells the Man Who Cares [Text], A. W. Tozer, Moody, 2006— 10/5/25
God was in Christ: an essay on incarnation and atonement [Text], Donald M. Baillie, Scribner, 1955— 10/24/20
God Who is There, The [1968] [Text], in The Francis A. Schaeffer Trilogy, Francis A. Schaeffer, Good News Publishers, 1990— 2/24/17, 2/25/17, 6/1/17, 1/25/18, 1/26/18, 11/24/18, 1/3/19, 7/13/22, 8/4/25
God Who Loves You, The [Text], Peter Kreeft, Ignatius Press, 2004— 2/8/25, 2/9/25
God With Us: a Message for Christmas [WCat], J. B. Phillips, London: Epworth Press, 1957— 10/2/16, 1/6/24, 3/30/24, 4/22/25, 11/8/25
God’s Forgetful Pilgrims [Text], Michael Griffiths6/2/24
“God’s Revelation of Himself to Israel” [Text], Benjamin B. Warfield, in Sunday School Times, August 4, 1907— 3/4/16, 3/5/16
God’s Way of Holiness [WCat], Horatius Bonar, London: J. Nisbet, 1864— 12/18/24
God’s Way of Peace: A Book for the Anxious [Text], Horatius Bonar, London: J. Nisbet, 1864— 10/28/25
God’s Word in Man’s Language [Text], Eugene A. Nida, New York: Harper, 1952— 2/25/10, 11/27/17, 8/18/18, 5/22/20, 10/20/20, 4/4/22, 9/2/23
Gold Cord: the story of a fellowship [Text], Amy Carmichael, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1952— 1/18/16
Golden Diary of Heart Converse with Jesus in the Book of Psalms, The [Text], Alfred Edersheim, London: J. Nisbet & Company, 1866— 7/9/24
Golden Grove, The [Text], Jeremy Taylor, London: A. Wilson, 1811— 8/13/25
Golden Sequence: a fourfold study of the spiritual life, The [Text], Evelyn Underhill, Dutton, 1933— 12/5/04
Golden String, The [1954] [WCat], Bede Griffiths, London: Fount Paperbacks, 1979— 11/5/23
Good News for Russia [Text], ed. Jesse Wendell Brooks, Chicago: The Bible Institute Colportage Association, 1918— 9/11/20
Good News: Thoughts on God and Man [WCat], J. B. Phillips, New York: Macmillan, 1963— 10/16/23, 12/12/23, 11/11/24, 12/22/24, 12/19/25, 12/20/25
Good Thoughts in Bad Times [1645] [Text], Thomas Fuller, Chicago: United Society of Christian Endeavor, Boston, 1898— 3/3/05, 6/12/18, 2/22/19, 6/22/19, 10/27/20, 6/24/22, 10/2/23
Gospel According to St. John, The [Text], Brooke Foss Westcott, London: John Murray, 1882— 7/27/21
Gospel According to St. Mark, The [Text], G. A. Chadwick, London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1891— 11/10/10, 3/9/16, 9/30/16, 1/5/17, 6/16/19, 8/18/23, 10/8/23
“Gospel and Culture, The”, David Bronnert, in The Changing World, Bruce Kaye, ed., vol. 3 of Obeying Christ in a Changing World, John Stott, gen. ed., 3 vol., London: Fountain, 1977— 12/1/17, 2/2/18, 3/18/23, 3/19/23, 10/22/24
Gospel and Human Needs, The [Text], John Neville Figgis, London: Longman’s, Green & Co., 1911— 2/11/21, 5/13/22, 12/27/23, 10/3/24
Gospel and law: contrast or continuum? : The Hermeneutics of dispensationalism and covenant theology [WCat], Daniel P. Fuller, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1980— 11/16/17
Gospel Awakening, The [Text], Dwight Lyman Moody, Chicago: Fairbanks and Palmer Publishing Company, 1885— 8/4/24
Gospel of John, The, v. 1 [Text], William Barclay, Edinburgh: Saint Andrew Press, 1965— 1/9/07, 5/13/07, 8/16/16, 9/26/16, 11/9/16, 2/22/17, 4/25/17, 12/8/17
Gospel in a Pluralist Society, The [Text], Lesslie Newbigin, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 1989— 8/14/24, 1/30/25, 4/24/25
Gospel of John, The, v. 2 [Text], William Barclay, Westminster John Knox Press, 2001— 7/26/10, 6/27/16, 6/30/20
Gospel of Luke, The [Text], William Barclay, Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1956— 1/27/22
Gospel of Matthew, The, v. 1 [Text], William Barclay, Westminster John Knox Press, 2001 (revised)— 4/26/22
Gospel of Matthew, The, v. 2 [Text], William Barclay, Edinburgh: Saint Andrew, 1958— 2/19/16, 3/13/22, 2/25/23
Gospel of St. Matthew, The, v. 1 [Text], Alexander MacLaren, London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1892— 10/26/24, 12/5/25
Gospel of Sadhu Sundar Singh, The [Text], Friedrich Heiler & Olive Wyon, G. Allen & Unwin, Ltd., 1927— 8/17/16, 10/28/17, 6/19/18
Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners [1666] [Text] The Whole Works of John Bunyan, v. I, John Bunyan, London: Blackie, 1862— 11/4/21, 8/31/23
Grace and Duty of being Spiritually Minded, The, full title, FRONHMA TOT PNEYMATOS? or, The Grace and Duty of being Spiritually Minded Declared and Practically Improved [1681] [Text], in Works of John Owen, v. VII, John Owen, London: Johnson & Hunter, 1852— 10/18/18, 5/23/19, 11/5/21, 6/12/22, 3/20/24, 5/11/25
Grace and Power: some aspects of the spiritual life [Text], W. H. Griffith Thomas, New York: Fleming H. Revell, 1916— 7/31/23
“Grace of God, The” [Text], C. I. Scofield, in The Fundamentals: The Famous Sourcebook of Foundational Biblical Truths, ed. R. A. Torrey, Kregel Academic, 1990— 2/28/25
Grace of God and the Will of Man, The [Text], Clark H. Pinnock, Zondervan, 1989— 2/5/24
Gravity and Grace [Text], Simone Weil & Arthur Wills, tr., Lincoln: U of Nebraska Press, 1997— 8/17/17
Great Christian Books [Text] [WCat], Hugh Martin, London: S.C.M. Press Ltd., 1945, Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1946— 7/29/18
Great Omission: Reclaiming Jesus's Essential Teachings on Discipleship, The [Text], Dallas Willard, HarperCollins, 2006— 5/8/25
“Greatest Thing in the World, The” [Text], in Addresses, Henry Drummond, H. Altemus, 1891— 3/1/05, 7/19/16, 1/20/17, 3/18/20
Green Stick, The [Text], Malcolm Muggeridge, London: Collins, 1972— 10/23/19
Greening of the Church, The [Text] [WCat], Findley B. Edge, Waco, Tex.: Word Books, 1971— 5/4/04, 5/25/17, 1/27/21
Grief Observed, A [Text], penname of C. S. Lewis, Seabury Press, 1963— 9/12/18
Growing Spiritually [WCat], E. Stanley Jones, New York: Abingdon, 1953— 3/16/17
Growth in Holiness, or the Progress of the Spiritual Life [Text], Frederick William Faber, London: Thomas Richardson & Son, 1860, third edition2/26/23, 5/16/23
Growth of a Work of God, The [WCat], C. Stacey Woods, Downers Grove, Ill.: Inter-varsity Press, 1978— 7/8/18
Guard the Gospel; the Message of 2 Timothy [WCat], John R. W. Stott, Downers Grove, Ill., Inter Varsity Press, 1973— 7/27/20
Guesses at Truth, by Two Brothers, second series [Text], Augustus William Hare & Julius Charles Hare, London: Taylor and Walton, 1848— 11/30/21
Guide to True Peace: : or, The excellency of inward and spiritual prayer, A [1813] [Text], François Fénelon, Mme. Guyon, ed. William Backhouse & ed. James Janson, Pendle Hill by Harper & Brothers, 1946— 6/30/05, 10/9/05, 12/8/16, 5/11/24


Christ, our Light

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Notes on the bio and book links:

  • “CCEL bio” is the Christian Classics Ethereal Library, operated by Calvin College.
  • “Cath bio” is the Catholic Encyclopedia, maintained at the New Advent site.
  • “Wiki bio” is, of course, the Wikipedia. Some of the material in Wikipedia, particularly concerning controversial subjects, is not necessarily reliable. So, use with caution.
  • “JEK bio” is James Kiefer's Christian Biographies site.
  • “CEn bio” is Columbia Encyclopedia, part of the vast Bartleby site (extensively commercialized).
  • Other bio's are taken from what I judge to be high-quality sites likely to remain URL-stationary. One in particular that deserves mention is the Luminarium, a literary site with tremendous resources, and I have used it wherever possible.
  • “Text” is a link to the full (or partial) text online.
  • “WCat” is a link to the WorldCat site.

Compilation Copyright, 1996-2024, by Robert McAnally Adams,
        Curator, Christian Quotation of the Day,
        with Robert Douglas, principal contributor
Logo image Copyright 1996 by Shay Barsabe, of “Simple GIFs”, by kind permission.
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Last updated: 12/24/24

























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