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Believer's Desktop Companion 2007 is available for release on this web site. It is completely free of charge and available in a variety of configurations.
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Also, see the Believer's Desktop Companion 2007 Blog for all the latest news.
Believer's Desktop Companion 2007 is a light-weight, generalized text-presentation platform for which a small library of books and other documents are available, including
- The Holy Bible, Authorized (King James) Version (full text)
- The Holy Bible, original languages (Hebrew Old Testament & Greek New Testament, full text)
- The Holy Bible -- ASV, Darby, Basic English, Young's Literal Translation (each full text)
- The Christian Quotation of the Day (daily devotional)
- C. H. Spurgeon's Morning and Evening (full text, daily devotional)
- Daily Light on the Daily Path (full text, daily devotional)
- One-year Bible reading plan (daily devotional)
- Thomas à Kempis' The Imitation of Christ (full text)
- Augustine's Confessions, City of God, & Enchiridion (each full text)
- Pascal's Pensées (full text)
- Reed's Outline of Fundamental Doctrine (full text)
- Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion (full text)
- Macdonald's Unspoken Sermons (full text)
- Luther's Preface to Romans, Table Talk, Commentary on Galations, & Babylonian Captivity of the Church (each full text)
- Easton's Bible Dictionary (full text, reference)
- Smith's Bible Dictionary (full text, reference)
- Nave's Topical Bible (full text, reference)
- Torrey's New Topical Textbook (full text, reference)
- Treasury of Scripture Knowledge (full text, reference)
- Scofield's Notes (full text, reference)
- International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia (full text, reference)
- Creeds, Confessions, Collects, & Catechisms (full text)
- Daily Prayer (a full-featured custom application)
- Strong's Hebrew Lexicon (full text, reference)
- Strong's Greek Lexicon (full text, reference)
Believer's Desktop Companion 2004 presents a novel design in text browsers, raising the integration between documents to a new level. Here are some of the features of Believer's Desktop Companion 2007:
- rigorous conservation of desktop real estate
- ease and flexibility in the size and position of windows
- no disk operations, except for updates to the registry, NotePoints, and when generating the HTML Bible
- no interference with operation of other applications
- full-text search on every document
- automatic Scripture hyperlinks
- complete flexibility in type size and typeface
- context-sensitive menus and tooltips throughout
- date-based daily devotionals good for seven years
- browser-style "Back" and "Forward" tracking through history
- bookmarks & dog-ears
- flexible configuration management for memory conservation
- ideal for leaving active on the desktop all day
- hyperlinks from Bible or other document words to the Bible Dictionary
- multiple Bible translations
- the Bible in the original languages
- Scripture cross-references and Strong's numbers generated from reference works
- Chapter summaries and commentary resources for the whole Bible
- powerful analysis tools for Bible study or sermon preparation
- seamless transition to other translations available locally or through Gospelcom.net's Bible Gateway
- all seven years of the Christian Quotation of the Day
- annotation capability on every paragraph of text through the NotePoints feature
- small
To download the full application suite (84.7 MBytes), select Believer's Desktop Companion 2007, save the download to your directory, and then double click on the file, "BDCompKJV111.exe", to complete the installation.
If you have not yet installed SIL Ezra, you may download and install the Ezra fonts from SIL at
Scroll down to the place where one can download the module called SILHEB11.exe, run the executable, storing the contents in some place you can access, and then install the nine fonts contained in the package, in the subdirectory "... SILHEB11\Fonts". Believer's Desktop Companion 2007 will recognize their presence on the next launch.
For those wanting a smaller configuration, there are several choices. To download only part of the suite,
You can add to these smaller configurations later. To add components or to update the program, after this installation is complete, go to your version's home page by (1) launching Believer's Desktop Companion 2007, (2) right click on the bookshelf, (3) select Network and then "Get latest version".
- Select The Christian Quotation of the Day alone (12.9 MBytes), save the download to your directory, and then double click on the file, "BDCompKJV111C1.exe", to complete the installation.
- Select C. H. Spurgeon's Morning and Evening (12.1 MBytes), save the download to your directory, and then double click on the file, "BDCompKJV111C2.exe", to complete the installation.
- Select the classics configuration (20.6 MBytes), including Thomas à Kempis' The Imitation of Christ, Augustine's Confessions, Of Christian Doctrine, City of God, Enchiridion, Pascal's Pensées, Macdonald's Unspoken Sermons, and Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion, save the download to your directory, and then double click on the file, "BDCompKJV111C3.exe", to complete the installation.
- Select The Holy Bible, Authorized (King James) Version (10.9 MBytes), save the download to your directory, and then double click on the file, "BDCompKJV111C4.exe", to complete the installation.
- Select Bible study suite (71.3 MBytes), including The Holy Bible, in the Authorized Version, the American Standard Version, Basic English, Darby translation, Young's Literal Translation, and the original languages, Easton's Bible Dictionary, Smith's Bible Dictionary, Nave's Topical Bible, Torrey's New Topical Textbook, and Reed's Outline of Fundamental Doctrines, plus Treasury of Scripture Knowledge, Scofield's Notes, Strong's Hebrew and Greek Lexicons and the International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia, save the download to your directory, and then double click on the file, "BDCompKJV111C5.exe", to complete the installation.
Compilation Copyright, 1996-2008, by Robert McAnally Adams,
Curator, Christian Quotation of the Day.
Logo image Copyright 1996 by Shay Barsabe, of "Simple GIFs", by kind permission.
Send comments to curator@cqod.com.