Christ, our Light

CQOD Subject Index E-H

Eager—Eckhart 1/29/18
Earth—Augustine 5/4/25, Babcock 7/10/25, Barth 5/20/25, Bonhoeffer 12/4/21, Browning 3/11/22, Butterfield 6/9/24, Calvin 11/26/20, Cowper 6/1/25, Crashaw 12/23/17, Darby 5/20/10, Donne 7/23/16, Head 11/17/25, Hoskyns 11/15/19, Jones 6/27/21, Juliana of Norwich 5/8/18, Keble 7/14/25, Kilmer 8/21/22, Lewis 6/6/04, 1/4/22, Luther 5/28/22, Maxwell 5/1/17, Muggeridge 5/15/21, 11/14/18, Nathan 4/12/16, Newbigin 12/16/16, Owen 10/18/17, Pascal 3/6/19, 5/20/21, Phillips 11/6/03, Sadgrove 7/21/24, South 2/14/05, Struther 12/24/16, Summers 12/31/18, Taylor 8/13/24, Tennyson 11/17/04, Trench 4/15/17, Warren 10/21/24, Watts 12/23/16, 11/26/24, Wesley 5/24/24, Yancey 11/18/22, 12/6/24
Easter—Anderson 4/8/23, 3/27/18, 4/17/17, Anonymous 4/16/19, Barth 1/6/21, Berdyaev 3/21/16, Betz 5/10/17, 4/22/20, Brooks 4/18/06, 3/31/24, Bruce 9/28/18, Carmichael 1/18/16, Catherine of Siena 4/3/21, Cogdell 3/29/18, Coleridge 3/24/16, Collyer 3/26/16, Davis 4/20/25, Fulbert of Chartres 4/12/20, Gossip 4/7/19, Graham 4/10/20, Harkness 12/8/18, Henry 3/10/19, John of Damascus 8/7/19, 8/7/23, Johnson 4/6/20, Kierkegaard 9/8/18, Kirk 3/25/18, Law 4/7/23, 10/1/16, 7/2/07, 12/23/20, Luther 6/11/16, MacDonald 4/18/17, Mascall 4/27/17, Messiaen 5/18/19, Meynell 3/25/16, Moule 3/28/16, Munson 7/17/22, Neill 5/17/24, Phillips 4/16/22, 4/3/18, 4/2/21, Porter 4/22/19, Rahner 4/4/23, Rossetti 4/27/21, 4/14/17, 4/27/20, Sadgrove 4/21/19, 6/12/19, Sayers 4/11/20, 7/3/16, Studdert Kennedy 3/8/24, Taylor 5/17/20, Thérèse of Lisieux 4/9/20, 10/1/20, Underhill 10/2/18, Vaughan 4/16/17, Watt 3/23/16, Westcott 4/30/20, Whale 4/14/20, Winter 3/27/16, Theologia Germanica 4/8/20
Ecumenical—Edwards 9/13/10, Kurosaki 5/23/20, Muggeridge 9/15/18, Newbigin 1/30/21, 12/18/19, Reid 6/3/24, Tozer 1/16/20
Eden—Adam of Saint Victor 8/7/25, Farjeon 12/26/19, Law 12/23/20, Lewis 6/24/08
Education—Allen 6/8/18, 10/26/20, Barclay 7/12/18, Bell 7/13/17, 7/4/25, Buttrick 7/9/18, Chesterton 2/4/19, Dodd 6/1/22, Guinness 7/17/17, Hoskyns 12/4/16, Jones 1/9/21, Kingsley 11/21/23, Latourette 6/9/17, Mackey 2/22/04, Marshall 11/21/19, Moffatt 2/9/20, Newman 9/30/24, Olney 6/22/24, Phelps 7/1/17, Phillips 12/29/16, Sabatier 10/4/17, Wilberforce 7/30/19, Woods 7/8/18
Emancipation—Chesterton 6/13/21, Ramsay 8/6/16
Emptiness—Barth 11/20/22, Bernard of Clairvaux 8/20/18, Bounds 8/19/21, Davidman 2/6/24, Grosse 8/19/19, Law 6/5/06, 4/10/18, 9/11/25, Pascal 3/25/21, 8/4/21, Pusey 3/13/25, Shedd 1/27/21, Tauler 8/27/25, 2/3/16, 2/13/17, Trench 6/29/16, Trueblood 1/21/24, Watts 11/26/22
Encouragement—Barclay 10/15/06, 11/18/25, Casteel 11/2/20, Faber 2/26/23, Gossip 4/20/07, 9/5/19, Lucado 8/25/24, Marshall 9/21/19, Palau 12/28/07, Williams 5/15/17
Endeavor—Aquinas 1/28/23, Coleridge 11/30/23, D’Oyly 3/21/25, John of the Cross 12/14/21, Johnson 12/13/18, Lawrence 10/13/16, Machen 9/23/21, Owen 4/26/17, 10/18/18, 6/2/20, 7/21/21, Tillotson 2/28/21, 7/4/22
Enemy—Adams 5/19/19, Augustine 8/28/16, 2/10/23, Barth 6/21/16, 11/10/20, Basil the Great 1/2/24, Bonhoeffer 10/5/19, Brooks 1/23/23, Butterfield 6/9/24, Carmichael 1/18/20, Champion 2/2/04, Cogdell 3/29/18, Davidman 5/28/24, Davis 4/20/25, Elliot 2/25/20, Fénelon 12/8/16, Flavel 8/3/21, Forest 8/24/25, Francis of Assisi 10/4/18, Gordon 10/14/23, Henry 11/14/23, Herbert 2/27/22, Jenkins 11/16/04, Law 5/29/21, 11/28/22, 12/30/24, Luther 10/30/20, M’Cheyne 7/23/19, MacDonald 2/9/23, 2/19/17, 4/11/23, 11/7/24, 4/22/24, McGiffert 8/20/17, Machen 2/7/21, 5/5/22, Mechthild of Magdeburg 11/19/25, Merton 12/10/25, Moltmann 10/20/25, Moody 10/7/21, More 7/6/19, Neill 1/29/21, Nouwen 11/10/25, Pascal 10/20/08, Pinnock 1/6/18, Reid 6/16/21, Sayers 4/14/05, Smith 11/24/22, Tillotson 6/30/17, 6/21/18, Tozer 2/26/16, 12/30/25, Trueblood 10/14/20, Williams 3/3/23, Wordsworth 12/31/23, Theologia Germanica 4/8/20
Enlighten—Allen 8/18/24, Athanasius 5/2/19, Bondfield 2/29/12, Carnell 3/5/17, François de Sales 4/20/21, Gore 1/17/25, Law 5/29/24, 12/17/04, Vauvenargues 2/21/04
Envy—Faber 2/26/23, Johnston 11/23/23, Jones 10/5/20, Law 1/11/17, 7/19/19, Lewis 2/15/16, Weil 4/15/22
Epiphany—Bruce 1/6/19, Foster 1/31/21, Spurgeon 9/29/19, Underhill 6/16/25
Equality—Calvin 2/18/19, Lewis 6/24/08, Luther 10/30/16, Martin 7/29/18, Newbigin 11/15/23, O’Donovan 6/4/18, Scofield 7/19/18, Sherrill 8/8/25, Stott 5/4/21, Thomas à Kempis 9/22/25
Error—Allen 3/2/18, Ambrose 10/16/21, Arnold 7/6/17, Athanasius 5/3/23, Augustine 5/5/20, 5/6/20, Basil the Great 1/2/21, Bounds 12/9/17, Brown 11/4/18, Bruce 8/7/17, Geisler 9/11/18, Gore 1/17/19, Kurosaki 10/10/23, Leo XIII 3/11/18, Newman 8/11/17, 8/11/18, Owen 11/27/18, Packer 3/9/19, Pascal 12/12/21, Tillotson 5/4/17, 10/22/10, Wilberforce 7/30/24, Williams 5/1/25, Wycliffe 12/31/21
Eternal life—Adams 12/21/18, Allen 9/24/18, Augustine 5/6/20, Babcock 11/24/21, Blewett 12/15/18, Browning 3/11/22, Brunner 8/8/16, Calvin 2/18/19, Catherine of Siena 4/29/22, Donne 8/24/23, 9/6/17, Eckhart 8/5/24, Head 4/28/17, Hilary 1/14/17, Johnston 11/23/23, Latourette 12/21/17, Law 12/19/17, MacDonald 10/28/18, Moody 5/29/20, 11/8/22, Nicolas of Cusa 11/23/16, Owen 9/4/23, Stark 10/12/18, Taylor 7/7/20, Temple 1/25/16, Tertullian 11/7/17, Thomas à Kempis 1/19/17, Tillotson 3/24/20, Weil 12/24/21, Whale 2/17/18, Willard 5/8/20
Eternity—Ambrose 12/7/22, Anonymous 4/16/19, Augustine 11/25/20, Bonar 12/22/18, Calvin 5/27/24, Chapin 5/3/19, Cherry 8/21/17, Chesterton 12/22/25, Crashaw 12/23/17, Dougall 1/18/04, Drummond 12/23/21, Faber 5/30/19, 2/15/22, Fénelon 5/25/23, Griffiths 9/12/25, Hallesby 2/18/24, Hilary 1/13/17, 1/13/22, Housman 5/15/22, Huss 12/25/24, Law 11/13/16, Lawrence 7/31/24, Lewis 6/11/19, M’Cheyne 8/17/22, Marshall 5/11/22, Mechthild of Magdeburg 11/19/20, Mooneyham 11/27/19, Newbigin 10/2/17, Newman 8/11/23, Palau 5/29/07, Phillips 10/16/23, Pike 11/18/20, Pollard 4/26/18, Robertson 2/19/23, Rolle 1/20/23, Taylor 8/13/19, 8/13/20, 11/18/24, Tozer 8/6/04, 8/23/22, Traherne 10/3/21, Warren 10/21/24, Watts 11/26/24, Wesley 2/22/22, 12/26/17, Whale 11/24/16, Yancey 10/21/23
Evangelization—Aldrich 3/18/25, Allen 6/10/19, 9/23/18, 9/24/18, 6/9/25, Bernard of Clairvaux 8/20/25, Bridge 11/23/20, Bronnert 2/2/18, Carver 5/13/20, Cary 2/14/16, Chapman 10/20/19, Forsyth 6/11/22, Foster 1/13/20, Fuller 1/3/20, Gossip 5/26/19, Green 12/29/20, Guinness 7/17/17, Houston 6/17/20, John 6/6/25, Machen 9/23/21, Mason 9/30/18, Mooneyham 10/27/21, Mott 2/6/20, 1/22/24, Neill 4/22/21, Packer 10/17/19, 6/20/24, Palau 9/10/07, 12/28/07, Phillips 11/16/22, Pink 12/29/19, Price 5/22/24, Schaeffer 11/24/18, Spurgeon 1/31/16, 8/10/23, Stewart 8/22/25, Stott 7/27/16, 7/27/18, 5/20/18, Trueblood 4/18/20, Webster 2/7/16, Wesley 11/1/19, Williams 4/14/19, Zinzendorf 8/14/18
Evening—Baillie 5/6/24, Luther 4/12/25
Everlasting—Adams 5/19/16, Amiel 4/8/25, Anonymous 11/25/19, Aquinas 1/28/23, Augustine 10/7/20, Barclay 8/2/22, Beecher 9/2/22, Bruce 1/14/18, Brunner 4/14/25, Calvin 2/18/19, Campbell 6/12/24, Catherine of Siena 4/29/17, 4/29/18, Chesterton 1/26/17, Coleridge 10/24/16, Coverdale 12/8/21, Donne 3/31/17, Faber 6/17/21, Gregory the Great 9/3/21, Havergal 12/19/22, Hilary 1/13/22, John of Damascus 8/7/19, Johnson 3/26/18, 12/13/19, 12/13/21, 1/1/25, Jones 1/7/19, Juliana of Norwich 5/8/23, Kaufmann 4/30/05, Kurosaki 10/23/21, Law 5/29/24, 7/24/10, MacDonald 12/11/21, 3/12/24, 1/5/25, Machen 12/19/20, Newbigin 1/30/22, 3/29/22, Owen 9/30/04, 12/15/25, Phelps 12/26/20, Phillips 4/17/19, 8/4/22, Pink 3/15/22, Quarles 10/9/21, Ramsay 3/28/20, Rolle 1/20/25, Rossetti 4/27/16, Rutherford 1/21/18, 1/16/25, Ryle 11/28/23, Saint 1/8/23, Schiller 9/7/17, Sproul 9/21/25, Studdert Kennedy 3/8/24, Tabb 6/21/20, Trueblood 7/15/24, Watts 12/23/16, 11/26/17, 11/26/24, Weil 12/24/21, Wesley 12/26/17, Wilberforce 7/30/25, Wilde 3/12/16, Zinzendorf 7/5/20
Evil—Adams 12/23/19, Alexander 1/5/19, Allen 6/8/16, Ambrose 12/7/19, Anderson 11/5/25, Aquinas 1/28/22, Athanasius 5/3/23, Augustine 7/7/25, 2/11/16, 6/28/16, 8/28/24, 5/4/25, Barclay 5/9/16, 2/12/25, Barth 6/21/16, 5/30/20, Basil the Great 1/2/18, Bell 2/21/17, 7/4/19, Berdyaev 3/21/16, Bernard of Clairvaux 8/20/20, 11/7/20, Betz 5/10/17, Bloesch 10/9/25, Bonhoeffer 2/6/19, 4/9/21, 4/9/24, Booth 8/23/20, Bronnert 3/17/16, Brown 2/15/05, Bruce 5/30/24, Brunner 6/20/18, 4/14/25, Butterfield 6/9/24, Calvin 1/5/21, 8/21/24, 8/1/23, 11/10/23, 2/2/16, 5/27/17, 7/17/20, Campbell 9/23/20, Chadwick 8/18/23, Coslett 10/5/16, Daniélou 4/13/18, Demant 3/9/20, Denney 4/20/17, 7/26/19, Donne 3/31/25, 10/13/10, Eliot 1/26/16, Emmons 11/1/23, Fénelon 3/21/23, 10/27/16, 3/9/24, Flavel 8/26/18, Foster 1/31/21, François de Sales 4/20/21, 10/8/20, 1/24/24, Gordon 10/14/23, Gore 5/23/23, Gossip 8/21/07, Gregory the Great 9/3/22, Griffiths 9/12/25, Guinness 10/12/19, 6/16/18, Hammarskjöld 2/28/16, Hodge 6/5/18, 6/21/21, Joad 9/29/17, 3/13/16, Johnson 9/26/21, Kirk 3/25/18, Law 4/18/04, 7/2/07, 11/14/07, 1/7/23, 5/29/21, 7/22/24, 7/23/25, Lewis 12/30/18, 10/2/22, 10/13/19, 9/3/23, 5/25/24, 5/16/22, MacDonald 7/11/17, 3/15/10, 6/29/20, 1/5/25, Maclaren 12/5/24, Mallone 2/24/23, Moltmann 10/20/25, Nathan 4/12/16, Neill 2/17/16, 8/5/10, 1/29/21, Newton 11/24/25, Niebuhr 5/9/18, Owen 7/11/24, 1/21/20, Page 2/29/20, Pascal 12/28/22, Paton 10/27/25, Phillips 12/15/19, Polycarp 2/23/17, Redwood 5/3/16, Rees 6/23/17, Robertson 4/29/25, 10/12/21, Rutherford 10/2/19, Ryle 2/16/22, Saphir 4/15/24, Sayers 5/9/17, 12/17/23, 12/17/25, Schaeffer 8/4/25, Simeon 11/13/19, Smith 11/24/22, 9/19/22, 6/21/25, Soper 6/10/20, Spurgeon 9/29/19, 3/5/24, Stace 5/29/18, Stanley 8/31/16, Studdert Kennedy 3/8/21, Target 12/6/16, Tauler 2/13/19, Taylor 11/17/18, Tertullian 5/20/19, Thomas à Kempis 7/24/19, 11/4/19, 9/17/22, Tillotson 6/5/25, 4/3/16, 10/22/10, 8/8/21, 7/4/22, Tozer 5/12/20, Whitefield 12/28/25, Wilberforce 4/2/23, Theologia Germanica 4/8/20
Example—Barclay 10/15/06, Basil the Great 1/2/23, Cecil 3/20/23, Clifford 6/6/16, Cogdell 7/12/22, Dodd 5/6/17, Gregory the Great 9/3/16, Grigg 1/12/17, Law 3/25/05, Maclaren 5/3/22, Phillips 12/29/16, Polycarp 2/23/25, Robertson 5/13/19, Rufinus 7/12/21, Short 8/25/25, Steinmann 3/6/17, Tauler 2/13/19, Thomas à Kempis 9/12/24, Tillotson 1/16/22, 4/3/16, 7/4/22, Wesley 5/24/22
Exile—Anonymous 12/11/25, Cowper 8/25/20, Dyke 6/7/21, Sadgrove 10/24/23, Thérèse of Lisieux 10/1/18, Wright 2/3/25
Existence—Adler 1/14/16, Augustine 8/28/25, Barth 1/16/24, Bonhoeffer 5/21/16, 6/7/22, Brunner 6/9/19, Buechner 8/6/19, Capon 3/1/24, Donne 3/31/23, Dougall 1/18/04, 3/7/04, Eckhart 6/17/16, Gordon 6/23/25, Gregory of Nyssa 7/24/21, Griffiths 11/5/23, Johnson 3/23/24, Kates 11/23/21, Kierkegaard 9/8/23, Kraemer 9/10/24, Lewis 6/6/04, 1/12/24, Lichtenberger 7/29/22, Lightner 3/24/19, Lucado 7/4/20, MacGregor 12/11/17, Machen 11/18/19, 2/10/24, 7/6/24, Merton 12/10/18, 12/10/24, Minear 1/7/20, Montague 5/18/22, Newbigin 10/2/17, 1/30/20, 12/6/20, Newton 9/21/03, Nouwen 2/19/24, Oldham 3/5/18, Pascal 6/3/23, Pike 11/14/17, 2/20/22, Pinnock 3/26/19, 6/29/19, Schaeffer 6/1/17, Shedd 3/2/21, Shoemaker 8/2/16, Spurgeon 9/19/23, Trueblood 7/15/24, Underhill 6/15/17, 3/30/23, 12/11/23, Warfield 3/4/16, Willard 7/17/19, 10/27/24, Yelchaninov 4/18/24
Experience—Allen 3/12/23, 6/8/18, 10/26/20, Banning 11/9/19, Barclay 9/26/16, 1/11/19, Bonhoeffer 7/23/24, 4/9/17, 10/31/24, Butterfield 1/5/18, Carey 3/16/18, Denney 6/5/20, Dodd 9/23/17, 2/15/17, 5/6/17, Foster 8/15/22, 11/27/25, Gossip 5/26/17, Green 6/18/18, Guinness 9/21/18, Hallesby 6/27/25, Ham 1/31/24, Harper 6/7/18, Hastings 7/21/16, Houston 3/12/22, Jud 2/3/23, Kurosaki 7/10/21, Lawrence 10/9/17, Lewis 12/30/18, Maclaren 4/18/23, Manning 9/26/18, Merton 12/10/19, 12/10/23, Monro 3/10/24, Muggeridge 11/15/16, Newbigin 3/11/24, Owen 4/26/17, Pascal 7/28/17, Peterson 3/14/23, Pinnock 5/6/19, Rashdall 9/26/24, Rauschenbusch 2/15/19, Rees 1/16/23, 2/13/22, Ryle 8/14/21, Sayers 2/10/16, 12/17/19, Shepherd 2/20/24, Sherrill 1/22/21, Shoemaker 1/15/17, 5/17/16, Short 3/18/16, Smith 5/7/24, Thomas 4/13/24, Tozer 10/10/21, 5/12/21, 7/5/24, Wesley 7/3/24, Wright 2/3/25
Failure—Adams 5/19/18, 5/19/23, Aldrich 3/18/25, Allen 6/9/25, Allshorn 4/14/24, Atkinson 1/10/17, Baillie 5/14/22, Barclay 10/15/06, 11/29/18, Barth 1/7/22, Bayne 12/6/18, Beaufort 1/22/16, Bell 7/5/18, Bonhoeffer 4/9/17, Brent 10/5/21, Bronnert 4/16/18, Brooks 5/28/06, 9/22/21, Calvin 10/3/20, Capon 4/18/25, Cassels 11/24/24, Chadwick 9/7/23, Chapman 4/5/24, Chesterton 6/13/18, Davidman 12/12/17, Drummond 6/1/23, Dunn 10/24/21, Ellul 12/12/20, Gasque 10/28/24, Gossip 4/5/23, 10/19/19, Guinness 1/7/21, Hanson 12/30/16, Herbert 2/27/25, Kurosaki 10/10/23, Lawrence 4/30/17, Lewis 8/22/04, Luccock 4/2/08, Oldham 3/5/18, Orchard 1/27/23, Outerbridge 4/12/21, Owen 7/21/21, Palau 10/8/07, Pinnock 5/6/19, Robertson 2/28/24, Scofield 2/20/18, Stott 7/27/22, Tauler 2/3/16, Tillich 8/27/24, Tozer 12/17/16, Trench 2/7/17, Wetzel 9/3/17, Yaconelli 10/5/23
Faith—Alford 9/6/25, Allen 6/8/16, 6/8/18, Ambrose 8/23/21, 12/7/20, 12/7/25, Amiel 11/4/22, Anderson 12/3/24, Andrewes 9/25/24, Anonymous 12/15/03, Anselm of Canterbury 4/21/23, Arndt 11/9/23, Arnold 1/9/16, Auden 5/20/23, Augustine 4/25/21, 1/9/22, 4/25/18, 8/28/20, 12/25/25, Barclay 12/22/05, 10/15/06, 1/9/07, 4/25/17, Barth 10/1/22, 11/10/20, Basil the Great 5/9/22, Baxter 6/14/23, Beach 7/7/22, 12/3/18, Berdyaev 4/19/05, Berger 7/9/22, Bernard of Clairvaux 8/20/18, Betz 7/3/17, Bloesch 5/25/22, Bonar 3/30/18, 2/15/18, Bonhoeffer 11/18/17, 7/19/17, 4/9/19, 12/8/19, 4/9/22, 11/11/23, 10/31/24, 4/9/25, 11/2/25, Bornkamm 12/4/20, Bounds 12/9/17, Bradley 3/2/04, Brandon 12/27/04, Brent 7/18/22, Brinsmead 11/3/18, Brogan 8/2/19, Brooks 10/18/03, 1/23/25, 8/25/19, 3/31/24, Browne 7/12/17, Browning 9/4/22, Bruce 8/7/17, Brunner 6/5/23, 11/15/22, Buechner 8/23/24, Buttrick 7/9/18, Calvin 9/5/25, 2/2/24, 10/16/16, 4/3/19, 5/27/19, 10/3/20, Carmichael 1/18/16, 1/18/20, Carson 5/7/21, Casteel 3/23/23, Cate 2/7/20, Catherine of Siena 4/29/18, Caussade 1/26/23, 2/25/21, Cecil 1/16/16, Chadwick 3/9/16, 3/28/23, 5/21/24, 9/7/23, Chapman 9/2/21, Chesterton 11/8/16, 6/13/22, Christlieb 6/2/18, Church 3/14/17, Clarke 7/15/18, Clarkson 8/14/22, Clowney 6/3/18, Cogdell 4/22/17, 10/18/16, Cranfield 2/20/19, Crashaw 6/11/25, Cundy 8/14/23, Cyprian 9/16/25, Dale 1/22/17, Dawn 2/15/25, Denney 11/11/19, 8/3/20, 5/14/21, Dod 9/14/20, Dodd 12/16/06, Donne 10/11/16, 11/1/20, 12/24/25, D’Oyly 3/21/25, Driver 10/22/17, Duggan 8/14/20, Dürer 4/6/17, Earle 7/26/18, Eckhart 2/23/16, 2/9/17, Edersheim 5/1/18, Emrich 7/18/16, Fénelon 11/7/21, 6/4/16, 4/3/17, 10/18/20, 11/29/20, 10/6/22, Ferguson 4/30/24, Ferré 11/24/06, Figgis 2/11/21, 10/3/24, 5/13/22, Forsyth 3/9/23, 10/25/24, Fosdick 7/21/10, Foster 6/11/23, Fox 11/12/17, François de Sales 1/24/23, Fray 6/2/17, Glanvill 11/2/23, Gossip 9/6/04, 5/26/16, 5/26/17, 2/4/07, 2/4/21, 10/8/25, Green 12/29/20, 6/18/18, Grigg 1/12/17, Grou 12/20/21, 12/21/23, 2/26/25, Guinness 7/17/17, 2/15/23, Hammarskjöld 3/13/24, Handel 7/28/23, Hanson 10/29/25, Haskins 11/8/04, Hay 8/5/16, Head 10/27/18, Hilary 1/13/21, Hooker 11/3/21, 11/3/23, Hoskyns 5/30/23, Howard 3/29/19, Howells 9/19/04, Hromadka 6/20/19, 9/12/10, 12/1/21, Ignatius of Antioch 10/17/23, 10/17/25, Inge 2/11/24, 10/13/24, 7/19/25, Irenaeus 6/28/22, Jenkins 11/16/04, Jewett 9/5/23, Joad 1/5/22, John of the Cross 12/14/25, John 6/6/25, Johnson 2/19/05, 2/19/21, 12/3/23, 5/22/18, 2/18/20, 3/26/18, 12/13/19, Johnston 11/23/23, Jones 1/7/25, 3/22/19, Jukes 11/14/19, Kates 2/24/18, Knight 10/9/18, Kraemer 12/18/16, Kurosaki 2/24/21, 2/19/19, 3/14/24, 9/4/25, Lake 3/3/17, Law 8/25/04, 9/25/04, 6/18/17, 12/6/07, 10/26/09, 12/27/19, 11/28/22, 10/19/22, Lawrence 3/19/24, 8/12/19, Lewis 7/20/04, 6/12/17, 9/2/19, 10/13/18, 9/29/21, Luther 8/27/17, 4/17/23, 10/30/18, 4/6/21, 4/13/20, 10/30/21, 7/9/20, 12/19/21, 3/5/23, 10/30/23, 10/30/25, MacDonald 6/30/22, 9/18/21, 11/3/17, 8/6/21, 12/15/17, 4/4/18, 3/11/25, 5/17/21, 5/21/23, 3/15/10, 9/18/20, Machen 2/12/22, 2/7/21, Mackie 8/3/05, Maclaren 2/24/22, Manley 6/22/23, 9/5/17, Marshall 9/21/19, Mascall 7/10/17, Mechthild of Magdeburg 11/19/18, Merriam 4/12/04, 12/16/19, Merton 12/10/21, 2/20/20, Moffatt 11/12/16, 2/26/18, Moody 5/31/24, Murray 12/5/23, 7/15/25, Neill 8/5/10, 6/27/24, 5/17/24, Newbigin 5/14/19, 12/6/20, 10/10/24, 3/14/25, Newman 11/19/24, 8/11/25, 8/12/25, 8/11/17, 8/11/19, 6/7/11, Newton 3/25/22, 12/9/22, Nida 5/22/20, Niebuhr 5/9/18, 3/27/20, Origen 10/13/20, Osler 2/14/07, Owen 4/24/21, 11/3/04, 4/23/20, 5/3/05, 7/25/16, 9/6/18, 10/17/16, 5/6/18, 10/23/10, 12/26/21, 1/26/21, 11/19/22, 9/4/23, 8/3/25, Packer 3/12/17, 10/17/19, Palau 8/10/07, Pascal 12/12/21, 5/31/25, Paton 11/24/20, Peterson 2/1/25, Phelps 12/14/23, Phillips 8/6/24, 12/29/16, 9/16/19, 3/30/24, Pike 4/8/24, 2/20/22, Pink 9/6/21, 12/27/24, 7/11/23, Pinnock 2/20/17, 5/6/19, 8/27/22, 8/29/23, 2/5/24, Pusey 9/16/17, Rees 1/14/23, 6/21/17, Rhymes 4/25/24, 8/5/18, Richardson 8/12/18, 7/8/25, Robertson 2/28/24, Robinson 9/17/20, Rolle 1/20/24, Rutherford 8/19/17, 5/16/18, 1/21/19, 8/27/20, 6/29/22, 4/29/24, Ryle 11/24/17, 12/1/19, Ryrie 1/25/24, Sadgrove 1/25/22, 6/6/20, 10/23/23, Saphir 7/6/21, 8/3/22, 8/31/24, 9/30/20, 8/29/19, Savonarola 6/7/16, Schaeffer 4/19/21, Schiller 9/7/17, Scofield 2/28/25, Selden 10/11/17, Simeon 11/13/23, 11/13/21, Smith 5/28/21, 3/19/05, Steen 11/27/22, Stravinsky 7/28/21, Struther 11/12/21, Studdert Kennedy 3/8/20, Swete 11/16/24, 4/8/17, Talmage 9/2/24, Taylor 4/14/23, 8/13/17, Temple 11/6/23, 11/6/24, 11/6/25, 1/25/16, ten Boom 10/19/24, Tertullian 6/3/17, 10/21/19, Thérèse of Lisieux 8/22/19, 4/9/20, Thomas à Kempis 3/19/20, 11/21/17, Torrey 9/11/22, Tournier 5/1/16, Towne 5/7/04, Tozer 12/11/04, 8/22/05, 8/9/16, 12/17/16, 12/1/06, Troeltsch 2/24/16, Trueblood 12/1/16, 8/5/25, Tyndale 10/6/20, Underhill 12/2/11, 5/4/22, 6/15/21, Warfield 10/5/24, Wesley 2/22/22, 7/5/17, Westcott 10/31/10, Whale 2/17/18, White 9/11/16, Whitefield 7/26/23, Williams 5/1/25, Wright 7/1/18, 5/18/24, Wycliffe 12/31/20, Yaconelli 5/16/25, Yancey 2/2/23, Zinzendorf 1/25/19
Fall—Alexander 1/5/19, Bunyan 8/31/25, Clough 4/30/18, Denney 6/5/20, Donne 3/31/17, Edwards 1/4/21, Gossip 5/26/21, Herbert 2/27/25, Jukes 11/14/19, Kierkegaard 9/8/17, Law 6/18/17, 5/31/20, 1/7/23, 7/28/22, Shoemaker 8/2/16, Tauler 6/22/21, Wright 2/1/19
Family—Aldrich 10/25/23, Barth 6/17/22, Davidman 9/22/18, Edwards 9/13/10, Gore 5/23/23, Henry 3/10/19, Hoskyns 12/12/18, Nida 11/27/17, O’Donovan 6/4/18, Phillips 7/26/25, Rhymes 8/5/18, Rushdoony 6/15/25, Rutledge 10/26/22, Sadgrove 7/21/24, Sayers 12/17/19, Shoemaker 7/16/25, Stevenson 9/11/17, Williams 8/22/17
Fasting—Bernard of Clairvaux 11/7/20, Cowper 9/28/25, Dodd 5/15/18, Gossip 5/26/25, Herbert 2/27/19, John Chrysostom 9/13/23, Johnson 12/13/20, Maurice 3/12/21, Smith 6/5/11, Thomas à Kempis 11/5/20
Fate—Augustine 5/29/19, Barth 10/1/22, Clowney 6/28/19, Lucado 8/25/24, Sherrill 1/22/21, Tertullian 5/20/19
Father—Adams 5/19/19, Ambrose 7/18/17, 12/7/22, Anderson 3/27/18, Anstice 11/1/18, Athanasius 5/2/23, 5/2/21, Baillie 10/24/20, Barth 6/17/22, Bloesch 8/15/21, Bonhoeffer 4/9/25, Brooks 5/28/06, Calvin 11/10/23, 2/3/17, Carmichael 1/18/18, 4/19/20, Cary 2/14/16, Coleridge 10/24/16, Cowper 6/1/25, Cyprian 9/16/25, Dawson 11/29/17, Dodd 1/16/18, Driver 3/3/18, Emans 4/5/19, Forsyth 1/26/22, Gore 1/17/25, Gossip 2/4/07, Grou 11/5/22, Guinness 10/12/19, Hamill 2/10/17, Head 9/1/23, Henry 3/10/19, Hilary 1/13/21, 1/13/22, Hooker 11/3/23, 11/3/25, Houghton 9/24/23, Housman 12/22/22, Howard 3/29/19, Howells 9/19/04, Huss 12/25/22, Ignatius of Antioch 10/17/23, Irenaeus 6/28/22, 6/28/21, John of Damascus 8/7/23, Kates 11/23/21, Kierkegaard 9/8/22, 7/21/17, Kingsley 6/18/21, 8/24/21, Knight 8/23/18, Luther 5/9/24, MacDonald 2/9/23, 5/30/17, 8/6/21, 11/11/20, 5/14/18, 5/22/19, 8/10/19, 6/29/20, 12/25/20, 12/11/21, 4/11/23, 9/18/23, 8/9/22, 5/9/25, 4/22/24, 8/1/25, Machen 2/10/24, Marshall 1/1/18, Mechthild of Magdeburg 11/19/20, Merton 12/10/16, 7/3/25, Messiaen 5/18/19, Moule 12/3/16, Murray 7/20/22, Neill 3/26/24, Nida 11/27/17, Niebuhr 11/29/13, Origen 3/1/16, Owen 5/1/24, 2/14/22, Packer 5/4/19, 12/16/21, 4/24/22, Palau 3/9/25, Paton 6/18/22, Pinnock 1/27/16, Rees 6/21/17, Saphir 2/14/21, Schaeffer 4/2/24, Singh 6/19/16, Skelton 8/16/24, Smith 11/25/21, 7/29/23, Soper 8/15/17, Spurgeon 9/19/23, Studdert Kennedy 3/8/18, 3/8/19, Taylor 6/9/23, Tertullian 11/7/17, 9/5/21, 3/28/22, Thérèse of Lisieux 2/5/18, Thielicke 2/5/25, Tozer 3/18/22, 11/20/25, Watts 8/1/21, Weinel 1/27/25, Wesley 12/26/17, Whittier 2/16/19, Williams 8/22/17, “A Fruitful exhortation to the reading of holy Scripture” 3/12/18, The Mirror of the Blessed Life of Jesus Christ 5/21/20
Fear—Allen 10/8/22, 3/2/18, Allshorn 4/14/24, Ambrose 12/7/19, Andrewes 9/25/16, Augustine 10/9/16, 10/14/19, Baker 7/29/21, Baxter 3/22/22, 11/29/22, Beecher 8/27/21, Bernard of Clairvaux 8/20/24, Bonhoeffer 12/23/22, Bounds 7/29/25, Bright 5/5/23, Brooks 1/23/23, Bunyan 9/21/24, Calvin 12/29/21, 7/22/21, Capon 4/18/25, Cary 2/14/16, Cowper 5/14/20, Cranmer 10/16/22, Croucher 9/27/24, Cyprian 9/16/21, Donne 3/31/19, Dyke 8/3/19, Fénelon 9/22/23, 9/17/16, Flavel 1/3/22, Fletcher 10/25/21, Forest 8/24/25, Francis of Assisi 10/4/18, Franck 7/28/24, Fuller 2/22/19, Glover 3/29/16, Gossip 4/7/19, Gregory the Great 9/3/21, Hastings 9/22/17, Havergal 12/28/21, Head 10/27/18, Irenaeus 6/28/22, Johnson 2/22/18, Law 8/25/04, 1/3/08, 12/1/18, 11/8/19, Lewis 6/25/22, M’Cheyne 7/23/19, MacDonald 1/7/18, 9/18/16, 7/11/17, 8/10/19, Maclaren 12/5/24, Manley 8/26/21, Mechthild of Magdeburg 11/19/25, Merriam 12/16/19, Merton 12/10/22, Newbigin 4/19/18, Newbolt 3/17/21, Newman 8/11/20, Nouwen 11/10/25, Owen 11/3/04, 3/11/16, 9/7/16, 4/26/17, 1/21/20, Phillips 1/6/24, 12/19/25, Pink 12/27/24, Pusey 9/16/17, 9/16/22, Ryle 2/16/20, Shepherd 10/21/17, Singh 4/25/19, Smith 7/29/23, 6/21/25, Spurgeon 9/4/21, Studdert Kennedy 7/5/06, Taylor 3/7/21, Temple 11/6/18, Thomas à Kempis 9/17/22, Tozer 7/5/24, Waller 12/20/18, Wordsworth 12/31/23, Yancey 10/21/23
Fearless—Bosanquet 2/16/05, Guinness 6/16/18, Pink 10/29/20
Fellowship—Augustine 4/25/21, Barclay 1/10/19, Barth 9/24/21, Bonhoeffer 7/23/24, 1/19/19, 10/10/07, 7/26/22, 1/14/25, 2/6/19, 2/7/19, 2/8/19, 2/9/19, 2/10/19, 2/11/19, 2/12/19, 6/7/22, 4/3/23, Brandon 12/27/04, Brent 11/20/23, Brinsmead 11/3/18, Broadbent 3/7/17, Bronnert 12/1/17, Bunyan 8/31/17, Calvin 11/10/23, Church 12/29/22, Dodd 8/4/18, Dyke 6/7/21, Gore 5/23/23, Haines 1/12/25, Ham 12/3/19, Hodge 1/17/18, Johnson 12/3/23, Kates 2/24/18, Kurosaki 10/10/23, 10/11/23, 6/23/19, 5/23/20, 10/23/21, 5/22/23, 3/14/24, Latourette 6/9/17, Mackie 8/3/05, Manley 9/5/17, Martin 7/8/19, Moffatt 11/12/16, 2/9/20, Neill 3/5/22, Newbigin 5/20/22, 1/30/17, 1/30/21, 1/30/20, 12/6/20, 3/14/25, Phillips 4/6/23, Reapsome 5/21/18, Reeves 6/21/23, 8/9/20, Saucy 5/25/20, Schaeffer 9/19/24, Scott 7/2/17, Shoemaker 7/3/20, Singh 6/19/18, Spurgeon 5/16/24, Steen 11/27/22, Stott 5/4/21, Temple 11/6/24, 11/6/25, Thomas à Kempis 7/24/23, Tozer 8/21/23, 5/12/20, 1/16/20, Warren 5/6/05, Wedel 8/25/22, Westcott 10/31/10
Fickle—Kilmer 4/13/22
Fight—Barclay 6/30/20, Brooks 5/29/23, 1/23/23, Bunyan 8/31/19, Demant 3/9/20, Elliot 2/25/20, Erasmus 7/12/16, Gandy 8/24/24, Gossip 4/20/07, Hallesby 2/18/24, Ignatius of Loyola 7/31/20, Lewis 5/16/22, Outerbridge 4/12/21, Pink 7/11/23, Ramsay 11/30/19, Ryle 8/14/21, Studd 10/14/17, Trueblood 10/14/20, Wirt 12/19/18
Fire—Anselm of Canterbury 4/21/22, Augustine 11/25/20, Baillie 4/5/17, Booth 11/2/22, Bounds 2/26/20, Brooks 5/4/16, Brunner 6/9/19, Carmichael 1/18/16, Catherine of Siena 4/29/18, Chadwick 5/21/24, 6/7/25, Chesterton 2/9/16, Cotterill 3/2/17, Day 1/31/25, Eliot 5/28/23, Francis of Assisi 10/4/22, Gossip 3/26/17, Keble 12/18/23, Laubach 12/8/25, Law 9/9/22, 4/10/23, MacDonald 11/8/23, 2/4/22, 2/1/24, Orchard 3/18/24, Pink 9/6/21, Rutherford 3/24/24, Sayers 1/19/25, Stevenson 3/10/22, Studd 10/14/17, Taylor 5/23/21, Thérèse of Lisieux 10/1/19, Trench 2/7/17
Flame—Bounds 2/26/20, Bronnert 3/17/16, Carmichael 1/18/16, Eliot 5/28/23, Van Rooy 8/30/19, Spurgeon 5/16/24, Thérèse of Lisieux 10/1/18
Flight—Allison 4/4/16
Flower—Beecher 2/19/20, Bunyan 8/31/17, Coslett 10/5/16, Orchard 1/27/23, Patmore 11/17/16, Rutherford 5/10/23, Smart 6/23/21
Foe—Allen 11/16/21, Carmichael 1/18/20, Franck 7/28/24, MacDonald 12/23/23, Tozer 3/20/17
Folly—Ambrose 12/7/19, Barth 6/21/16, Baxter 3/22/22, Bernard of Clairvaux 6/29/23, Brooks 1/23/16, Chadwick 8/18/23, Coslett 10/5/16, Fuller 10/27/20, Gossip 11/13/17, Henry 10/16/17, Hooker 11/3/25, Ironside 3/15/19, John Chrysostom 9/13/22, Johnson 12/13/17, Kierkegaard 9/8/24, Lewis 3/24/05, 12/30/18, 10/2/22, Luther 10/30/23, Origen 10/13/20, Owen 9/11/19, Phillips 5/30/18, Sayers 2/10/16, Spurgeon 12/2/18, Taylor 8/13/21, 6/24/25, Thomas à Kempis 5/21/25, Underhill 5/5/17
Fool—Drummond 9/11/21, Elliot 1/8/17, Fuller 1/3/20, Ignatius of Loyola 7/31/21, 7/31/22, Kirk 3/2/23, Murray 7/15/25, Patmore 12/2/23, Shaw 11/23/10, Tillotson 10/26/18
Forebear—Bonhoeffer 2/10/19, Hoskyns 6/18/20, Tauler 5/11/20
Forget—Atkinson 1/10/17, Barclay 10/28/21, Barth 6/17/17, 9/4/18, Calvin 8/18/22, Carmichael 3/20/19, 9/7/20, Davidman 5/28/17, Faber 5/16/23, Flavel 8/3/21, Forsyth 9/9/20, François de Sales 8/12/16, Gossip 9/4/19, Johnson 12/13/16, Moody 9/2/18, Newbigin 12/16/16, 3/14/21, Pinnock 12/18/25, Rolle 1/20/21, 1/20/20, Schaeffer 6/28/18, Shoemaker 8/2/16, Smith 9/27/19, Studdert Kennedy 3/8/21, Thoreau 8/10/04, Underhill 3/4/19, Yancey 3/28/24, The Cloud of Unknowing 4/13/21
Forgiveness—Allshorn 7/2/22, 7/3/22, 6/20/20, Auden 2/21/19, Augustine 11/20/16, 10/9/16, Baillie 5/14/22, Betz 2/4/17, Blake 10/22/20, Bloesch 7/15/22, Bonar 9/25/22, Bonhoeffer 11/11/16, 4/9/17, 9/21/07, 1/14/25, 2/7/19, 2/10/19, 2/12/23, 10/31/24, 9/14/25, Booth 11/2/22, Brent 11/20/23, Bronnert 4/16/18, Brunner 3/24/23, Bunyan 7/20/25, Buonarrotti 4/6/25, Carmichael 9/7/20, Chesterton 1/29/24, 6/13/25, Church 12/29/22, Davidman 7/25/22, Denney 3/27/19, 4/20/17, 10/20/17, 1/11/22, Dodd 9/23/17, 9/24/17, Edwards 2/14/19, Elliot 1/8/18, 1/8/22, Forsyth 1/26/22, Fuller 7/12/25, Gossip 5/26/20, Ham 9/6/23, Hammarskjöld 12/28/23, Head 9/1/23, Herbert 6/10/21, Housman 5/15/22, Hromadka 6/20/19, John Chrysostom 9/13/23, 9/13/24, Johnson 2/18/20, 9/26/21, 1/1/25, Jones 8/8/18, Judson 4/26/21, 12/15/21, Kaufmann 4/30/05, Keble 7/14/24, Lavater 2/20/09, Law 5/29/24, 12/30/24, Lawrence 10/13/16, Lewis 10/11/20, 8/24/16, 2/5/19, 7/2/25, 11/22/20, Lloyd 12/26/16, Luther 9/20/24, M’Cheyne 9/20/25, MacDonald 11/8/23, 2/23/18, 9/18/16, 10/19/10, 8/1/25, Marshall 1/1/18, Maxwell 5/1/17, Miller 4/11/18, More 7/6/19, Neill 3/13/21, 3/5/22, Niebuhr 12/29/24, Nouwen 11/10/25, Owen 10/28/23, 11/4/20, 8/12/09, 3/17/18, Palau 11/25/07, Phillips 5/17/17, Pinnock 1/6/18, Polycarp 2/23/17, Rauschenbusch 2/15/19, Ruysbroeck 7/1/16, Schaeffer 9/19/24, Schroy 11/10/17, Scott 7/2/17, Simeon 11/13/22, Spurgeon 11/9/25, Stott 2/16/24, 7/27/24, Thérèse of Lisieux 2/22/09, Tillotson 5/4/17, Traherne 5/16/21, Underhill 5/5/17, Watson 4/4/25, Watts 1/13/18, Wedel 8/25/22, Weil 1/11/24, Whittier 2/16/19, Wilde 3/12/16, Wilson 11/30/22, Wright 6/30/18, Yancey 12/6/23, 2/11/25, Middle English Sermons 5/16/19, Theologia Germanica 3/1/25
Fortitude—Dryden 3/7/16, Origen 10/13/20
Free will—Augustine 8/28/24, Bonhoeffer 11/2/25, Calvin 8/21/24, 8/1/23, Demant 3/9/20, Dodd 2/16/17, Marshall 1/21/22, Phillips 3/1/22, Spurgeon 10/31/22
Freedom—Allshorn 6/20/20, Auden 4/22/22, Basil the Great 1/2/24, Bonhoeffer 12/22/21, Brooks 2/26/07, Bruce 5/30/24, Calvin 10/7/22, 11/12/05, Carson 5/7/21, Chesterton 6/13/21, Dodd 2/16/17, 2/17/17, 2/18/17, Eckhart 7/15/19, Ellul 9/7/22, 11/30/25, Erasmus 7/25/18, Fénelon 6/3/22, 1/4/19, Forsyth 11/21/21, Fox 8/21/16, Glover 3/30/16, Gore 1/17/19, Guinness 4/7/10, Hromadka 1/25/21, John of the Cross 12/14/19, Jones 9/27/21, Law 1/4/05, Lloyd 6/16/17, Luther 1/21/16, 6/7/17, Marshall 1/21/22, Micklem 3/12/25, Miller 7/26/20, Newbigin 11/15/23, Oman 7/25/10, Peterson 3/16/20, Pinnock 8/29/23, Reed 12/30/20, Shepherd 10/21/17, Soper 8/15/17, Swinburne 9/7/21, Thomas à Kempis 9/6/19, Tolstoy 10/5/22, Torrey 6/6/23, Tozer 2/26/16, 3/6/20, Trueblood 8/5/25, Vidler 1/22/18
Fret—Carmichael 9/9/18
Friend—Adams 5/19/23, Anstice 12/16/25, Babcock 5/2/24, Barclay 10/15/06, Baxter 3/22/22, Brooks 5/28/06, Dodd 1/31/20, Dyke 12/26/23, Fénelon 3/21/23, 1/21/23, Fuller 10/27/20, Kirk 7/25/17, Lewis 11/22/24, Luther 10/30/20, MacDonald 2/19/17, 12/24/18, 6/29/20, 12/29/25, Martyn 12/30/19, Mechthild of Magdeburg 11/19/25, Meyer 9/10/25, Nida 9/2/23, Nouwen 9/14/23, O’Donovan 5/13/16, Pascal 8/19/20, Peterson 4/26/24, Phillips 5/17/17, Richard of Chichester 6/16/23, Rutherford 5/16/18, 3/17/20, 3/24/24, Singh 6/19/20, Stevenson 9/11/17, Swinburne 3/11/21, Tauler 8/5/22, Tennyson 11/17/04, Thérèse of Lisieux 4/9/20, Thomas à Kempis 5/31/19, Tillotson 6/21/18, Traherne 10/12/20, Unamuno 11/2/98, Watt 3/23/16, Wesley 5/24/16, White 9/11/16, Willard 7/17/19
Friendliness—Barclay 10/20/18, Davidman 8/12/24, Eckhart 1/29/18
Frustration—Bonhoeffer 2/28/14, Jones 7/10/06, MacDonald 6/29/20, Montague 5/18/22
Fulfillment—Bayne 10/1/25, Caussade 2/21/16, Dodd 3/18/19, Edge 5/25/17, Ellul 2/8/24, 5/30/25, Gordon 7/8/24, Huss 12/25/22, Joad 3/21/20, Kirk 9/30/17, Kurosaki 10/23/21, Luther 10/30/18, Moffatt 5/9/20, Muggeridge 4/19/19, 3/17/23, Newton 12/21/16, Peterson 11/9/22, Saphir 9/30/20, Taylor 12/3/20
Fullness—Bounds 8/19/21, Elliot 1/8/24, Gossip 1/15/24, 2/4/07, Grosse 8/19/19, Houston 7/22/17, John 6/24/20, Kurosaki 2/19/19, Newbigin 3/29/22, Tozer 7/25/19
Futility—Blackham 11/25/18, Gossip 11/23/18, Hopkins 7/14/20, John Chrysostom 9/13/22, Lewis 2/12/18, Studdert Kennedy 3/8/22
Future—Augustine 8/28/18, Baillie 10/31/25, Barclay 1/9/19, Bernard 4/14/18, Bojaxhiu 8/12/21, Bonhoeffer 4/9/19, Cassels 6/5/24, Fénelon 3/9/24, 6/26/25, Hilary 1/14/17, Huessey 5/4/20, Lewis 10/3/16, 1/25/17, 12/17/07, 11/22/25, MacDonald 5/21/22, 2/6/21, Maclaren 1/22/25, Owen 8/30/24, Oxenham 10/8/17, Palau 7/15/17, Rahner 4/4/23, Sadgrove 1/25/22, Saphir 9/30/20, Swete 4/8/17, Tillotson 1/12/23, Toplady 1/10/25, Tozer 2/26/19
Gambling—Davidman 12/12/17, Law 2/16/23, Temple 11/6/23
Generosity—Emans 4/5/19, Gossip 2/26/24, Harris 2/28/19, Lewis 11/22/23, M’Cheyne 2/3/20, Ruysbroeck 2/10/21, Tauler 5/11/20, Tourville 1/27/19, Tozer 12/8/23, Underhill 3/21/05, Wilberforce 7/30/24
Gentleness—Augustine 7/18/19, Baker 7/29/21, Barclay 12/16/20, Calvin 4/18/22, 10/25/25, Dawn 2/15/25, Fénelon 7/22/16, 8/17/25, Francis of Assisi 10/4/25, François de Sales 3/5/19, Herbert 2/27/22, Kilmer 8/21/22, Law 7/23/25, Maurice 6/8/19, Messiaen 9/2/25, Muggeridge 9/23/24, Pascal 4/11/16, Pusey 3/13/25, Sayers 1/19/25, Smith 6/23/20, Struther 11/12/21, Tauler 5/11/20, Thomas à Kempis 7/24/17, Underhill 5/10/18, Williams 7/4/17
Gifts—Adams 12/23/19, Arndt 3/17/25, Athanasius 5/2/22, Barclay 11/9/16, Barth 5/30/20, 2/6/23, 7/29/20, Blake 1/26/20, Blewett 12/15/18, Bojaxhiu 9/1/18, Brooks 12/3/17, Brown 8/25/18, Buchanan 8/14/16, Calvin 1/4/23, 4/18/22, Capon 8/12/20, Carson 11/11/25, Casteel 3/23/23, Chadwick 3/9/16, Coleridge 6/6/17, Coslett 6/2/21, D’Oyly 3/21/25, Dunn 10/24/21, Flavel 5/22/22, Gossip 7/25/24, Green 2/16/25, Grou 12/4/24, Hallesby 12/3/22, Herbert 2/27/24, Kates 3/25/17, Kierkegaard 7/21/17, Laubach 7/5/25, Law 7/15/21, Liguori 11/28/19, Luther 10/30/24, Mackey 2/22/04, Maclaren 12/5/25, Manton 2/9/21, Martin 7/29/18, Milton 3/15/05, O’Donovan 5/13/16, Origen 2/17/22, Owen 11/27/16, 12/11/24, 2/17/23, Packer 7/22/25, Pink 4/21/24, Rees 6/22/17, 6/25/17, Reeves 1/22/22, Robertson 4/29/25, Rolle 1/20/19, Rutherford 10/22/22, Rutledge 10/26/22, Singh 6/19/16, South 2/14/05, Taylor 5/23/21, Teresa 10/15/16, Thomas à Kempis 7/24/25, Trueblood 8/5/25, Watts 11/26/22, Wesley 7/5/17, 5/24/19, Whately 10/31/23, 2/1/22, Wilberforce 7/30/20, Willard 4/6/18, 6/25/25, Yelchaninov 6/29/24, The Cloud of Unknowing 3/26/22
Giving—Ambrose 12/7/23, Aristides 10/22/19, Augustine 8/28/21, Baillie 7/9/19, 1/11/16, Barclay 11/9/16, 8/1/24, Bayne 5/1/22, Bernard of Clairvaux 8/20/21, 9/22/22, Bojaxhiu 5/25/19, 9/29/25, Bonar 2/15/18, Bonhoeffer 9/21/20, Brooks 3/12/04, 8/5/04, 1/23/21, Carmichael 1/18/17, 1/18/18, Emrich 7/18/16, Fénelon 5/11/24, Finney 7/19/24, Foster 10/7/23, Gossip 7/16/22, 5/26/25, Gregory the Great 9/3/18, Gregory of Nazianzus 11/4/24, Grou 7/10/16, Guyon 2/3/24, Hilary 1/13/25, Ignatius of Loyola 7/31/20, Irenaeus 6/28/25, Jones 10/31/16, 9/17/18, Laubach 7/5/25, Lewis 2/14/25, M’Cheyne 2/3/20, MacDonald 11/2/16, 11/11/20, 5/22/19, 10/29/19, Newbolt 11/19/21, Owen 5/23/19, 8/10/22, Packer 5/4/19, Phillips 3/1/22, 7/31/19, Pierce 4/23/21, 11/12/20, Robertson 7/13/16, Rolle 1/20/18, Rossetti 4/27/18, 4/27/22, Ruskin 6/29/18, Ruysbroeck 2/10/21, Selden 2/6/18, Singh 6/19/16, 6/19/23, Taylor 12/3/20, Thomas à Kempis 7/24/25, Towne 11/23/17, Williams 8/22/17, Middle English Sermons 5/16/19
Gladness—Baillie 8/4/16, Bernard of Clairvaux 3/22/17, 5/23/17, Bonar 12/22/18, 9/30/21, Bonhoeffer 12/23/22, Foster 3/19/21, François de Sales 1/24/21, Herbert 12/19/23, 2/27/21, John of Damascus 8/7/19, Lewis 2/26/10, MacDonald 12/25/18, Milton 12/25/17, Munson 7/17/22, Nicolas of Cusa 11/23/16, Phelps 12/14/23, Rossetti 4/27/23, Schiller 9/7/17, Studdert Kennedy 3/8/05, Thompson 12/3/25, Towne 11/23/17, Underhill 12/2/11, Vaughan 12/1/23, Weinel 1/27/25
Gloom—Clark 4/29/16, Gossip 7/16/22, Underhill 5/5/17, Wilberforce 7/30/18
Glory—Amiel 1/29/25, Andrewes 9/25/23, Auden 5/20/23, Augustine 5/30/22, Baillie 6/26/24, Barclay 5/9/16, Beecher 9/2/22, Bernard of Clairvaux 8/20/16, Blake 10/22/20, Bonar 12/22/18, 12/25/19, Browne 8/22/22, Bruce 1/14/18, Calvin 4/14/21, 10/16/16, 12/29/21, Catherine of Genoa 11/12/18, Clarkson 8/14/22, Colson 3/15/23, Crashaw 6/11/25, Dale 1/22/17, Donne 7/13/20, 10/24/18, Drummond 12/23/21, 12/15/23, Erasmus 5/2/25, Faber 6/17/21, 2/15/22, Flavel 6/8/24, Foster 1/31/21, Fulbert of Chartres 4/12/20, Gossip 5/26/17, 11/23/18, 7/18/21, Gregory the Great 9/3/21, Gregory of Nazianzus 11/4/24, Havergal 12/19/22, Hummel 12/2/25, Huss 12/23/24, Irenaeus 6/28/21, Keble 12/18/23, Law 11/4/23, 10/3/17, 12/23/20, 4/10/21, 12/6/21, 7/19/23, 9/10/23, Leighton 12/8/22, Lewis 6/1/16, 2/26/10, 2/23/23, 11/22/22, 10/11/25, Luther 2/12/20, MacDonald 2/1/24, 11/7/25, Manton 7/25/21, Merton 12/10/25, Meyer 10/9/24, Micklem 8/5/23, Moreland 12/30/17, Murray 12/20/19, Orchard 3/18/24, Owen 8/30/24, 10/18/17, 11/5/21, 8/3/25, 12/15/25, Packer 7/22/25, Peter the Damascene 3/5/25, Rahner 4/4/23, Rossetti 4/27/25, Rupp 9/1/16, Rutherford 1/21/18, 8/19/17, Saphir 7/6/21, Schaeffer 7/26/17, Skelton 8/16/24, Smart 9/24/20, Studdert Kennedy 12/15/16, Taylor 12/3/20, Tillotson 5/23/16, Traherne 8/3/16, 11/16/23, Trench 7/11/22, Underhill 3/14/22, 12/11/23, Warfield 9/23/25, Watson 10/14/25, Watts 12/23/16, 4/18/19, 11/26/19, 12/25/21, 11/26/23, Wilberforce 7/30/20, 10/13/25, Willard 4/6/18, Williams 3/3/23, Wright 2/17/24, Zinzendorf 7/5/20
Glory of God—Bach 7/28/20, Beecher 6/4/21, Bergman 7/28/16, Bonhoeffer 12/23/22, Carlyle 4/7/20, Chadwick 9/7/23, Donne 8/24/23, Irenaeus 6/28/17, Kelly 2/6/16, Law 2/16/23, Patmore 9/30/23, Underhill 12/8/24, Willard 10/29/17, 10/22/25
Goal—Dyke 10/23/18, Gordon 6/23/25, Luccock 4/2/08, Micklem 8/5/23, Piper 9/6/24, Swete 4/8/17, Taylor 4/14/23
God—Adams 6/5/04, 12/21/18, 5/19/19, Adler 1/14/16, 1/10/20, Albright 6/12/20, Alcuin 3/28/19, Aldrich 6/1/21, Allen 8/23/23, 4/24/17, 10/8/19, 11/15/21, 6/8/22, Allison 11/4/17, Allshorn 7/2/22, 7/3/22, 8/10/16, 9/21/16, 8/25/17, 4/11/21, 12/5/20, 3/22/18, Ambrose 12/7/05, 12/7/16, 5/11/19, 10/16/21, 12/7/25, Amiel 4/8/25, Anderson 11/5/25, Anselm of Canterbury 4/21/16, 4/21/20, 4/21/22, Anstice 11/1/18, Aquinas 1/28/24, 1/28/21, 1/28/22, 1/28/25, Arnold 12/6/25, Athanasius 5/2/18, 5/2/21, Atkinson 11/23/22, Auden 4/22/22, 3/15/25, Augustine 12/9/23, 3/21/24, 8/28/23, 6/28/16, 11/20/16, 10/17/17, 5/20/17, 8/27/19, 8/28/19, 10/14/19, 8/9/10, 8/28/21, 5/30/22, 8/28/24, 5/4/25, 8/28/25, 12/25/25, Babcock 2/29/24, 5/11/21, 11/24/21, 7/10/25, Baillie 10/24/20, 8/4/16, 1/11/16, 4/5/17, 1/15/19, 5/6/24, Barclay 11/8/05, 12/15/06, 8/4/17, 4/25/17, 5/9/16, 12/8/17, 9/10/18, 10/20/18, 3/20/09, 1/27/22, 8/2/22, 9/21/22, 2/25/23, 2/12/25, Barry 4/4/17, Barth 1/6/21, 6/21/16, 10/28/16, 3/20/18, 8/30/20, 7/20/20, 6/11/21, 10/21/20, 11/17/21, 6/17/22, 4/25/22, 10/1/22, 2/6/23, 3/25/24, 11/20/22, 1/16/24, 6/29/25, 5/20/25, 7/29/20, Basil the Great 1/2/21, 3/16/22, 1/2/18, Baxter 6/14/18, 6/14/23, 10/16/25, Bayne 5/1/22, 8/16/20, Beaufort 1/22/16, Beecher 8/27/21, 9/2/22, Behrends 5/20/20, Bell 2/21/17, 5/18/16, 7/4/25, 7/4/19, 7/5/18, Bennett 10/25/17, Bernard of Clairvaux 8/20/16, 2/4/18, 8/20/20, 11/7/20, 11/24/23, 6/29/23, 8/20/23, 10/12/23, 8/20/24, 5/18/25, Betz 2/4/17, Bishop 3/17/22, Blake 4/16/10, 8/17/24, 1/26/20, Bloesch 7/15/22, 10/20/22, 3/10/23, 7/17/25, 10/9/25, Boice 3/14/18, Bojaxhiu 3/3/24, 9/1/18, 8/12/21, Bonar 12/25/16, 3/30/18, 12/22/18, 12/25/19, Bonhoeffer 8/1/16, 9/27/16, 2/1/16, 11/11/16, 12/23/22, 4/9/18, 12/8/19, 7/19/21, 1/22/20, 4/9/21, 9/9/21, 9/14/22, 9/9/23, 7/20/23, 11/3/22, 2/28/14, 7/25/25, 4/9/25, 12/12/25, Bounds 3/10/21, 8/19/21, 8/29/22, 3/6/24, Bowne 10/31/20, Boyle 9/27/18, Brainerd 4/26/23, 12/29/17, 7/18/25, Braithwaite 10/7/16, Brent 11/20/23, 5/22/16, 10/5/21, 7/18/22, 8/6/25, Bridge 11/23/20, Bright 5/5/23, Brinsmead 11/3/18, Brogan 8/2/19, Bronnert 3/19/23, Brooks 10/18/03, 7/13/23, 5/4/16, 8/5/04, 1/23/16, 1/23/06, 12/12/16, 5/13/17, 5/14/17, 9/19/17, 12/3/17, 1/23/18, 8/25/19, 7/8/21, 1/23/21, 9/22/21, 3/26/23, 1/23/24, 9/9/24, 11/1/24, Brown 11/4/18, Browning 9/4/22, 3/11/22, Bruce 5/31/17, 8/7/17, 7/5/21, 6/2/16, Brunner 10/26/16, 12/23/06, 2/1/17, 5/31/16, 6/20/18, 3/19/19, 11/15/22, 4/14/25, 4/15/25, 2/25/25, Buechner 1/22/19, 12/2/09, 8/6/19, 2/5/22, 9/28/22, 3/6/23, 7/22/23, 9/11/23, 2/23/24, 8/23/24, Bullock 7/17/16, 2/26/21, Bunyan 11/4/21, 8/31/23, 8/31/21, 8/31/22, 9/21/24, 7/20/25, 8/31/25, Butterfield 1/5/18, Calvin 1/4/23, 5/27/23, 5/27/24, 2/13/23, 4/14/21, 7/16/16, 11/12/05, 11/10/23, 9/4/16, 11/25/16, 3/28/17, 3/29/17, 5/27/17, 8/14/17, 10/19/17, 2/18/19, 10/24/19, 7/10/19, 7/17/20, 5/27/21, 11/8/21, 12/29/21, 11/26/20, 5/27/22, 7/6/22, 8/18/22, 11/25/22, 3/16/25, 10/25/25, Campbell 4/13/12, 6/12/24, 9/23/20, 3/7/22, Capon 3/1/24, 8/12/20, 1/9/25, Carmichael 1/18/16, 1/18/18, 9/7/20, 1/18/21, 10/24/22, 11/21/25, Carnell 3/5/17, Carson 11/11/25, Cary 2/14/16, Cassell 1/14/20, Cassels 8/4/23, 11/24/24, Catherine of Genoa 11/12/18, Catherine of Siena 4/29/17, 4/29/18, 4/29/20, Caussade 1/26/23, 6/16/24, 2/10/18, 6/6/18, 10/15/25, Chadwick 9/30/16, 5/21/24, 9/7/23, Chambers 4/13/16, 10/10/18, 3/31/18, Chapman 4/5/24, Chesterton 6/13/21, 1/26/17, 6/13/16, 11/8/16, 6/13/17, 6/13/19, 2/21/22, Clark 4/28/24, 3/2/16, Clarke 7/15/18, 11/15/18, Clarkson 8/14/22, Clement of Alexandria 11/2/18, Cogdell 7/12/22, Coleridge 8/30/17, 11/30/23, Colson 3/15/23, 1/14/24, Colton 2/11/05, Coverdale 12/8/21, Cowper 2/22/24, 9/19/21, 9/28/25, Cox 8/14/19, Cranmer 10/16/22, Crashaw 9/21/21, 4/14/22, Crosby 1/16/06, Cundy 12/28/18, Cyprian 9/16/24, 9/16/18, 9/16/25, Dale 1/22/17, Darby 5/20/10, D’Arcy 11/29/23, Davidman 3/9/22, 5/28/17, 4/16/24, Davis 4/20/25, Day 1/31/25, Dekker 5/13/24, Demant 3/9/20, Denney 4/20/17, 10/20/17, 4/17/18, 8/3/20, 10/29/21, Dibelius 1/19/16, Dixon 4/15/18, Dodd 9/23/17, 8/4/18, 12/16/06, Donne 7/5/23, 3/31/23, 3/31/25, 10/11/16, 3/31/16, 7/23/16, 3/31/17, 3/31/19, 3/31/20, 2/18/22, 6/4/24, Dorotheus of Gaza 3/30/17, Dougall 1/18/04, 3/7/04, D’Oyly 3/21/25, Drummond 1/20/17, 9/11/21, Dunstan 3/4/17, Dyke 4/17/24, 8/23/17, 10/23/18, Earle 7/31/17, Eckhart 8/6/20, 1/1/19, 5/31/22, 1/5/24, 8/26/16, 11/10/16, 2/6/07, 1/29/18, 11/7/19, 8/5/24, 10/4/23, 8/10/25, 3/10/25, Edersheim 5/1/18, Edge 5/25/17, Edwards 3/24/25, 1/4/21, 2/14/19, Elliot 1/8/18, 1/8/19, 2/25/20, 1/8/21, 1/8/22, Ellul 11/25/17, 5/13/18, 7/21/23, 6/20/21, 8/9/21, 12/12/20, 1/14/22, 11/17/22, 6/20/22, 4/3/24, 12/30/23, 5/30/25, 7/9/25, 11/30/25, Engstrom 10/14/21, 7/17/21, Erasmus 2/4/25, 5/2/25, Faber 12/17/17, 6/17/21, 2/15/22, 9/17/21, 2/26/23, 1/1/24, 10/2/25, Fénelon 6/3/22, 5/25/23, 3/21/23, 5/11/24, 1/21/23, 9/22/23, 10/2/24, 5/25/18, 4/2/16, 9/17/16, 10/27/16, 4/3/17, 11/29/20, 7/16/20, 9/15/21, 10/6/22, 3/9/24, 11/12/24, 8/17/25, Ferguson 4/30/24, Ferré 11/24/06, Figgis 10/3/24, Flavel 5/22/22, 8/26/18, 4/28/21, 6/8/24, 7/13/25, 5/5/25, Forest 8/24/25, Forsyth 9/9/20, 3/10/16, 7/8/23, 10/25/24, Foster 1/31/21, 8/15/22, 10/7/23, 10/7/25, 11/27/25, Fox 2/6/25, Francis of Assisi 10/4/21, 10/4/16, 10/4/18, François de Sales 1/24/16, 5/7/16, 3/15/16, 8/12/16, 10/19/21, 1/24/24, 3/4/24, 10/8/24, 1/24/25, 8/15/25, Fraser of Brea 11/9/04, Froude 3/22/21, Fuller 11/16/17, 2/24/24, 7/12/25, 6/25/16, 4/24/19, 12/31/22, Glover 3/30/16, Gordon 8/16/23, 10/14/23, Gore 1/17/22, 1/17/23, 1/17/24, 7/7/24, 1/17/25, Gossip 7/16/22, 1/15/24, 7/25/24, 5/26/16, 2/4/07, 3/26/17, 5/26/21, 4/8/21, 5/26/20, 7/18/21, 12/30/22, 12/2/24, Goulburn 3/4/21, Graham 4/10/20, 7/3/08, Gray 4/3/20, Green 4/26/25, Gregory the Great 9/3/24, Griffith 10/25/22, Griffith Thomas 7/31/23, Griffiths 11/5/23, Grou 12/4/24, 7/10/16, 11/29/16, 8/29/16, 7/16/17, 9/9/19, 9/5/22, 1/11/23, 5/9/23, 9/27/23, 2/26/25, Guinness 10/12/19, 2/15/23, Guyon 2/3/24, Haines 11/20/20, Hallesby 7/11/21, 12/3/22, 7/5/22, 7/18/23, 9/27/25, 6/27/25, Halverson 6/28/24, Hamill 2/10/17, Hammarskjöld 4/28/25, Handel 7/28/23, Hanson 10/29/25, Harkness 12/8/18, Harper 6/7/18, Haskins 11/8/04, Hastings 2/13/24, 9/22/17, Hauerwas 9/20/23, 7/23/23, 2/5/23, 12/4/23, Henderlite 11/17/17, Henry 10/16/17, 11/15/24, 12/1/25, Herbert 12/19/23, 2/27/22, Hilary 1/13/21, 1/13/22, 1/13/25, Hilton 11/12/23, Hodge 6/21/21, Hooker 11/3/19, 11/3/21, 11/3/25, Hoskyns 7/15/23, 5/30/23, 12/12/18, 3/5/21, Houston 7/22/17, Howard 3/29/19, Hromadka 12/1/21, Hummel 9/10/19, 12/2/25, Huss 12/23/24, 12/25/24, Ignatius of Antioch 10/17/23, Ignatius of Loyola 7/31/18, 7/31/25, Inge 10/9/22, Irenaeus 6/28/17, 6/28/22, 6/28/21, 6/28/23, 6/28/25, Ironside 3/15/19, Irving 1/12/16, Isaac of Syria 4/15/21, 5/23/24, Jellett 4/7/25, Jenkins 1/4/16, Jewett 9/5/23, John Chrysostom 1/1/22, 7/11/20, 3/6/18, 9/13/22, 9/13/24, John of Damascus 8/7/23, John of the Cross 12/14/04, 12/14/22, 12/14/16, 12/14/17, 12/14/19, 12/14/24, 12/14/25, Johnson 2/19/21, 12/3/23, 12/13/20, 3/26/18, 1/1/23, 1/1/25, Johnston 11/23/23, Jones 5/18/21, 8/8/18, 3/16/17, 2/18/25, Jowett 9/23/16, Judson 12/15/21, Jukes 9/7/24, 11/14/19, Juliana of Norwich 5/8/23, 5/8/21, 5/8/22, 5/23/25, Kates 11/23/21, 2/24/18, Keble 7/14/22, 7/14/21, 12/18/23, 7/14/23, Kelly 2/6/16, 3/28/25, Kierkegaard 9/8/22, 9/8/23, 2/12/16, 9/8/18, 3/27/22, 3/29/23, 2/4/24, Kilmer 1/9/17, Kingsley 6/18/21, 8/24/21, 9/27/22, Kirk 7/17/18, 3/25/18, Knight 8/23/18, Kraemer 10/20/16, 12/18/16, 2/2/17, Kurosaki 10/23/21, 5/22/23, 3/14/24, 3/15/24, 10/14/24, Latourette 6/9/17, Laubach 1/9/18, 10/22/18, 11/17/24, 7/5/25, Law 11/4/23, 2/9/04, 7/15/21, 7/11/16, 4/14/04, 9/1/24, 10/8/18, 4/10/16, 6/5/06, 10/1/16, 3/2/07, 3/1/17, 4/10/17, 6/18/17, 12/6/07, 12/1/18, 9/17/19, 10/26/09, 12/27/19, 8/2/14, 1/7/23, 5/29/21, 11/28/22, 9/28/21, 12/6/21, 4/19/22, 7/19/23, 9/10/23, 1/3/24, 7/22/24, 10/11/24, 12/30/24, Lawrence 9/1/21, 4/30/17, 6/11/17, 8/27/18, 8/23/25, 10/9/17, 7/22/20, 7/13/21, 1/13/19, 4/28/22, 10/18/22, 10/27/23, 1/6/23, 3/19/24, 7/31/24, 8/12/19, Leighton 7/6/20, 12/8/22, Leo I “the Great” 11/10/19, Leo XIII 3/11/18, Lewis 8/8/22, 12/20/03, 3/17/19, 7/21/18, 11/22/05, 7/15/16, 8/24/16, 1/25/17, 10/13/19, 11/22/19, 2/4/20, 3/15/20, 8/19/25, 5/21/21, 2/23/23, 8/10/21, 7/25/23, 10/11/25, 1/13/23, 1/12/24, 11/22/24, 7/29/24, 11/22/25, 12/26/25, Lichtenberger 8/24/06, 7/29/22, Lightner 4/22/18, 9/1/17, 3/24/19, Lindskoog 9/28/19, 11/23/19, Lloyd 12/26/16, Lucado 7/4/20, 8/25/24, Luther 7/13/22, 4/17/23, 10/30/18, 5/5/05, 5/17/18, 2/6/17, 6/7/17, 4/6/21, 10/31/17, 4/13/20, 10/30/21, 7/9/20, 2/12/20, 12/19/21, 10/30/24, 10/30/25, 4/12/25, McCabe 10/24/24, M’Cheyne 9/4/24, 12/18/17, 2/3/20, 3/24/22, 8/17/22, MacDonald 6/30/22, 11/2/16, 2/9/23, 1/7/18, 11/3/17, 8/6/21, 4/11/19, 2/23/18, 11/11/20, 1/6/16, 2/25/16, 7/11/17, 9/18/17, 12/15/17, 6/22/25, 10/28/18, 12/24/18, 3/1/19, 10/28/19, 10/29/19, 12/19/19, 2/11/20, 5/21/23, 5/2/20, 9/18/20, 2/6/21, 9/18/22, 11/11/22, 9/18/23, 6/30/23, 3/12/24, 12/29/25, 8/1/25, McGiffert 8/20/17, McGrath 8/26/24, Machen 12/19/20, 9/23/21, 2/7/21, 11/18/19, 2/10/24, 7/6/24, 6/30/25, M’Intyre 11/4/16, Mackie 8/3/05, Maclaren 4/18/23, 10/26/24, 12/5/25, Madeleva 3/30/21, Mallone 2/24/23, Maltby 2/28/23, Manley 11/1/16, Manton 5/22/05, 6/21/24, Marshall 5/14/14, 9/21/19, Martin 3/17/24, Martyn 12/30/19, Mascall 12/21/24, 2/2/20, Masefield 3/26/05, Maurice 4/1/17, 4/1/22, 9/7/19, Maxwell 5/1/17, Mechthild of Magdeburg 11/19/20, Merriam 12/16/19, Merton 2/11/17, 12/10/16, 12/10/17, 12/10/18, 12/10/19, 6/7/20, 12/10/22, 12/10/23, 12/10/24, 12/10/25, Messiaen 9/2/25, Meyer 8/5/21, 9/10/25, Micklem 3/12/25, Milton 1/19/21, 3/15/05, 7/28/25, Minear 1/7/20, Moffatt 11/12/16, Montague 5/18/22, Moody 5/31/24, 1/21/17, 9/2/18, 7/12/23, 11/2/24, 8/4/24, Morgan 7/20/24, Mott 1/22/24, Moule 4/4/19, Muggeridge 6/4/17, 4/19/19, 9/23/24, Murray 2/21/18, 7/2/23, 10/7/24, 7/17/24, Nathan 4/12/16, Nee 4/21/25, 1/6/25, Neill 4/7/16, 6/26/16, 8/5/10, 1/29/21, 12/8/20, 12/20/23, 5/17/24, Newbigin 1/30/16, 12/16/16, 5/10/16, 1/30/18, 5/14/19, 12/18/19, 9/26/20, 12/5/21, 8/29/21, 3/29/22, 4/20/24, 6/18/23, 8/14/24, 1/30/25, 3/14/25, Newbolt 11/19/21, 3/17/21, Newman 5/4/24, 8/11/18, 10/10/22, Newton 9/21/03, 12/21/16, 7/21/22, 5/14/16, 7/6/16, Nida 9/2/23, 11/27/17, 4/4/22, 2/25/10, Niebuhr 11/29/13, 12/29/24, 3/27/20, Norbie 4/25/23, Nouwen 3/1/23, 9/24/24, 2/19/24, O’Brien 11/21/18, Olds 11/28/16, Olney 6/22/24, Olson 9/20/19, Oman 11/5/05, Orchard 1/27/23, 3/18/24, Owen 7/11/24, 1/11/05, 5/3/05, 6/12/16, 10/26/25, 3/11/16, 9/7/16, 1/6/17, 8/16/17, 4/26/17, 9/11/19, 11/2/19, 12/12/19, 1/21/20, 3/14/20, 9/25/20, 12/15/20, 3/17/18, 3/15/21, 1/26/21, 8/10/22, 9/30/22, 5/13/23, 2/9/24, 9/4/23, Packer 3/9/19, 10/17/19, 12/16/21, 7/18/20, 5/3/20, Palau 5/4/11, 6/25/07, 8/10/07, 11/25/07, 3/9/25, Pascal 6/17/24, 4/11/16, 6/9/16, 9/7/18, 12/5/16, 10/23/17, 3/6/19, 11/12/19, 3/25/21, 9/25/21, 3/19/22, Patmore 9/30/23, 4/25/16, 11/17/16, 5/6/22, Paton 11/24/20, 10/27/25, 8/2/18, Peter the Damascene 3/5/25, Peterson 3/16/20, 7/10/24, 2/1/25, Phillips 6/4/22, 7/26/25, 5/17/17, 4/6/23, 5/15/16, 10/27/19, 2/18/23, 3/7/19, 4/16/22, 8/23/16, 7/2/16, 8/2/21, 9/5/18, 12/15/19, 2/21/21, 5/17/23, 5/25/21, 12/22/24, 10/16/23, 11/11/24, 11/8/25, 1/6/24, 4/22/25, 12/20/25, Pierce 1/1/21, 4/23/21, 11/12/20, 3/4/25, Pike 4/7/24, 4/8/24, 11/14/17, 2/20/22, Pink 9/6/21, 4/12/23, 12/27/24, 3/15/22, 3/2/24, 7/11/23, 4/21/24, 10/19/25, Pinnock 1/6/18, 3/26/19, 6/29/19, 2/5/24, 12/18/25, Piper 11/1/22, 11/14/24, 9/6/24, Powell 4/23/17, Pusey 9/16/16, 9/16/22, 10/23/25, 3/13/25, Quarles 10/9/21, Ramsay 3/30/20, Rashdall 5/6/23, 9/26/24, 9/20/16, Rauschenbusch 2/15/19, Redwood 5/3/16, Rees 6/22/17, 6/23/17, Robbins 10/2/14, Robertson 6/30/16, 2/1/04, 7/13/16, 11/16/20, 10/12/21, 4/22/23, 11/29/24, Robinson 5/5/24, 6/4/19, Rolle 1/20/21, 1/20/22, 1/20/25, 1/20/23, Rossetti 4/27/23, 12/22/20, 4/27/24, 4/27/25, Rushdoony 2/11/18, Ruskin 6/29/18, Rust 2/19/18, Rutherford 8/16/18, 10/23/16, 10/7/18, 6/4/20, 1/21/19, 10/2/19, 3/22/25, 1/16/25, Ryle 7/11/19, 2/16/22, 10/20/21, 2/20/23, 8/30/25, Sadgrove 10/23/23, 10/24/23, 7/21/24, Saint 1/8/23, Sanday 11/8/20, Sanders 6/7/23, Saphir 2/14/21, 4/15/24, 8/31/24, 10/23/24, 9/30/20, 11/1/17, 6/16/22, Sarna 6/26/19, Sayers 4/11/20, 12/17/25, Schaeffer 9/17/17, 6/1/17, 2/25/17, 1/25/18, 1/26/18, 8/4/25, 6/2/22, 9/19/24, 11/8/24, 9/17/25, Scofield 7/19/18, Selden 8/18/16, 2/6/18, Shedd 3/2/21, 10/2/21, Shepherd 10/21/17, Sherrill 8/9/25, Shoemaker 5/17/16, Short 8/25/25, 5/29/17, 5/16/20, Simeon 11/13/22, 11/13/19, 11/13/24, Singh 3/3/21, 6/19/18, 6/19/22, 6/19/23, 11/7/23, 3/27/23, Skelton 8/16/24, Smart 9/24/20, Smith 5/28/21, 11/25/21, 2/21/23, 12/16/23, 1/9/23, 5/7/24, 6/21/25, 9/24/25, 3/23/21, 5/3/21, 9/27/19, Soper 8/15/17, South 2/14/05, Sproul 9/21/25, Spurgeon 8/3/17, 3/30/19, 2/26/22, 8/1/22, 10/31/22, 3/5/24, 7/26/24, 9/19/23, Stearns 5/6/21, Steen 11/27/22, Stewart 8/22/25, Stott 7/27/19, 5/4/21, 7/27/23, 1/7/24, 4/15/23, 7/27/25, Stravinsky 7/28/21, Streeter 6/10/16, Stringfellow 7/4/23, Studd 10/3/18, 11/18/18, 10/31/19, Studdert Kennedy 3/8/05, 3/8/23, 12/15/16, 10/17/07, 3/8/19, 5/5/19, 3/8/22, Summer 7/4/18, 11/5/19, Summers 12/31/18, 7/1/20, Swete 4/8/17, 6/25/20, Swinburne 9/7/21, 3/11/21, Talmage 4/28/23, Tauler 8/27/25, 8/2/24, 2/3/16, 4/28/16, 2/13/17, 9/5/16, 3/4/18, 2/13/19, 8/5/22, Taylor 4/14/23, 9/11/20, 9/15/22, 6/4/25, 12/1/22, 8/13/17, 3/7/21, 8/13/18, 7/2/21, 12/3/20, 8/13/22, 8/13/23, 8/13/24, 11/18/24, Temple 11/6/21, 11/6/24, 11/6/25, 11/6/22, ten Boom 10/19/24, Tennyson 11/17/04, Teresa 10/15/23, 10/15/16, 10/15/17, 5/7/19, 10/15/19, 10/15/22, Tertullian 6/27/20, 6/3/17, 11/7/17, 10/21/19, 9/5/21, 3/28/22, Thielicke 9/6/20, Thomas à Kempis 10/26/23, 7/24/23, 3/19/20, 2/25/18, 7/24/16, 10/8/16, 11/21/17, 2/20/21, 11/30/20, 8/16/10, 12/27/22, 9/17/22, 4/19/24, 3/27/25, 7/24/25, Thomas 8/22/24, 4/13/24, Thoreau 8/10/04, Tillich 8/27/24, Tillotson 1/14/21, 9/28/23, 2/13/25, 2/13/16, 4/3/16, 6/21/18, 2/28/21, 5/9/21, 10/26/18, 1/4/25, Toplady 1/10/25, Torrey 4/2/22, 9/11/22, 6/6/23, 8/30/23, Tournier 2/18/16, Tourville 1/27/19, Towne 5/7/04, 11/23/17, Tozer 1/25/23, 8/21/23, 12/4/22, 5/12/22, 2/26/16, 12/8/23, 12/19/24, 5/12/18, 5/12/24, 9/28/04, 11/2/04, 7/25/20, 9/4/20, 10/10/21, 8/22/05, 6/23/16, 7/3/18, 3/5/20, 3/6/20, 8/9/16, 9/19/16, 12/17/16, 12/1/06, 1/27/17, 5/12/17, 12/17/18, 7/25/19, 9/12/19, 3/20/17, 3/24/21, 3/18/22, 7/1/21, 1/19/22, 8/23/22, 10/14/22, 7/1/23, 7/5/24, 1/27/24, 10/18/24, 5/12/25, 2/7/25, 12/30/25, 7/6/25, 11/20/25, Traherne 8/3/16, 10/3/21, 10/12/20, 11/16/23, 11/16/25, Trench 6/29/16, Troeltsch 2/24/16, Troutman 4/20/16, Trueblood 10/22/16, 4/12/24, 7/15/24, 4/13/25, Tyndale 10/6/20, 10/6/25, Ugolino of Montegiorgio 9/14/16, Underhill 12/2/11, 5/4/22, 10/20/23, 12/5/04, 6/15/17, 8/22/21, 5/10/18, 6/15/18, 6/15/21, 4/18/21, 10/13/21, 3/30/23, 12/11/23, 6/16/25, 10/12/25, Updike 4/17/22, van Gogh 4/16/25, Vauvenargues 2/21/04, Wallis 5/3/24, Warfield 3/22/23, 3/4/16, 3/5/16, 10/5/24, 9/23/25, Warrack 3/27/17, Warren 10/21/24, Watson 2/12/24, 5/10/24, 4/4/25, 10/14/25, Watt 3/23/16, Watts 8/5/20, 12/23/16, 11/26/16, 11/26/21, 11/26/19, 11/26/22, 11/26/23, 11/26/24, 11/26/25, Webb-Peploe 2/17/20, Webster 9/23/23, Weil 8/17/17, 3/7/25, Wesley 12/26/17, 2/7/18, 5/24/25, 5/24/17, 5/24/18, 5/24/20, 5/24/21, 5/24/24, 8/2/25, 10/24/25, Westcott 10/31/10, Wetzel 5/29/16, Whale 11/24/16, 3/20/22, Whately 10/31/23, 10/10/25, Whitefield 5/28/16, 12/28/25, Whitehead 3/19/18, 7/16/18, Whittier 4/16/16, Wilberforce 7/30/18, 10/18/21, 9/22/24, 10/13/25, Wilde 3/12/16, Willard 7/17/19, 6/25/25, 10/22/25, 8/14/25, Williams 8/22/17, 11/12/22, 9/11/24, 12/6/19, 3/3/23, 5/1/25, Wilson 11/30/22, 12/26/24, 6/17/18, Wirt 9/26/25, 9/26/17, 7/2/18, Woods 7/8/18, Woolman 9/1/22, 12/2/22, Wren-Lewis 1/19/98, Wright 6/30/18, 5/18/24, 2/17/24, 2/3/25, Wycliffe 12/31/16, 12/31/19, 12/31/20, 12/31/21, 4/23/25, 12/31/24, Yaconelli 2/15/21, 8/8/23, 10/6/24, Yancey 11/18/22, 2/2/23, 12/6/23, 12/6/24, Yelchaninov 4/18/24, 11/25/24, Christianity Today Magazine 2/21/20, The Cloud of Unknowing 3/26/22, 4/13/21, The French Confession of Faith 3/10/18, “A Fruitful exhortation to the reading of holy Scripture” 3/12/18, 3/13/18, Theologia Germanica 11/11/04, 3/9/05, 3/1/25, 11/24/19
God is dead—Buechner 12/2/09, Guinness 2/15/23, Hammarskjöld 1/16/17, Montague 5/18/22, Muggeridge 9/15/18
Godly—Rutherford 8/19/17, Thomas à Kempis 9/12/14, Watson 10/15/24
Gold—Browning 6/22/18, Chesterton 11/8/16, Cyprian 9/16/24, Hilary 1/13/25, Law 11/20/24, Mechthild of Magdeburg 11/19/20, Newbigin 1/30/17, Smith 5/3/21, Thomas à Kempis 4/16/23
Golgotha—Bonhoeffer 4/3/23, Hammarskjöld 12/16/24, Schroy 11/10/17
Good Friday—Brunner 4/15/25, Cholmondeley 4/15/19, Coleridge 3/24/16, Gossip 4/8/21, Phillips 4/2/21, Rossetti 4/14/17, Sheppard 5/7/17
Good will—Bonar 2/15/18, 12/25/19, Brunner 6/24/21, Calvin 2/2/16, Eckhart 9/20/10, Jones 3/22/19, Tillotson 5/4/17
Good works—Bonhoeffer 4/9/18, Calvin 10/16/16, Davidman 8/7/16, Denney 3/27/19, Donne 6/26/18, Eckhart 7/15/19, Ellul 2/17/21, François de Sales 3/4/24, John of the Cross 12/14/17, Johnson 2/18/20, Kingsley 6/18/21, Law 7/22/24, Luther 3/5/23, 10/30/23, Owen 9/6/18, Ryle 8/30/25, Tillotson 9/28/23, Christianity Today Magazine 2/21/20
Goodness—Alcuin 3/28/19, Aldrich 3/18/25, Ambrose 12/7/23, 12/7/19, 12/7/20, Aquinas 1/28/23, Auden 3/15/25, Augustine 7/7/25, 6/28/16, 10/9/16, 8/27/19, 8/28/21, 5/30/22, 8/28/24, 5/4/25, Babcock 2/29/24, 5/2/24, Baillie 4/18/05, 6/26/24, Baker 7/29/21, Barclay 10/15/06, 1/9/07, 9/21/22, Berdyaev 3/21/16, Bernard of Clairvaux 6/29/23, Boice 2/3/21, Bonar 3/30/18, Brainerd 12/29/17, 12/27/18, Broadbent 3/7/17, Brogan 8/2/19, Bronnert 3/19/23, Brooks 5/28/06, 8/25/19, Buonarrotti 4/6/22, Calvin 9/21/23, 8/21/24, 8/1/23, 11/8/21, 11/26/20, Campbell 9/23/20, Capon 3/1/24, 8/12/20, 4/11/24, Carmichael 1/18/23, Carnell 3/5/17, Cary 2/14/16, Catherine of Siena 4/29/20, 4/29/22, Caussade 2/25/21, Chesterton 6/13/23, Clarke 7/15/18, Clement of Alexandria 11/2/18, 7/2/20, Coleridge 8/30/17, 8/29/20, Davidman 8/12/24, Demant 3/9/20, Denney 10/29/21, Dod 9/14/20, Donne 8/24/23, 3/31/25, Dougall 3/7/04, Drummond 3/6/04, 9/11/21, Eckhart 5/23/04, 8/26/16, 7/15/19, Edwards 2/5/16, 8/17/19, Eliot 1/26/16, Ellul 9/7/22, 6/23/24, Faber 5/16/23, 10/2/25, Fénelon 7/22/16, 1/4/19, 9/15/21, 3/9/24, Flavel 4/28/21, Forest 8/24/25, Foster 1/31/21, 6/11/23, François de Sales 3/19/17, Fray 6/2/17, Gossip 11/23/18, Grant 12/1/24, Gregory the Great 9/3/22, Hastings 2/13/24, Hilton 7/16/21, Hooker 11/3/19, Irenaeus 6/28/25, John Chrysostom 1/1/22, John of the Cross 12/14/20, Johnson 7/13/19, Jones 3/16/21, 3/22/19, Juliana of Norwich 5/23/25, Kirk 3/2/23, Law 7/11/16, 4/17/04, 1/4/05, 5/30/16, 6/5/06, 10/1/16, 3/2/07, 4/10/17, 11/14/07, 12/1/18, 9/17/19, 12/27/19, 2/25/19, 1/7/23, 11/28/22, 4/19/22, 10/11/24, Lawrence 11/14/20, Lewis 2/12/18, 5/25/24, 5/16/22, 10/11/25, 11/22/25, Lindskoog 3/12/20, Luccock 6/18/16, MacDonald 9/18/19, 10/28/19, 6/29/20, 4/11/23, 6/30/23, 9/18/24, Machen 2/10/24, Marshall 11/21/19, Martin 7/29/18, Merton 12/10/23, Mill 1/20/16, Montague 5/18/22, More 4/6/19, Moule 4/4/19, Neill 2/17/16, Newbigin 3/14/21, Newman 6/24/16, Nida 2/25/10, Niebuhr 5/9/18, Owen 11/4/20, 1/6/17, 6/3/20, 6/25/23, 8/10/22, 9/30/22, Pascal 4/11/16, 7/28/17, Patmore 11/17/16, Phillips 4/16/22, 6/17/19, Poteat 5/7/18, Quarles 10/9/21, Raleigh 4/28/20, Robertson 4/22/23, la Rochefoucauld 2/10/20, Rolle 1/20/23, Ryrie 1/25/24, Sayers 12/17/25, Scofield 2/28/25, Selden 2/6/18, Simeon 11/13/19, Singh 1/19/24, Skelton 8/16/24, Smith 2/21/23, 6/22/22, Soper 8/15/17, Stevenson 10/3/19, Swinburne 9/7/21, Taylor 12/3/20, Teresa 10/15/17, Thomas à Kempis 7/24/17, 7/24/19, 11/18/21, 2/14/23, 4/19/24, 3/27/25, 9/22/25, Tillotson 1/14/21, 2/13/25, 6/30/17, 1/28/17, 3/25/19, 7/4/22, Tyndale 10/6/23, Underhill 10/12/25, Warrack 3/27/17, Watson 10/15/24, Weinel 11/16/16, Whately 10/10/25, Whittier 4/16/16, Willard 10/27/24, Williams 3/3/23, Wilson 9/9/17, 6/17/18, Yaconelli 5/17/22, 8/8/23, The Cloud of Unknowing 4/13/21, Theologia Germanica 4/8/20
Gospel—Aldrich 2/28/22, 6/1/21, 11/10/24, 3/18/25, Allen 12/28/24, 4/24/17, 9/24/18, 10/9/19, 6/8/21, 11/15/21, 6/8/25, Andrewes 9/25/16, 9/25/18, Athanasius 5/2/21, Atkinson 1/10/17, 11/23/22, Augustine 10/18/23, Baillie 10/31/25, Barclay 8/16/16, 10/20/18, 2/12/25, Baxter 6/14/23, Bernard of Clairvaux 8/20/25, Bernard 4/14/18, Bloesch 5/25/22, 7/9/23, Boice 2/3/21, Bonhoeffer 5/21/16, Bonner 7/7/17, Booth 8/24/20, 8/20/22, Boyle 9/27/18, Braithwaite 10/7/16, Bronnert 3/17/16, 2/2/18, Brooks 3/14/16, Bruce 5/30/24, 5/31/17, 9/28/18, Brunner 6/24/21, 4/14/25, Calvin 5/27/25, Campbell 1/10/22, Capon 4/11/24, Carnell 3/5/17, Carson 12/27/21, 11/11/25, Cassels 8/4/23, Cecil 1/16/16, Chambers 3/31/18, Cundy 12/28/18, Dale 9/6/16, Denney 8/3/20, Dodd 9/24/17, 5/6/17, Donne 5/10/21, Driver 10/22/17, Earle 7/26/18, Ellul 11/25/17, Erasmus 10/19/20, 4/14/16, Figgis 10/3/24, Forsyth 5/1/23, Goodspeed 6/4/04, Gordon 6/23/25, Gossip 5/26/22, 2/10/22, Green 12/29/20, Gregory the Great 9/3/22, Grigg 1/12/17, Guinness 11/14/25, Gwatkin 11/12/25, Hammarskjöld 3/28/21, Hebert 10/12/16, Henry 7/4/21, Hilary 1/13/17, 1/14/17, Hopkins 4/23/24, Hromadka 6/20/19, Kantzer 7/11/18, Kates 5/23/18, Kingsley 6/18/21, Latourette 12/21/17, 12/22/17, Law 10/3/17, 2/1/21, 4/10/24, Lewis 8/22/04, Lloyd 12/26/16, 6/16/17, Luccock 6/18/16, Luther 2/12/20, 3/5/23, MacDonald 6/26/21, 6/23/18, Machen 9/23/21, 5/5/22, Markham 12/21/20, Marshall 1/25/20, Martin 7/8/19, Mascall 4/30/25, 10/25/16, Mason 9/30/18, Maurice 3/12/21, Moody 10/26/17, Mooneyham 11/27/19, Moule 12/3/16, 4/4/19, Neill 4/22/21, 4/7/16, 6/26/16, Newbigin 1/30/16, 1/30/20, 8/29/21, 6/25/21, 1/30/23, Newman 8/11/25, 8/12/25, Niebuhr 9/10/16, 12/16/17, Oden 6/5/21, Overstreet 1/7/16, Owen 3/16/23, 4/23/22, 11/27/16, 11/27/18, 2/23/19, 6/2/20, 6/25/23, 12/11/24, 6/3/21, 2/14/22, 9/14/21, Packer 1/4/20, Palau 7/15/17, 11/25/07, Phillips 1/15/22, 5/30/18, 11/9/20, 1/6/24, Pinnock 8/27/22, 8/29/23, Rees 6/24/17, Reid 9/29/16, Ryle 5/6/25, Sadiq 8/12/04, Saphir 8/31/24, 6/25/24, Sayers 12/17/23, Schaeffer 6/6/24, Shepherd 2/20/24, Sherrill 1/22/21, 8/9/25, Smith 5/28/21, Spurgeon 1/10/21, Stearns 5/6/21, Steinmann 3/6/17, 4/17/16, Stott 7/27/20, 5/20/18, Summer 11/5/19, Temple 11/6/18, Tillotson 8/19/24, 5/4/17, 5/23/22, Trueblood 10/22/16, 7/15/24, van Gogh 4/16/25, Vidler 1/22/18, Vockler 4/21/17, Weil 4/15/22, Wesley 2/22/22, 2/11/23, Whale 11/24/16, 2/18/18, 4/14/20, Whately 10/18/19, 1/31/22, Wilberforce 7/30/21, 7/30/22, Williams 1/5/16, Wirt 9/26/17, Yancey 2/11/25
Gossip—Thomas à Kempis 7/24/23
Grace—Adams 5/19/16, Allen 6/8/17, 10/26/20, 6/9/22, Ambrose 3/20/20, 12/7/24, Anselm of Canterbury 4/21/16, Arndt 3/17/25, Athanasius 5/2/22, Augustine 3/13/19, Baker 7/29/21, Barclay 5/25/06, Barth 1/6/21, 6/17/17, 10/28/16, 12/1/20, 5/17/19, Basil the Great 1/2/24, Baxter 6/14/25, 6/14/24, Bernard of Clairvaux 3/29/24, Bishop 3/17/22, Bloesch 7/15/22, 7/17/25, Bojaxhiu 5/25/19, Bonar 12/25/16, 9/25/22, Bonhoeffer 11/18/17, 5/21/19, 4/17/20, 5/22/21, 4/9/22, 9/9/23, 10/31/24, 9/14/25, Bounds 2/26/20, 7/29/25, Brinsmead 11/3/18, Brooks 9/19/17, Bunyan 8/31/23, Buonarrotti 4/6/25, Buttrick 7/9/18, Calvin 8/21/24, 12/5/19, 5/27/21, 5/27/22, 10/25/25, Carlyle 10/31/21, Carrel 2/20/12, Cassels 11/24/24, Casteel 3/23/23, Catherine of Genoa 11/12/18, Clarkson 8/14/22, Colson 5/7/23, Cowper 6/1/25, Crashaw 2/2/21, Cyprian 9/16/18, Dale 1/22/17, Dawn 2/15/25, Denney 10/20/17, Dodd 6/1/22, 12/16/06, Donne 10/11/16, Dudley-Smith 5/7/20, Duggan 8/14/20, Dunstan 3/4/17, Eckhart 3/2/19, Edersheim 7/9/24, Edwards 2/14/19, Ellul 7/21/23, 1/14/22, Emrich 7/18/16, Faber 6/21/22, Fénelon 5/11/24, 11/29/20, 6/26/25, Flavel 4/28/21, Foster 6/11/23, Francis of Assisi 10/4/25, François de Sales 3/5/19, Gossip 1/15/24, 3/25/20, 5/26/20, Griffith Thomas 7/31/23, Grou 11/5/22, 9/27/23, Ham 9/6/23, Handel 7/28/23, Henry 5/20/16, 12/1/25, Hilton 6/5/19, 7/16/21, Hooker 11/3/23, Housman 5/15/22, Howells 9/19/04, Hromadka 6/20/19, Inge 7/20/16, 1/4/17, John Chrysostom 9/13/25, Johnson 2/19/21, 12/13/21, 12/13/25, Jones 8/8/18, Judson 4/26/21, Juliana of Norwich 5/8/16, Kingsley 6/18/21, Kraemer 10/20/16, Lamb 1/1/17, Lang 8/26/19, Law 12/6/07, Leighton 7/6/20, Lewis 6/11/19, Luther 10/30/21, 2/12/20, M’Cheyne 3/24/22, MacDonald 1/6/16, Manton 7/25/21, 2/9/21, Martin 7/8/19, Mechthild of Magdeburg 11/19/18, Merton 12/10/17, 12/10/20, 12/10/23, Moody 7/12/23, Murray 12/20/19, Newbigin 9/26/20, Newton 9/7/25, 7/6/16, 10/13/17, Nida 5/22/20, Origen 2/17/22, Owen 1/3/04, 8/30/24, 11/4/20, 3/5/05, 1/6/17, 10/18/17, 10/23/10, 5/13/23, 2/9/24, 2/17/23, 8/3/25, Packer 3/12/17, 10/17/19, Peterson 4/26/24, Phillips 12/15/19, Pink 3/15/22, Price 10/6/19, Quarles 12/28/17, Ramsay 3/28/20, Rees 6/21/17, 6/22/17, Rolle 1/20/24, Runyan 3/1/20, Rupp 1/11/21, Rutherford 8/19/17, 10/7/18, 3/23/19, Rutledge 10/26/22, Ryle 7/11/19, 9/28/20, 6/17/25, St. John 3/13/20, Saphir 7/6/21, 8/31/24, 6/25/24, Sayers 12/17/23, Scofield 2/28/25, Sheppard 5/7/17, Simeon 11/13/23, Skelton 8/16/24, Smith 7/16/19, South 2/14/05, Spurgeon 2/26/22, 8/1/22, 10/31/22, 4/19/23, Stanley 8/31/16, Stevenson 3/10/22, Stott 4/15/23, Struther 11/12/21, Studdert Kennedy 12/15/16, Summers 7/1/20, Tabb 6/21/20, Taylor 9/11/20, 9/15/22, 3/10/17, 3/12/19, 12/3/20, 7/7/20, 8/13/20, 8/13/23, Thomas à Kempis 11/30/11, 7/24/17, 11/30/20, 9/17/22, 2/14/23, Tippett 11/5/18, Trench 7/11/22, Troutman 4/20/16, Underhill 5/5/17, Watson 10/15/24, 10/14/25, Watts 9/14/24, 12/20/17, 4/18/19, 1/13/18, 11/26/19, Weil 9/5/24, Wesley 2/7/18, 6/12/25, Whale 2/17/18, 2/18/18, Whitefield 12/28/25, Whittier 2/16/19, Wilberforce 4/4/24, Williams 2/22/23, Wilson 11/30/22, Wycliffe 12/31/20, 12/31/25, Yaconelli 2/15/21, Yancey 12/6/23, 2/11/25, Zinzendorf 11/15/25, The Cloud of Unknowing 3/26/22
Grass—Farjeon 12/26/19
Gratitude—Allshorn 7/3/22, Bonhoeffer 2/11/19, Calvin 11/8/21, Carson 11/11/25, Coleridge 4/1/18, Coslett 6/2/21, Cowper 6/1/25, Gossip 2/4/07, Havergal 12/28/21, Herbert 2/27/24, Joad 3/21/20, Lewis 2/26/10, Merton 12/10/16, 12/10/23, Newton 7/12/24, Niebuhr 12/29/24, Pusey 12/22/23, Thomas à Kempis 9/22/25, Towne 11/23/17, Weinel 1/27/25, Whately 10/31/23
Great Commission—Barna 3/6/25
Greatness—Amiel 5/10/22, Augustine 8/3/24, Barclay 11/8/05, Bounds 8/19/21, Brooks 10/31/04, 5/4/18, 3/23/22, 1/23/24, 9/9/24, Chesterton 8/24/04, Cyprian 9/16/21, Drummond 7/19/16, Edersheim 7/9/24, Fénelon 11/7/21, 5/25/23, Grou 9/9/19, John of the Cross 12/14/24, Lewis 1/4/22, Moody 8/4/24, Origen 3/1/16, Pascal 11/7/18, 10/23/17, 5/20/21, Rolle 1/20/23, Studd 1/9/20, Summers 12/31/18, Teresa 10/15/19, Thomas à Kempis 10/6/21, 4/19/24, 7/24/25, Tillotson 6/5/25, Traherne 8/3/16, Underhill 1/3/16, Wells 7/13/10, Woolman 11/7/16
Greed—Drummond 3/18/20, Dyke 4/17/24, Gore 1/17/16, Laubach 7/5/25, Lewis 7/21/18, Marshall 11/21/19, Stott 2/16/24, Woolman 9/1/22
Grief—Amiel 1/29/25, Babcock 5/11/21, Barclay 10/15/06, Bernard of Clairvaux 3/29/24, Buechner 8/23/24, Carmichael 1/18/24, Drummond 9/11/21, Dyke 8/3/19, Hallesby 11/27/23, Phelps 12/14/23, Van Rooy 8/30/19, Ruysbroeck 8/18/25, Thomas à Kempis 7/24/22, Wright 2/3/25
Growth—Adams 5/19/18, 11/28/21, Baker 7/29/21, Bondfield 2/29/12, Brooks 8/5/04, Casteel 11/2/20, 3/23/23, Dougall 1/18/04, Drummond 3/6/04, Eckhart 2/9/17, Houston 6/17/20, Inge 7/20/16, Kates 11/30/17, Latourette 6/9/17, Law 4/16/04, Lewis 2/23/23, Luther 5/28/22, MacDonald 1/7/18, 8/9/23, Meredith 2/9/05, Owen 1/6/17, Paton 11/28/18, Rutherford 5/10/23, Shoemaker 7/3/20, Steen 11/27/22, Underhill 10/20/23, Weinel 11/16/16, Wesley 6/12/25, Wilberforce 4/4/24, Woods 7/23/17
Guidance—Allen 11/2/17, Ambrose 10/16/18, Baker 7/29/21, Boice 3/14/18, Brooks 10/11/22, Caussade 6/16/24, Clarke 11/15/18, Dyke 6/7/21, Engstrom 7/17/21, Flavel 1/3/22, Gregory of Nyssa 9/12/20, Haines 11/20/20, 1/12/25, Herbert 2/27/22, MacDonald 6/22/25, Merton 3/6/16, 2/20/20, Murray 7/20/22, Newbigin 4/19/18, 3/29/22, Oman 11/5/05, Rees 6/25/17, 4/30/22, Saphir 11/1/17, Seaver 11/18/23, Sergeant 12/31/17, Smith 6/23/20, Stephen the Sabaite 8/7/20, Talmage 4/28/23, ten Boom 2/24/20, Thérèse of Lisieux 4/23/19, Underhill 12/2/11, Willard 8/14/25
Guilt—Aldrich 6/1/21, 11/10/24, Barth 5/30/20, Bloesch 7/15/22, Brunner 3/24/23, 6/20/18, Davidman 7/25/22, Denney 7/26/19, Fuller 10/2/23, 2/24/24, Howard 3/29/19, Johnson 12/13/17, 7/12/19, Kates 2/24/18, Newman 6/7/11, la Rochefoucauld 2/10/20, Ryle 10/20/21, Scofield 2/28/25, Simeon 11/13/20, Spurgeon 11/9/25, Weinel 11/16/16, Whittier 4/16/16
Happiness—Aldrich 3/19/25, Allshorn 7/2/22, Amiel 4/8/25, Aristides 10/22/19, Augustine 10/17/24, Barclay 10/15/06, Bojaxhiu 9/29/25, Bonar 12/22/18, Brooks 5/28/06, Chesterton 3/7/20, Dale 1/22/17, Davidman 2/6/24, Faber 6/2/23, 9/17/21, Fénelon 11/7/21, 9/22/23, 5/25/18, Fuller 6/12/18, Grou 11/29/16, Havergal 12/28/21, John of the Cross 12/14/20, Johnson 3/26/18, 12/13/18, 7/12/19, 12/13/21, 12/13/22, Law 5/29/24, 9/1/24, 7/20/18, 6/5/06, 10/3/17, 11/28/22, 7/28/22, 4/19/22, Lewis 2/21/24, 8/10/21, 12/26/25, Marshall 11/21/19, Morgan 2/22/25, Muggeridge 11/14/18, 3/17/23, Newbigin 3/11/24, Newton 3/25/22, Owen 1/11/05, Pascal 12/5/16, 3/25/21, Percy 9/28/16, Phillips 1/6/24, Rutherford 8/16/18, 3/24/24, Ryle 2/16/22, Stevenson 10/3/19, Thérèse of Lisieux 10/1/19, Tillotson 5/23/16, 11/19/16, 5/9/21, Tozer 9/28/04, Traherne 11/16/23, Underhill 6/15/24, Weil 1/11/24, Weinel 11/16/16, Whately 10/18/19, Wilson 11/30/22, 9/10/22
Harmony—Bernard of Clairvaux 2/7/23, Brooks 1/23/23, Carmichael 1/18/22, Carrel 2/21/12, Kurosaki 10/14/24, Lewis 3/24/18, MacDonald 7/14/16, Milton 12/23/25, 7/28/25, Packer 8/9/17, Rossetti 4/27/24
Harvest—Ambrose 12/7/05, Calvin 2/13/18, Newton 9/22/19, Pink 10/29/20, Reapsome 5/21/18, Trueblood 2/2/19
Hatred—Adams 9/2/17, Anselm of Canterbury 4/21/16, Bonhoeffer 2/6/19, Brunner 5/31/16, Elliot 2/25/20, Figgis 2/11/21, Gossip 12/30/22, Gregory the Great 9/3/21, Isaac of Syria 9/28/24, Kierkegaard 9/8/22, Laubach 7/5/25, Law 3/11/20, Lewis 3/15/20, 3/30/25, Luther 1/11/18, 10/30/22, MacDonald 2/23/18, 2/19/17, 4/11/23, 1/5/25, Marshall 11/21/19, Merton 12/10/17, Overstreet 1/7/16, Owen 7/23/18, 5/2/16, Rashdall 5/6/23, Robertson 2/14/04, Ryle 2/16/22, Saphir 2/14/21, Sheppard 5/7/17, Tillotson 1/12/23, Wilson 11/30/22
Health—Allen 6/8/23, Atkinson 11/23/22, Augustine 10/9/16, 5/30/22, Babcock 5/2/24, Barclay 3/20/09, Betz 2/4/17, Bonhoeffer 7/26/22, Chadwick 1/5/17, Fénelon 10/6/22, Fuller 6/12/18, Gordon 7/8/24, Gossip 11/23/18, Hügel 11/10/18, Inge 10/9/22, Isaac of Syria 5/23/24, Jones 1/7/25, Law 11/24/04, 7/28/22, Lewis 11/22/18, 11/22/22, Moody 11/8/22, Murray 4/16/21, Nouwen 3/1/23, Parkhurst 11/15/20, Pascal 8/4/21, Rupp 1/11/21, Rutherford 10/23/16, Shepherd 10/21/17, Singh 6/19/17, Stevenson 9/11/17, Temple 4/28/18, Thomas à Kempis 9/12/24, Tozer 1/16/20, Williams 12/6/19, Wirt 9/26/25
Heart—Adams 5/19/16, 12/23/19, Aldrich 11/10/24, Allison 11/4/17, Allshorn 7/2/22, 9/21/16, 5/2/17, Andrewes 9/25/18, Anonymous 5/16/16, 12/28/19, Anselm of Canterbury 4/21/16, 4/21/20, 4/21/22, Anstice 11/1/18, 12/16/25, Arnold 5/18/20, Augustine 3/21/24, 7/18/18, 4/25/18, 12/25/25, Babcock 5/15/23, 5/2/24, Baillie 7/9/19, 6/26/24, Barclay 1/27/22, 3/13/22, Barth 7/20/20, 10/13/22, Beecher 8/27/21, 12/26/18, Bernard of Clairvaux 4/12/22, 3/22/17, 5/23/17, 8/20/20, 2/7/23, Bojaxhiu 9/1/18, Bonhoeffer 5/21/17, 11/11/16, 11/3/22, 4/9/24, Bounds 2/28/18, 10/12/24, Broadbent 3/7/17, Brooks 6/27/22, 1/23/21, Bunyan 8/31/18, 9/21/24, Buonarrotti 4/6/24, Calvin 9/5/25, 9/4/16, 10/24/19, 12/12/24, Campbell 4/13/12, 3/7/22, Carmichael 8/26/17, Carson 11/11/25, Chadwick 8/18/23, 9/9/25, Davidman 4/16/24, Denney 4/17/18, Dodd 9/23/17, 2/15/17, Donne 1/4/18, 6/4/24, D’Oyly 11/20/19, Dyke 6/7/21, Erasmus 10/19/20, 4/14/16, 11/9/21, Faber 2/15/22, Fénelon 3/21/23, 5/25/18, 9/15/21, Flavel 6/8/24, Forsyth 7/8/23, Foster 8/15/22, 11/27/25, Franck 7/28/24, François de Sales 1/24/21, 10/8/20, 3/4/24, Gossip 5/26/22, 9/9/16, 11/23/18, 4/7/19, 1/12/20, 11/29/19, Gregory the Great 9/3/24, Grigg 1/12/17, Grou 9/5/22, Hallesby 7/5/22, 7/18/23, 2/18/24, 9/27/25, Ham 12/3/19, Hamill 2/10/17, Hammarskjöld 10/14/16, Hastings 2/13/24, Havergal 10/4/24, Hay 8/5/16, Herbert 2/27/16, 2/27/24, 2/27/23, Hilton 11/12/23, 7/16/21, Hodge 6/21/21, John Chrysostom 9/13/21, 9/13/23, John of the Cross 12/14/19, John 6/24/20, Jones 5/18/21, Jud 2/3/23, Keble 7/14/24, 7/14/23, Kierkegaard 9/8/16, 9/8/17, Kilmer 4/13/22, Knight 9/14/17, Kreeft 2/9/25, Laubach 12/8/25, Law 6/2/25, 4/7/23, 4/14/04, 4/15/04, 4/16/04, 4/17/04, 4/18/04, 10/1/16, 2/2/07, 3/1/17, 1/3/08, 6/1/19, 4/10/25, 7/22/24, 3/11/20, Lawrence 6/11/17, 8/27/18, 4/21/21, Lewis 12/20/03, 7/21/18, 2/14/25, Luther 10/30/18, 6/7/17, 1/11/18, 7/9/20, 3/5/23, 10/30/25, M’Cheyne 10/21/21, 8/17/22, MacDonald 9/18/25, 3/23/20, 1/6/16, 2/19/17, 8/9/18, 11/1/21, 4/13/09, 12/11/21, 9/18/22, 9/18/24, Maclaren 5/3/22, 2/24/22, Markham 1/1/16, Merton 4/24/24, Messiaen 9/2/25, Meynell 12/18/21, Mott 1/22/24, Murray 7/15/25, Neill 3/27/24, Newman 6/24/16, 12/20/16, 10/10/22, Newton 7/12/24, 5/14/16, 2/12/17, 7/6/16, Nida 8/18/18, Nouwen 11/10/25, Orchard 3/18/24, Owen 7/11/24, 8/30/24, 12/11/24, 1/26/21, Pascal 4/11/25, 5/31/25, Patmore 5/6/22, Percy 9/28/16, Peterson 7/10/24, Phelps 12/26/20, 12/14/23, Phillips 8/6/24, 2/21/21, 12/12/23, 12/22/24, Pierce 3/4/25, Pinnock 1/6/18, Poteat 5/7/18, Pusey 9/16/17, 9/16/16, 10/23/25, 3/13/25, Quarles 10/9/21, Ramsay 7/8/22, Rauschenbusch 2/15/19, Reed 3/21/18, la Rochefoucauld 2/10/20, Rolle 1/20/21, 1/20/22, Rossetti 4/27/21, 4/27/18, Runyan 3/1/20, Rutherford 10/27/17, 3/28/18, 8/30/21, 11/2/21, 8/30/22, 3/22/25, Ryle 2/20/23, Sanders 2/15/24, Seaver 11/18/23, Sherrill 8/8/25, Shoemaker 7/3/20, Simeon 11/13/23, 11/13/18, Singh 6/19/18, 8/17/16, 6/19/24, 6/19/25, Smart 9/24/20, Smith 5/3/21, Soper 8/15/17, Sproul 9/21/25, Spurgeon 4/19/23, 3/5/24, 5/16/24, Struther 11/12/21, Swete 6/25/20, Tauler 8/2/24, 9/5/16, 2/13/19, Taylor 3/10/17, 3/11/17, 8/13/24, Temple 11/6/21, Thérèse of Lisieux 10/1/18, Thielicke 2/5/25, Thomas à Kempis 2/25/18, 12/27/22, 3/27/25, Thomas 8/22/24, Torrey 6/6/23, Tozer 8/21/23, 2/26/16, 12/8/23, 9/4/20, 10/10/21, 6/23/16, 8/19/18, 12/1/06, 6/29/17, 9/12/19, 10/14/22, Trench 6/29/16, 4/15/17, Underhill 1/3/16, 5/10/18, Vaughan 12/1/23, Watson 10/15/24, Watt 3/23/16, Webb-Peploe 2/17/20, Weinel 1/27/25, Wesley 2/22/22, 5/24/25, Whately 1/31/22, Whitefield 7/26/23, Wilberforce 7/30/25, 7/30/17, 9/22/24, 10/13/25, Wilde 3/12/16, Williams 3/3/23, Wilson 9/10/22, Woolman 11/7/16, Yaconelli 5/16/25, The Cloud of Unknowing 3/26/22, Theologia Germanica 11/11/04, The Westminster Confession of Faith 3/9/18
Heathen—Allen 6/8/23, 12/28/24, 10/8/19, 11/15/21, Browne 9/12/16, Carver 5/13/20, Donne 11/1/20, Fénelon 10/18/20, Freeman 3/11/10, Gossip 5/26/19, Gwatkin 4/17/21, Law 2/1/21, 12/27/25, Tertullian 10/21/19, Wesley 5/24/19
Heaven—Amiel 4/8/25, 6/11/24, Anonymous 5/16/16, Augustine 7/2/24, 10/7/20, Barclay 6/27/16, 12/16/20, Barth 7/20/20, 6/17/22, Baxter 6/14/16, 6/14/21, Bonar 12/22/18, 9/25/22, Bonhoeffer 12/4/21, Brent 6/5/17, Brooks 11/1/24, Browning 6/22/18, 3/11/22, Bunyan 8/31/21, Buonarrotti 4/6/24, Calvin 11/26/20, Chambers 4/13/16, 5/29/25, Church 1/7/17, 3/14/17, Clerk 9/12/18, Coleridge 8/30/17, 10/24/16, Cowper 2/22/24, Crashaw 12/23/17, Cyprian 9/16/21, Denney 2/19/16, Dodd 5/6/17, Donne 7/23/16, 1/4/18, 9/6/17, Drummond 12/15/23, Dyke 6/7/21, 8/23/17, 10/23/18, Eckhart 2/9/17, Edwards 3/24/25, Faber 5/30/19, 9/17/21, Farjeon 12/26/19, Flavel 4/28/21, Fletcher 10/25/21, Francis of Assisi 10/4/22, Gore 1/17/20, Gossip 8/17/23, 9/5/19, Head 11/17/25, Henry 11/15/24, Herbert 2/27/21, Housman 5/15/22, Inge 12/6/22, John of Damascus 8/7/23, Johnson 3/23/24, Johnston 11/23/23, Jones 3/16/21, Kates 5/23/18, Keble 7/14/24, 7/14/21, 12/18/23, Kilmer 8/21/22, Kingsley 6/18/21, Laubach 11/17/24, Law 8/1/17, 4/10/23, 4/10/21, 10/19/22, 12/27/25, Lewis 3/24/18, 2/23/22, 1/4/22, 2/14/25, Lichtenberg 5/3/08, Luther 3/5/23, 5/9/24, M’Cheyne 9/20/25, MacDonald 9/18/18, 12/25/20, 12/21/22, Manning 9/26/18, Manton 2/9/21, Micklem 8/5/23, Milton 12/23/25, 7/28/25, More 7/6/19, Newbigin 7/1/24, Newton 5/16/17, Owen 9/30/04, 11/4/20, 10/18/17, 11/5/21, 5/11/25, 8/3/25, Patmore 4/25/16, Robbins 10/2/14, Robertson 7/13/16, Rossetti 4/27/19, Rutherford 8/30/21, 8/30/22, Ryle 7/11/19, 8/14/21, 5/6/25, Savonarola 6/7/16, Sayers 12/17/25, Singh 4/25/19, 8/16/21, 10/17/22, 6/19/24, 1/21/25, Spurgeon 5/11/18, 11/9/25, Stanley 8/31/16, Stephen the Sabaite 8/7/20, Swete 4/8/17, Taylor 3/11/17, 3/26/20, 5/23/21, 8/13/24, Temple 5/13/21, 11/6/19, Thérèse of Lisieux 4/9/20, 10/1/21, Thomas à Kempis 3/27/25, Tillotson 7/5/16, 5/9/21, 12/11/19, Tozer 12/19/24, 3/24/21, Trench 4/15/17, Underhill 1/3/16, Vaughan 10/18/25, Warren 10/21/24, Wesley 5/24/21, 5/24/24, Willard 5/8/20, Williams 2/22/23, 4/19/25, Yancey 11/18/22, 10/21/23, 12/6/24, The Mirror of the Blessed Life of Jesus Christ 5/21/20
Heaven and Hell—Law 8/2/14, Lewis 2/21/24, Noyes 11/20/13, Pusey 9/15/19, Temple 11/6/19
Hell—Baxter 6/14/16, 3/22/22, Bell 5/18/16, Berdyaev 3/21/16, Booth 11/2/22, Brent 6/5/17, Brunner 4/15/25, Davidman 9/22/18, Donne 3/31/17, 6/24/19, Drummond 9/11/21, Johnston 11/23/23, Juliana of Norwich 5/8/18, Lewis 2/5/19, 2/14/25, 3/30/25, M’Cheyne 9/20/25, MacDonald 11/8/23, 6/23/18, 2/23/18, Owen 5/6/18, 4/22/04, Pink 12/29/19, Pinnock 10/11/19, Rutherford 10/7/18, Sayers 5/9/17, Singh 4/25/19, Spurgeon 8/10/23, Stanley 8/31/16, Studd 7/14/18, Thielicke 9/6/20, Thomas à Kempis 2/25/18, 3/27/25, Trench 4/15/17, Waller 12/20/18, Whale 2/17/18, Wilde 12/29/18, Yancey 10/21/23, Theologia Germanica 9/26/19
Helpfulness—Bonhoeffer 2/9/19, Coslett 6/2/21, Yelchaninov 6/29/24
Helplessness—Barclay 2/25/23, Bloesch 8/15/21, Clowney 6/3/18, Dodd 6/1/22, Griffith Thomas 7/31/23, Hallesby 9/27/25, Jukes 9/7/24, Merton 2/20/20, Murray 12/5/23, 10/7/24, Packer 12/15/24, Parkhurst 11/15/20, Pike 11/18/20, Poteat 5/7/18, Sanday 1/15/18, Sayers 12/17/22, Scofield 2/28/25, Simeon 11/13/24, Torrey 6/6/23
Heresy—Allen 6/8/18, 6/8/20, Allison 4/4/16, 11/4/17, Basil the Great 1/2/21, Bronnert 2/2/18, Bruce 9/28/18, Butterfield 6/9/24, Chadwick 9/30/16, Cundy 3/30/22, Edge 5/25/17, François de Sales 12/11/18, Hoskyns 10/24/17, Luther 1/11/18, 10/30/23, MacDonald 12/19/19, Mascall 9/1/20, Pike 11/18/20, Ramsay 11/30/19, Sayers 11/9/18, Schaeffer 4/19/21, Tillotson 10/22/10, Trueblood 10/22/16, Whale 2/18/18, Wren-Lewis 1/19/98, Wycliffe 12/31/16, 4/23/25, 12/31/24
Heritage—Davidman 8/7/16
Heroism—Cassell 1/14/20, Chesterton 6/13/20, Phillips 4/3/18, Studdert Kennedy 3/8/22, Weil 5/15/19
Hesitancy—Allen 6/9/25, Fénelon 11/29/20, Ramsay 8/22/23
Historical—Adler 1/14/16, Albright 11/8/18, Anderson 4/8/23, Andrewes 9/25/18, Aquinas 1/28/19, Aristides 10/22/19, Atkinson 1/10/17, Augustine 1/9/22, 8/9/10, Basil the Great 1/2/17, Beaufort 1/22/16, Betz 5/10/17, 4/22/20, Blake 4/16/10, Bonhoeffer 2/1/16, 7/25/25, Bornkamm 12/4/20, Bronnert 4/16/18, Brooks 5/4/16, 1/23/06, 9/22/21, Bruce 1/6/19, Brunner 4/24/16, 2/25/25, Bunyan 11/4/21, 8/31/19, Buonarrotti 4/6/16, Butterfield 1/5/18, Caird 2/13/20, Carlyle 10/31/21, Carmichael 7/15/10, Carson 12/27/21, Carver 5/13/20, Caussade 2/10/18, Chapman 11/8/17, Chesterton 2/9/16, 3/22/24, Clarke 11/15/18, Coleridge 5/31/18, Cyprian 8/24/19, Daniélou 4/13/18, Davidman 5/28/24, 12/12/17, Denney 6/26/17, 5/14/21, Dodd 6/3/25, 8/3/18, 5/6/17, Donne 1/4/18, 3/31/20, Ellul 12/12/20, Erasmus 2/8/20, Foxe 6/12/21, Francis of Assisi 10/4/21, 10/4/19, Froude 3/22/21, Fuller 12/31/22, Gasque 10/28/24, Glover 5/22/17, 4/23/18, Godsey 8/29/17, Gossip 2/8/23, 5/26/24, 10/21/16, 4/7/19, Gregory the Great 9/3/19, Grigg 1/12/17, Gwatkin 1/13/16, 3/9/17, Hanson 3/22/16, Hatch 6/9/18, 8/16/19, Hoskyns 7/15/23, 6/18/20, Ironside 3/15/19, John Chrysostom 6/1/18, Johnson 12/13/20, 5/4/23, 7/12/19, 7/13/19, Jones 10/4/20, Kraemer 12/18/16, Latourette 6/9/17, 12/22/17, Lewis 3/17/19, 6/6/04, 8/22/04, 4/5/16, 10/12/17, 11/22/17, 3/15/20, 4/24/23, 1/4/22, 9/17/24, 12/26/25, Lichtenberger 8/24/06, Lidgett 1/12/19, McGiffert 8/20/17, MacGregor 12/11/17, Machen 12/19/20, Mackey 2/22/04, Manning 9/26/18, Martin 7/29/18, Mason 9/30/18, Maurice 9/7/19, Mill 1/20/16, Minear 1/7/20, Moffatt 11/12/16, 3/16/19, Muggeridge 5/18/18, Newbigin 5/20/22, 10/2/17, 5/10/16, 1/30/17, 12/5/21, 1/30/25, Newton 9/19/18, Nida 11/27/17, Niebuhr 12/16/17, 3/27/20, Origen 10/13/20, Parkhurst 11/15/20, Perrin 4/26/20, 10/10/20, Phillips 9/20/20, 8/23/16, 3/13/17, 8/2/21, 9/24/22, 12/12/23, 12/22/24, 11/8/25, 3/30/24, 4/22/25, 12/19/25, 11/6/03, Pinnock 3/26/19, 2/5/24, Price 10/6/19, Ramsay 7/8/22, 8/22/23, 9/19/25, 11/30/19, 8/6/16, 3/28/20, 3/29/20, 3/30/20, Richardson 7/8/25, Rupp 9/1/16, Rushdoony 2/11/18, Rutherford 7/6/18, 10/23/16, 1/21/19, Ryle 11/24/17, Sadgrove 10/5/18, 4/21/19, 6/12/19, 10/23/23, Sarna 6/26/19, Savonarola 6/7/16, Schaeffer 4/20/18, 5/10/20, Seaver 11/18/23, Sergeant 12/31/17, Shaw 11/23/10, Shoemaker 1/15/17, Sproul 8/10/18, Spurgeon 12/2/18, Stanley 8/31/16, Steinmann 3/6/17, Stott 4/15/23, Studd 11/18/18, Studdert Kennedy 9/30/06, Summers 12/31/18, 7/1/20, Temple 11/6/20, Teresa 10/15/17, 10/15/97, Tertullian 6/27/20, 5/20/19, 10/21/19, Tillich 8/27/24, Tillotson 1/4/25, Torrey 9/11/22, Tozer 2/26/19, Trueblood 4/7/22, Underhill 10/20/23, 3/14/22, Vauvenargues 2/21/04, Wand 2/6/22, Wells 7/13/10, Wesley 5/24/22, 2/11/23, 7/5/17, 8/15/16, 5/24/18, Whitefield 5/28/16, Willard 4/6/18, Williams 5/15/20, 12/6/19, Woods 7/8/18, Workman 8/15/20, Wright 7/1/18, 5/9/19, 3/21/09, Middle English Sermons 5/16/19
Holiness—Allen 5/19/24, 6/8/17, Allshorn 4/14/24, 4/11/21, Andrew of Crete 8/7/21, Augustine 8/28/19, Baillie 8/10/17, Barclay 4/5/18, Barth 7/29/20, Baxter 6/14/19, 6/14/21, Beecher 12/26/18, Bernard of Clairvaux 4/12/22, Bojaxhiu 5/25/19, Bonhoeffer 7/26/22, Bounds 4/2/25, Bruce 7/5/21, Brunner 11/15/22, Buechner 7/22/23, Buonarrotti 4/6/22, Carlyle 2/14/18, Carson 5/7/21, Catherine of Siena 4/29/18, Caussade 10/15/25, Cecil 11/9/24, Chadwick 3/9/16, Church 1/7/17, Clarkson 8/14/22, Clifford 6/6/16, Clowney 6/3/18, Coleridge 8/29/20, Cowper 7/17/23, Cyprian 8/24/19, Davidman 5/28/17, 8/12/24, Dodd 5/15/18, Donne 6/26/22, 10/13/10, Edwards 2/5/16, 8/17/19, Faber 6/21/22, Flavel 8/26/18, François de Sales 1/24/23, 10/8/24, Gloag 6/2/19, Green 9/28/17, Grosseteste 10/9/20, Grou 1/29/17, 1/11/23, Hall 7/10/18, Hammarskjöld 9/23/22, Herbert 2/27/19, Hilton 11/12/23, 6/5/19, Housman 12/22/22, Kelly 2/6/16, 3/28/25, Kirk 3/2/23, Knight 10/9/18, Kraemer 12/18/16, Law 5/29/24, 7/11/16, 2/24/05, 7/20/18, 11/14/07, 12/6/07, 9/29/20, 6/10/14, Lawrence 10/26/19, Lewis 2/4/20, 2/16/21, Loukes 12/19/16, M’Cheyne 9/4/24, MacDonald 2/6/21, Manton 2/9/21, Murray 4/8/22, 4/13/23, 7/17/24, Niebuhr 12/29/24, Olson 9/20/19, Osiander 10/7/17, Owen 11/3/04, 11/4/20, 7/23/18, 9/7/16, 4/26/17, 10/18/17, 1/21/20, 6/3/20, 3/15/21, 6/3/21, Packer 6/20/24, Pike 2/1/18, Pink 10/19/25, Piper 6/18/24, Pusey 12/22/23, 10/23/25, Quarles 12/28/17, Rees 6/22/17, Robertson 5/13/19, 10/12/21, Rutherford 1/26/24, Ryle 11/24/17, 5/1/20, 8/2/23, 6/24/24, 6/17/25, Schaeffer 6/2/22, 11/8/24, Sproul 9/21/25, Spurgeon 4/19/23, Taylor 5/17/20, 8/13/20, Temple 11/6/21, Thérèse of Lisieux 4/23/19, 10/1/20, Thomas à Kempis 4/16/23, 11/18/16, 11/30/20, 3/27/25, 9/22/25, Tozer 1/19/22, 7/5/24, Traherne 11/16/25, Underhill 12/5/04, 6/15/19, 12/11/16, Wesley 7/5/17, Wilberforce 4/4/24, Williams 6/20/16, Yelchaninov 9/29/24, Theologia Germanica 11/30/18
Holy Spirit—Adams 5/19/23, 5/20/24, Allen 2/25/22, 10/8/22, 5/19/24, 11/2/17, 7/29/16, 6/10/19, 10/8/19, 11/15/21, 6/9/22, 6/9/25, Allshorn 6/20/20, Ambrose 10/16/18, 3/20/20, Arnold 8/15/18, Augustine 1/9/22, Baillie 6/26/24, 5/14/22, Barclay 1/9/07, Beecher 2/19/20, Bernard of Clairvaux 2/7/23, Betz 5/10/17, Bloesch 7/9/23, 3/10/23, Bonar 10/28/25, Bonhoeffer 11/11/23, Bounds 7/7/18, Brunner 4/15/25, Bunyan 11/4/21, Calvin 9/21/23, 9/5/25, 2/2/24, 8/14/17, 10/24/19, 12/12/24, Carey 3/16/18, Carson 11/11/25, Carver 5/13/20, Casteel 3/23/23, Cecil 11/9/24, Chadwick 9/9/25, 11/7/22, 5/21/24, 9/7/23, 6/7/25, Chambers 4/13/16, Church 12/29/22, Clark 8/10/24, Clowney 6/3/18, Cotterill 3/2/17, Cowper 2/22/24, Dodd 2/15/17, 5/31/07, 1/16/18, Edge 5/25/17, Eliot 5/28/23, Elliot 1/8/21, Ellul 7/19/20, 9/2/20, 10/26/21, Engstrom 10/14/21, Erasmus 5/2/25, Ferré 11/24/06, Finney 7/19/24, Fox 10/10/16, François de Sales 1/24/22, Goodspeed 3/6/21, Gordon 6/23/25, Gore 1/17/20, Gossip 10/27/22, Hallesby 10/11/18, 12/3/22, 11/27/23, Havergal 10/4/24, Hodge 1/17/18, Hopkins 7/14/20, Hoskyns 6/18/20, Houghton 9/24/23, Houston 3/12/22, Hovey 3/16/24, Ignatius of Antioch 10/17/23, Inge 7/20/16, Irenaeus 6/28/21, Jewett 9/5/23, John Chrysostom 3/6/18, 9/13/22, John 6/24/20, 6/6/25, Johnson 12/13/17, 9/26/21, 1/1/25, Jones 10/5/20, Kingsley 6/18/21, Kirk 9/30/17, Knight 10/9/18, Kurosaki 6/23/19, 10/23/21, Law 4/15/04, 5/30/16, 3/1/17, 8/1/17, 1/27/08, 4/10/18, 2/9/22, Leo XIII 3/11/18, Luther 6/7/17, 10/31/17, 10/30/21, 7/9/20, 10/30/24, MacDonald 6/26/21, 12/19/19, 12/29/25, Maclaren 12/5/25, Manley 8/6/18, 9/5/17, Merton 6/7/20, Moody 11/2/24, Murray 4/16/21, 4/13/23, Newbigin 4/19/18, 10/19/16, 1/19/18, Newton 1/29/19, Olson 9/19/19, 9/20/19, Orchard 3/18/24, Origen 3/1/16, 2/17/22, Owen 5/1/24, 2/23/19, 6/2/20, 12/11/24, 9/14/21, 11/19/22, Packer 5/4/19, 1/4/20, 6/20/24, Page 7/23/03, Phillips 5/15/16, 4/3/18, Pierce 4/23/21, Pike 4/7/24, 4/8/24, 10/3/25, Reed 3/21/18, Rees 1/14/23, 1/15/23, 1/16/23, 6/21/17, 6/22/17, 6/23/17, 6/24/17, 6/25/17, 4/30/22, 2/13/22, Rolle 1/20/19, Ryle 8/30/25, Sabatier 10/4/17, Salmon 5/28/25, Sanday 1/15/18, 3/1/18, Saphir 8/29/19, Schaeffer 2/24/17, 11/24/18, 10/8/21, 5/7/25, Singh 6/19/21, 6/19/23, 6/19/24, Smith 6/23/20, 5/3/21, Steinmann 4/17/16, Stott 1/12/18, 7/27/17, Studd 6/27/19, 10/14/17, Studdert Kennedy 3/8/16, Swete 11/16/24, 6/25/20, Taylor 6/26/20, 3/10/17, 3/11/17, 5/23/21, 8/13/23, Temple 11/6/16, Thérèse of Lisieux 2/5/18, Thomas à Kempis 12/27/22, Torrey 4/2/22, 6/6/23, Tozer 3/25/23, 8/26/25, Traherne 8/3/16, Underhill 2/2/22, 1/29/23, Wallis 6/22/20, Watts 1/13/18, Wesley 3/11/19, 5/24/19, 10/24/25, Whately 10/18/19, 2/1/22, Williams 7/4/17, 4/14/19, 5/1/25, Wycliffe 4/23/25, 12/31/24, “A Fruitful exhortation to the reading of holy Scripture” 3/12/18, Theologia Germanica 11/24/19, The Westminster Confession of Faith 3/9/18
Home—Aldrich 10/25/23, Allen 6/8/20, Aristides 10/22/19, Augustine 7/2/24, Baillie 10/31/25, 6/26/24, Bonhoeffer 11/2/25, Drummond 3/18/20, Dyke 6/7/21, Emans 4/5/19, Foster 1/13/20, Jones 10/31/16, MacDonald 12/25/20, Merriam 12/16/19, Muggeridge 5/15/21, Norbie 4/25/23, O’Donovan 5/13/16, 6/4/18, Phelps 12/14/23, Reed 3/21/18, Schaeffer 1/3/23, Watts 11/26/24, Whittier 2/16/19, Zinzendorf 8/14/18
Honor—Augustine 7/18/19, 5/30/22, Barclay 4/26/22, Bernard of Clairvaux 8/20/16, 6/29/23, Bonhoeffer 2/7/19, Bounds 3/6/24, Calvin 11/8/21, Chadwick 1/5/17, Clark 4/28/24, Cranmer 10/16/22, Davidman 9/22/18, Dryden 3/7/16, Ignatius of Loyola 7/31/21, 7/31/22, Kelso 1/31/19, Law 10/3/17, 9/10/23, Lewis 6/24/08, 11/22/22, MacDonald 4/4/18, 12/24/18, Owen 3/29/25, 6/25/23, Patmore 11/17/19, Phillips 4/25/20, Piper 6/18/24, Thomas à Kempis 10/8/16, 10/6/21, Watts 11/26/17, 11/26/19, 12/25/21, Wesley 2/7/18
Hope—Adams 5/19/22, Allshorn 4/14/24, Anonymous 11/25/19, Anselm of Canterbury 4/21/20, Augustine 5/4/25, Baillie 10/31/25, Barclay 8/16/16, 9/21/22, Barth 6/17/17, Bayne 12/6/18, Bonhoeffer 12/22/21, 2/19/22, 9/14/22, Brent 6/5/17, Brooks 12/3/17, 3/31/24, Bruce 5/30/24, Brunner 4/24/16, Buechner 8/23/24, 12/9/25, Buonarrotti 4/6/24, 4/6/25, Calvin 12/4/17, 10/3/20, 11/26/20, 7/22/21, Carmichael 1/18/16, Cecil 3/20/23, Chapman 9/2/21, Chesterton 3/7/20, 6/13/22, Church 12/29/22, Coleridge 8/30/17, Cowper 8/25/20, Dale 1/22/17, Dekker 5/13/24, Denney 6/10/23, Donne 11/1/20, Eliot 5/28/23, Gossip 2/8/23, 2/4/07, 5/26/21, Grou 5/9/23, 6/26/23, Handel 7/28/23, Hardy 12/24/03, Inge 12/6/22, 10/13/24, Irving 1/12/16, Johnson 12/13/20, 3/26/18, Keble 7/14/17, Kingsley 11/21/23, Laubach 12/8/25, Law 8/25/04, 9/25/04, 1/3/08, 11/28/22, Lawrence 7/31/24, Lewis 6/28/04, 8/5/17, 5/3/18, 11/22/24, Luther 10/31/17, MacDonald 4/4/18, 5/14/18, 2/11/20, 9/18/24, Meyer 9/10/25, Milford 4/18/16, Muggeridge 10/23/19, 1/3/21, Murray 12/20/19, Newbigin 10/2/17, 1/19/18, Newton 7/6/16, Owen 8/30/24, 6/2/20, 10/23/10, Packer 11/5/24, Paton 6/18/22, Phelps 12/14/23, Phillips 4/17/19, 6/18/19, 10/16/23, Pinnock 12/18/25, Polycarp 2/23/25, Powell 8/6/17, Robinson 9/17/20, Van Rooy 8/30/19, Rutherford 1/16/25, Ryle 7/11/19, St. John 3/13/20, Schaeffer 6/16/16, Schiller 9/7/17, Shepherd 2/20/24, Sherrill 1/22/21, Simeon 11/13/18, 11/13/22, Steen 11/27/22, Stevenson 9/11/17, Swete 4/8/17, Tabb 6/21/20, Taylor 3/26/20, Temple 11/6/16, Thérèse of Lisieux 8/22/19, Thielicke 2/5/25, Thomas à Kempis 3/19/20, Tillotson 10/10/19, 3/24/20, Tozer 12/17/18, Trench 6/29/16, Underhill 6/15/21, Watts 11/26/22, 11/26/24, Whitehead 3/19/18, Wilberforce 7/30/21, Yancey 10/21/23
Hopelessness—Allen 6/9/22, Bernard of Clairvaux 2/4/18, Griffith Thomas 7/31/23, Newbigin 10/2/17
Hostility—Calvin 5/27/21, M’Cheyne 12/28/16, Manley 9/5/17, Oden 10/29/05, Phillips 11/10/21, Vitz 2/22/20
Humane—Albright 11/8/18, Lewis 3/17/19
Humility—Allshorn 12/5/20, Amiel 6/11/24, Anstice 11/1/18, Arnold 1/9/16, Augustine 12/9/23, 3/13/19, 8/28/21, 8/28/22, Baillie 8/10/17, 5/14/22, Barclay 4/25/17, Basil the Great 1/2/23, Bonhoeffer 2/11/19, Brent 12/15/22, Brooks 5/4/18, 9/9/24, Brown 8/25/18, Browne 8/22/22, Calvin 4/3/19, Carmichael 1/18/25, Cassels 6/5/24, Cate 2/7/20, Cecil 11/9/24, Church 3/14/17, Cyprian 9/16/25, Davidman 12/2/21, Dawn 2/15/25, Donne 6/26/22, D’Oyly 11/20/19, Eckhart 9/29/18, Edwards 3/24/25, 9/17/23, Erasmus 5/2/25, Fénelon 11/7/21, Flavel 7/13/25, Foster 2/1/23, Francis of Assisi 10/4/21, François de Sales 3/5/19, 1/24/18, 1/24/20, 12/5/22, Fuller 4/24/19, Grou 12/20/21, 12/21/23, 5/9/23, 12/4/25, John Chrysostom 11/14/16, Johnson 12/13/20, Jones 10/4/20, Kurosaki 3/4/23, Law 8/22/16, 10/3/17, 6/1/19, 2/25/19, 4/10/21, 2/9/22, 2/20/25, 11/20/24, Lawrence 6/11/17, Lewis 2/15/16, 6/1/16, 9/3/23, Lloyd 6/16/17, MacDonald 2/6/21, Manley 3/18/21, Marshall 6/11/18, Maugham 9/23/19, Merton 12/10/20, Milton 12/25/17, Moffatt 2/26/18, Moody 11/2/24, More 4/6/19, Murray 4/8/22, 7/17/24, Newman 9/30/24, Newton 2/7/24, 10/13/17, Owen 3/14/20, Pascal 7/16/23, Phillips 12/22/24, Pusey 12/22/23, Reeves 1/22/22, Rossetti 4/27/25, Rutherford 5/10/23, Ryle 9/28/20, 2/12/21, 10/20/21, St. John 3/13/20, Simeon 11/13/22, 11/13/19, 11/13/24, Spurgeon 1/10/21, Teresa 10/15/19, Thérèse of Lisieux 10/1/20, Thomas à Kempis 10/26/23, 11/28/24, 11/21/17, 7/24/18, 11/30/20, 4/30/21, 10/6/21, 9/17/22, Tillotson 9/22/16, 5/4/17, Tozer 12/17/18, Trench 7/11/22, Underhill 3/9/21, 4/15/20, 2/22/16, 1/3/16, 5/10/18, 1/29/23, van Gogh 4/16/25, Watson 12/5/18, Weinel 1/27/25, Wesley 5/24/25, Whitefield 5/28/16, Wilberforce 4/2/23, Wilson 6/17/18, Woolman 11/7/16, 9/1/22, 12/2/22, Wright 6/30/18, “A Fruitful exhortation to the reading of holy Scripture” 3/12/18
Humor—Bennett 4/7/18, Butler 3/26/96, Chesterton 6/13/19, Lamb 1/1/17, Luther 6/7/19, Marshall 5/14/14, Newton 5/16/17, Smith 6/5/11
Husband and wife—Paton 8/2/18
Hypocrisy—Bonhoeffer 2/24/25, Chesterton 10/28/20, Donne 6/26/18, Fénelon 4/19/06, Gore 1/17/16, Jones 12/21/21, Law 1/3/24, Lewis 11/22/20, MacDonald 2/25/16, Origen 2/17/22, Osiander 10/7/17, Owen 11/2/19, Robertson 2/14/04, Stott 1/7/24, Studd 10/31/19


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Last updated: 12/24/24

























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