Saturday, December 2, 2023

Patmore: Kind souls

[Jesus:] “Do to others as you would have them do to you.”
—Luke 6:31 (NIV)

Kind souls, you wonder why, love you,
When you, you wonder why, love none.
We love, Fool, for the good we do,
Not that which unto us is done.
... Coventry Patmore (1823-1896), Florilegium Amantis, London: G. Bell, 1879, p. 233 (see the book)
See also Luke 6:31; Lev. 19:18; Matt. 5:44-46; 7:12; 22:39; Rom. 13:8-9; Gal. 5:14-16; 6:2; Jas. 2:8

Quiet time reflection:
Lord, give growth to Your people in doing good to others.
See yesterday
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  by Robert McAnally Adams,
  Curator, Christian Quotation of the Day
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